"Wow, this bamboo rice is so delicious."

The steamed bamboo tube rice exudes a fragrance of natural plants and herbs, which makes everyone move their fingers. Han Fei also opened the activity this day and ate several bowls.

When he was full, Mr. Huang suddenly patted his stomach: "it seems almost interesting. Pengpeng went to get the watermelon in Jingli town. It's the most suitable time to eat. Let's go to the mushroom house. It's dark and there are many mosquitoes outside."

As soon as I heard that there were fruits after dinner, everyone began to drool. As a result, they had been in the house for a long time. This pengpeng couldn't wait left and right. Teacher he was worried: "pengpeng won't fall into the well?"

Listening to what teacher he said, everyone was worried. They hurried to the backyard. When they got to the backyard, they found that pengpeng was fine, but they were in a daze at the wellhead and followed the devil.

Zifeng was frightened and subconsciously grabbed Han Fei's hand: "he, what's the matter?"

Teacher he came forward and patted pengpeng on the shoulder: "why? It's scary to stand here."

Peng Peng was embarrassed to scratch his head: "well, the watermelon is too big and the bucket is too small. I can't get it."

The crowd was absolutely down. Mr. Huang covered his face and said, "if you can't do it, just say it. Can you solve the problem by standing here?"

In order to eat watermelon, Mr. He also tried, and found that he couldn't get it out.

Han Fei thought about it, so he went to the utility room to get out the bamboo cut by Peng Peng in the afternoon, and then found two ropes: "come on, Zifeng, help me take a flashlight."

"Ah? Oh." Zifeng didn't know what Han Fei was going to do, but he watched with expectation as he cut a hole in the bottom of the bamboo.

A total of four bamboos were made, and then two bamboos were put into the hole, knocked tightly with a firewood knife, and finally wrapped with a rope.

"Done." Han Fei stood up and came out of the utility room.

Seeing the strange things in his hand, Zifeng asked curiously, "elder martial brother Han, how can I catch the watermelon?"

"You'll know later." Han Fei saw the girl's confused face and rubbed her head with a smile.

When they came to the well, the three of them were still trying to get the watermelon out of the bucket. Purple Maple said, "Oh, don't break the watermelon. We have secret weapons."

Don't mention how proud and charming that tone is. Although she doesn't know what the principle of this thing is, after a day's contact, she has an inexplicable trust in Han Fei and believes that he can fish out the watermelon.

Seeing the tools in Han Fei's hand, Mr. Huang's eyes lit up, and Mr. He responded with dissatisfaction: "this is a good way."

Pengpeng is still ignorant. Can such a simple thing really get the watermelon out?

Han Fei put the tools down into the well from both sides at the same time, and then carefully pulled the rope to cover it against the edge of the watermelon.


The watermelon was brought up by Han Fei little by little.

"Yeah, great." Zifeng jumped up and cheered.

The watermelon was cut into pieces and served on the table. Everyone ate very comfortably, especially pengpeng. It felt like a dollar coin fell off the street. Maybe you didn't bother to bend down to pick it up, but if you were just going to take the bus and were about to take out the coin to get on the bus, the coin fell into the drain hole, and then you finally fished the coin out of the drain hole, I guess I wanted to kiss the coin.

Han Fei saw that Zifeng could eat watermelon juice on his hand, so he smiled and handed her some paper towels: "put some paper towels on his hand when eating watermelon, so that the watermelon juice won't flow everywhere."

Zifeng smiled awkwardly, and then asked curiously, "elder martial brother Han, why do you know so much?"

Han Fei didn't expect that she would ask such a question. He thought: "usually pay more attention to observation. It's like acting. You can't act out of thin air according to your imagination. You need to be close to life. What kind of people will react under what circumstances, so that the role will be real."

Miss Huang thought: "so, Han Fei, are you an experiential school?"

Han Fei shook his head and said with a smile, "almost, but I prefer methodology."

Methodology school is actually an extension of experiential school, which advocates deeply excavating the complexity of human nature and people's hearts through the actors' external limbs and expressions.

"Well, elder martial brother Han, Mr. Huang, do you think I should study expressionism, experience, or methodology?" Zifeng was a little confused. Although these schools can always be explained by the teacher in class, when it comes to acting, she still habitually used her own method.

Mr. Huang looked at Han Fei and said with a smile, "you haven't started yet. It's too early to talk about these. Moreover, it's not what faction we think you are suitable for, but what faction you think you are suitable for, or you are the faction you want."

Han Fei agrees with Mr. Huang very much. In fact, whether it is expressionism, experience or methodology, they are just theories summarized by predecessors. Before that, did no one act?

Drama has always existed. The so-called methods and factions are just for people to quickly learn and summarize the theory. In fact, many actors have never learned any performance theory at all, but their performance is natural and their own school.

The reason why Han Fei calls himself a Methodist is that the Methodist is more flexible. For example, the experiential school wants to play a one armed great Xia like Yang Guo, which is to let the actors fantasize that they are indeed missing an arm, while the Methodist School will let the actors tie up their arms to experience the life with only one hand.

Zifeng held his chin and seemed to understand, but he didn't understand. He thought he must write down these words before going to bed and take them out later.

Peng Peng is an envious person. He has actually asked many people about these questions asked by Zifeng. Some old actors in the crew and teachers in the college, but every positive answer is to say yes rather than No. they sent him away. It's not like Zifeng. People broke it up and crushed it and told her.

Just when they couldn't find a topic, Zifeng suddenly thought of something and came down from upstairs with a guitar: "senior brother Han, they say you sing best. Can you..."

Han Fei was stunned, smiled and scolded, "where did you hear that?"

Zifeng stuck out his tongue and looked forward to him. He looked like a homeless dog. It was pathetic. Han Fei didn't have the heart to pick up the guitar for a moment.

But what do you sing? Han Fei thought for a while and suddenly snapped his fingers.

"Nothing can stop it

Your longing for freedom

An unrestrained career

Your heart is free "

Originally, Han Fei's guitar solo was enough to fascinate people, but as soon as the lyrics of this song came out, everyone was stunned.

Not only Mr. He and them, but also the film crew were dumbfounded. There was silence around. Only the sound of insects from time to time seemed to cater to Han Fei's song.

The director was so excited that he almost jumped up, but he was afraid to disturb such a good artistic conception on the scene. He could only clench his fist and force himself not to make a sound.