March is definitely a good month for penguin video. It was completed only that month. As for the entertainment media, it's natural to blow whoever is hot. The front page title of the early stage may still be [so and so star with professional manager hanging the whole network], and then it turned to [tomb raiding notes small-cost counter attack, setting off a new wave of online drama]. Well, there's nothing wrong.

Han Fei and Jiang Qinghou have also been frequently mentioned by the major media and quickly recognized by the majority of netizens. If the previous "passing through the window together" only made these two names heard by some people, the emergence of "Tomb theft notes" has completely made them well deserved stars and star directors.

Especially after their identities were exposed, one was a senior and the other was a graduate who had just graduated for more than a year. In the current atmosphere of poor employment environment and fierce competition, they completed things that many people can't do in their life. Such an experience can be called a legend.

For a time, Han Fei and Jiang Qinghou became the benchmark figures of college students, especially Han Fei. Originally, his works had a strong foundation in the student circle. This was a complete outbreak. Whether college students or primary and secondary school students, it doesn't seem too much to use a sentence like Lei Guan's ear to describe his name.

For the students of Beijing film, this is even more true. Han Fei's achievements may not be achieved for a lifetime, but as Han Fei's classmates, they can blow this thing for a lifetime.

When the results of the art examination were released in March, many students who were admitted to Beijing Film and other art colleges unconsciously chose Beijing film. This is the benefit of celebrities. In the eyes of these art candidates and their parents, Beijing film can teach students like Han Fei. It must be that their educational methods are more advanced, Otherwise, why don't other colleges produce one and a half Liu Fei and Li Fei?

This year was the highlight of Beijing film, and it was also a nightmare for other art colleges in Beijing. The addition of a large number of high-quality students made the media Marvel a few years later. In particular, the graduation group photos of the performance department were jokingly called "star class group photos" by the media, while other art colleges of the same kind were miserable this time, and few could get mixed up in the end.

However, these changes in the outside world are not obvious to Han Fei. Tao Yuehua naturally had to practice them hard and let them make up for the course.

The art school is different from ordinary universities. The four-year curriculum is very full. Even in the second half of the senior year, there are courses to learn. Therefore, Han Fei and his colleagues not only have to review the courses of last semester, but also learn new possibilities. The pressure can be imagined.

Of course, in this way, Han Fei and his classmates avoided contact with the external media and stayed in the college all day. Even the students were used to it from the beginning.

It slipped away quietly in March. Seeing the coming of April, the popularity of "tomb robbing notes" has decreased, but it is still full of stamina. The short series has achieved the popularity of on-demand broadcasting in advance. Although the revenue has declined slightly, it is also considerable enough.

Han Fei also got the revenue details of the whole March from Penguin video, of which the revenue from member on-demand is 37.24 million, while the revenue from advanced on-demand is 56.72 million, which seems to be a lot. However, 30% of penguin video should be deducted, and half of penguin film.

Han Fei can get only 32.88 million. After deducting various taxes, he can get more than 25.3 million. It doesn't seem to be much.

However, the investment of the whole "tomb robbing notes" is 16 million, and Han Fei undertakes 8 million. According to the income, it is the income ratio of 300%. This value is very amazing in the industry.

What's more, "tomb robbing notes" is not a one hammer deal. Although the income declined in April, Han Fei won't have much less in his hands than in March.

Some media estimated that Han Fei's personal income would exceed 70 million for this film alone. For a time, the whole public opinion was shocked. It was just an online play. When did the online play make so much money?

Of course, Han Fei can't get the money for the time being. It is estimated that it can't be divided until the second half of the year. Han Fei's main source of income is still "bird studio".

It is worth mentioning that the popularity of "bird studio" has improved more than one level since the fire of tomb robbing notes. Now when it comes to "bird studio", netizens think of the producer of "tomb robbing notes".

Before, the film and television industry still sniffed at the mention of this name: "a small broken studio for audio books". Now it is completely different. No one will underestimate this small studio that seems to have nothing.

In the audio reading circle, "bird studio" has become a big flag. The most talked about goal of many studios in meetings is "bird studio".

The business of flying bird studio has ushered in a new wave of climax. Han Fei is very busy, expanding the recruitment of employees and renting a new studio. Xu Qingya still comes to work with empty hands every day, which makes Han Fei very unhappy.

"You don't have to record any more programs in the future."

Xu Qingya couldn't stop her tears falling down.

"No, can you listen to me first and then cry?" Han Fei was speechless. The silly girl was stubborn and strong. Why did she cry just after saying a word?

Xu Qingya raised her head with rain, and there was a little stubbornness in her eyes, which meant: I didn't do anything wrong. Why did you fire me?

Han Fei was happy: "I mean, in the future, the work of the studio will be managed by you, and you will be promoted."

This is a great thing. Who would have thought that Xu Qingya refused without thinking: "No."

Hey, Han Fei is so angry.