The curtain of the second act opened. It was obviously a classroom. Charlotte returned to her student days, but thought it was in a dream.

Then he was educated by Mr. Wang. The classmate who played Mr. Wang was called Wang Han. He was very gentle. He was a fellow of Qin Ming. He used to play such roles as hated villains in the college drama club. As soon as Qin Ming said there was a teacher's role, he agreed without saying a word. As a result, he found out after he came, The teacher doesn't seem to have a positive image.

This scene is also full of jokes, especially Charlotte roared: "in my dream, can I let you bully me like this?"

Then rose up and resisted. After a farce, the painting style changed. When Charlotte saw her mother, it also gave the whole noisy scene a trace of warmth.

After that, the plot became more absurd. Charlotte returned to his school days, but his memory remained in his mind, so he began to "write songs" and once became the most popular singer.

Han Fei suspected that the screenwriter of "Charlotte's troubles" must have been inspired by reading online entertainment novels.

Writing songs is more interesting. Han Fei didn't turn out some old songs of this time and space, but replaced all the songs sung by Charlotte with his own. Some viewers saw the problem at a glance and booed everywhere.

Naturally, the old audience didn't know what this was. They had to ask the young audience around them. When they asked, they knew that the original songs were written by the young man on the stage. They couldn't help but look at them with admiration.

After that, the plot was basically the same as that of the film, but the jokes were more dense. Until Xia Luo copied all the songs she could copy. When she was poor, Qiu Ya had deeper and deeper contradictions with him. Xia Luo also found that the goddess just seemed to look beautiful. When she really lived, Ma Dongmei, the wife of the chaff, was more suitable, but Ma Dongmei had already married Dachun.

In the original plot, Xia Luo also sang a song here, which was Yang Zongwei's "just once". Han Fei didn't use this song here, but chose Wu Qilong's "fireworks".

"Always want to have it again after losing it. If time can go back..."

The dark scene was pulled back. Only Han Fei sat alone in his chair, playing his guitar and singing this "fireworks". The eyes of some more emotional audiences have been wet. It's hard to believe that this seemingly unreasonable and noisy plot can move the audience like this.

"There is something about this transformation, especially this song, which can express the protagonist's current mood at once." representatives of various art schools couldn't help nodding secretly.

Tao Yuehua also had to admire Han Fei's musical talent: "yes, it resonates so much. This boy is really good at taking advantage of his own advantages."

The president of Huadian suddenly smiled: "you two, I shouldn't say any more now. Is this boy not doing his job?"

President Wu and the people's art leaders looked slightly red. This was their evaluation of Han Fei's playing music. Unexpectedly, President Huadian finally caught the opportunity today. However, we have to admit that this song is too timely. Even if it is put in a drama that basically doesn't sing, it doesn't seem abrupt at all.

In the last act, Charlotte returned to reality. Everything before seemed to be an overly real dream. In Charlotte's embrace with Ma Dongmei, this seemingly absurd drama with laughter and warmth ended.

All the actors stand in a row, and the applause of the audience off the stage can explain the problem very well. Even some audiences who are used to crosstalk have to admit that there is nothing wrong with the play. When it is funny, it is no worse than crosstalk, and the sensational places are often unexpected. It is clear that everyone is still laughing one moment before, but they burst into tears the next moment, However, the sensational plot is handled very roundly, and the actors' mood is also in place. It is not the hard core sensational story that casually makes everyone cry.

The audience responded well, but relatively speaking, the expressions on the faces of people's art leaders and art school representatives seemed a little disappointed.

Even the head of the Wu academy never asked anyone else's opinion. You know, when the "donkey gets water" performance was over, the head of the Wu Academy was called a bang se.

Backstage, Han Fei and others performed quite happily. Everyone was also excited and began to discuss the details of the performance just now. Qin Ming and Jin Boyuan naturally had to quarrel. For example, the other party didn't do well.

After sitting for a while, they suddenly felt something wrong, especially the old members of the team, because after the last performance of "donkey gets water", President Wu came to offer condolences with a large group of people. How long has it been this time? Was it delayed by something?

As a result, Jin Boyuan went out to have a look. Who else was at the front desk? All went to dinner, and suddenly the atmosphere backstage became a little depressed.

"OK, don't be silly. Aren't you hungry? Go, it's my treat. Let's have a good meal." Han Fei slapped everyone's attention.

Everyone felt hungry one by one. Can they not be hungry? They didn't eat much in the morning in order to maintain their state before going on stage. The performance for nearly three hours was not fun.

The party found a restaurant. The dishes came up, but no one moved chopsticks. Han Fei said reluctantly, "no, you tangled up a piece of wool? How are we doing? Can we still count according to the audience's reaction?"

"But..." Jin Boyuan tried to stop talking.

Han Fei interrupted: "don't forget, the play is for the audience, not for the leaders of the art school. Whether they like it or not is none of our business? In the future, the films I made will be specially for the ordinary audience. As long as the audience applauds and buys, I don't care whether they are happy or not?"

"You're right, don't worry about them." Qin Ming clapped the table.

Everyone's mood was immediately driven, and wine glasses were brought up one by one.

Not surprisingly, "Charlotte worry" didn't get too high marks in the public performance of the drama. Even the representatives of these art schools came back and said "Han Fei is just like this".

However, the Beijing Satellite TV column group is quite optimistic about the program and specially applied with President Wu for broadcasting permission.

This made president Wu a little embarrassed. At the wine table, President Wu and the people's art leaders strongly recommended the works of another drama team, but they were strongly rejected by the director of the column group.

"If you don't like it, the current small theater market likes this kind of comedy. I don't know if you can see it, but the audience must see it. I can't compete with the ratings, can I?"

On the other hand, Zhao Yiyi, a cultural businessman, heard that Han Fei had a new play, and came back that night. After reading the play, he patted his thigh: "is there anyone who can't see this book? They deserve it. They don't have food. What's the matter? Let's not do this, or the old rule? Give me a month, and I can't see other plays in the whole Chinese drama market!"

Of course, this is a little big. There must be a market for classic drama. However, as Zhao Yi said, this drama has jokes and warmth. It is really suitable for young men and women to watch. Isn't it these literary and artistic young people who are carrying the banner in the current drama market?