Due to the large number of auditions, the college divided several examination rooms according to the art examination mode. It took two days to decide the role.

The result of the audition is naturally that some people are happy and others are worried. Those who have been selected are naturally happy and encouraged. Most people who have not been selected are not very depressed because they can't be selected as supporting roles. Can group performances always be performed? Yes, that's why there are so many students in the audition. As long as they participate in the audition, they can become a group performance. The college takes great pains to let more of its students leave the country.

Han Fei is happy with this result. Anyway, he doesn't need to spend money. Just prepare more boxed meals. They have received systematic training and are certainly easier to use than those group performances in Hengdian.

Of course, these are only supporting roles. Several important roles are old acquaintances with Han Fei. Zhang Yue has got the role of Zhong Bai. The chick's eyes at Han Fei are a little scary and calls it cultivating feelings first.

Su Ke'er got the role of Li Shu Ci by virtue of her cute appearance. Originally, Tao Yuehua was not going to release this role. Unfortunately, each student in the class was suitable and could only be cheaper. Therefore, Tao Yuehua also trained the girls in the class. The girls wanted to cry without tears.

The worst thing is Hu Caini. Originally, Tao Yuehua was going to give Lin Luoxue's role to her. Unfortunately, she didn't hold it during the audition. Finally, another unknown sister in the class, Zhijiang Hanrui, got the role. It can be said that everyone didn't expect that at that time, the sister was so excited that she was going to cry. You know, this is female two, and the play is no less than female one's Zhong Bai.

It is said that at that time, Hu Caini's face became very ugly. Of course, Tao Yuehua's face was also very ugly. Obviously, she was very dissatisfied with Hu Caini.

The end of casting also means that the preliminary preparations have been completed. Everything is ready. In order to make the crew look more formal, Han Fei arranged a start-up ceremony. Although it was only interviewed by the reporter of the college weekly, it was a little shabby, but the students present were very excited, especially the crowd performers watching the stars in the circle, His eyes were blistering with envy.

"I'll leave the crew to you, and I can have a rest." Han Fei can finally take off the burden of the producer and simply be his No. 1 man. He suddenly feels relaxed.

Since the group performers could not stay in the college for too long, Jiang Qinghou arranged to focus on shooting plays that needed a lot of group performances such as military training.

However, the shooting process is not as smooth as Han Fei imagined. Because students don't take money and don't care about money, they mostly want to show their face. In addition, Jia Youqian, these deputy directors, are just senior brothers. Everyone has a classmate relationship. People are not afraid at all. They can't call these people at all many times.

Jia Youqian was very angry: "dog day, I really want to hammer these goods. Now I make a show here with me. If I don't get trained like a grandson in Hengdian, my surname is not Jia."

Jiang Qinghou was too anxious. It didn't go well on the first day of shooting. This didn't bode well. Han Fei looked at it and thought quickly.

"Hey, old Han, where are you going? Bring me a bottle of water with ice." Jia Youqian thought he was thirsty.

Han Fei scolded angrily: "roll the calf and buy it yourself. I'll find the people's rule!"

Yes, Han Fei is looking for Tao Yuehua: "teacher Tao, you choose people. You have to be responsible to the end?"

Tao Yuehua rarely had a holiday. She was preparing to go to other places. She didn't have a good way: "look what you mean, they kill people and set fire, and I have to carry the pot?"

"No, don't forget, this casting is arranged by the Academy. If they bump against each other in the crew, do you think parents can let the Academy go?" Han Fei reminded with "goodwill".

Tao Yuehua was stunned. When he thought about it carefully, he quickly reported the situation to President Wu. After the meeting, President Wu decided to arrange four teachers on duty to take charge of the safety of the students. To put it bluntly, let them take care of the children.

Cui Wenjing appeared in the crew with a disdainful face. Tao Yuehua and the other two teachers were with her. It was obvious that she was very unhappy about Tao Yuehua's behavior of pulling her into the water.

For Tao Yuehua, seeing Cui Wenjing's face makes her money. It seems that the heat in July is not so hot.

When these disobedient students saw the teachers, the whole situation was different.

Tao Yuehua and Cui Wenjing each gave a cold hum, and then called their students aside. No matter 3721, they first scolded, and then gathered everyone together to scold. Sure enough, after that, the young masters and ladies were much more obedient.

"Lying in the trough is not bad for Lao Han. You can think of such a damaging move." Jia Youqian said he was convinced.

Han Fei's eyes turned white: "go away. Shut up if you can't boast. It's called wisdom, okay?"

However, when shooting military training, everyone's emotions were also touched. It seems that the scene two years ago took place yesterday.

"Ka, that's all for today. Let's go back and have a rest first." after shooting the last scene according to the plan, Jiang Qinghou announced the dissolution of the crew.

Because it was the first day of shooting, both the protagonist, supporting actor and group performance were very tired. Everyone scattered in groups.

Of course, as the main creator, Han Fei naturally can't rest. The party directly summarized the first day's meeting in Han Fei's dormitory.

Tao Yuehua and Cui Wenjing also took part in the audience. They thought that the so-called meeting was mutual Tucao, and make complaints about what is really valuable. After all, the children are the biggest 24 years old. It is impossible to expect them to have more formal qualifications.

However, they soon found themselves wrong. The first speaker was Jiang Qinghou. He listed all the problems in today's shooting process one by one. Everyone was right one by one, and the responsibility was put on everyone. If they were wrong, they stood up and admitted their mistakes and punishment, and then all kinds of whole person means were put together, serious and happy.

Then, Han Fei spoke as a producer. His speech was very careful. He had everything from personnel, props, venues and equipment. Under his series, everyone quickly made a shooting plan for the next day.

Everything is going on in an orderly way. Tao Yuehua and Cui Wenjing gradually find that they seem to underestimate these children. This is not a mob. They do things very orderly, even clearer than many regular studios.

"Maybe the play can really catch fire?" a seemingly impossible idea suddenly came into their minds.

"Let's do it first. We'll follow this plan tomorrow. Let's communicate with each other in case of any emergencies." Han Fei glanced at the time and hurried away.

Tao Yuehua asked Qin Ming strangely, "why is he not in the dormitory at this time?"

Qin Ming shrugged: "old Han is a busy man. He has to go back to record tomb robbing notes."

Tao Yuehua looked at Han Fei's back and fell silent. It seems that everyone only noticed his talent, whether writing songs or writing scripts. It seems that all these are born, but who has paid attention to his efforts? Who could have thought that the genius in their mouth was still catching up with the next task near the early morning?