"Ningxing a red" G ī Ng, request to hang "a red response"

Huang Hongbin and Mo Ruoxue are not singers. They can't understand the score at all. They can only read in Taiwanese according to the lyrics, but they feel twisted.

Not to mention that they changed, Han Fei felt that they changed, so he had to sing it again in semi unfamiliar Taiwanese.

Of course, they ridiculed the pungent Minnan language.

"Don't say, it's really interesting to listen to you sing, but your pronunciation is too bad. Come on, read with your sister......" although Mo Ruoxue looks like a high school student, she is actually twenty-five years old. Since she knew that Han Fei was just an adult, she once regarded herself as a sister.

Han Fei turned his eyes, but he couldn't care so much if he asked.

As a result, I don't know which big mouth saw it. After a turn, the whole crew began to spread. Han Fei was preparing to write a Taiwanese song for the film. He was temporarily holding the Buddha's heel, Huang Hongbin and Mo Ruoxue to learn Taiwanese.

Most people think of this as a joke, especially some staff from Baodao. Learning Minnan is equivalent to mastering a diplomatic language. It's no joke. Minnan and Wenzhou dialect are known as the most difficult dialects in China. Even old immigrants who have been in Baodao for ten or twenty years may not be able to learn it in a short time, Almost impossible.

Bearded and the producer didn't think it was reliable, but they heard the full version of the song two days later.

The prelude has a strong rock style, but it is strange that rock is also mixed with the shadow of folk music pipa.

Bearded and the producers are from Baodao. Naturally, they can understand the lyrics. After listening to the rumors, they don't believe that Han Fei can learn Taiwanese in a short time, so they are ready to pick up the lyrics. But after the first paragraph, they find that the pronunciation is flawless. How is this possible?

"Sleeping trough, your boy can't pretend?"

Beard asked tentatively in Taiwanese, but Han Fei looked confused and didn't know what he was talking about.

Bearded and the producer believe that Han Fei really doesn't understand Taiwanese, but how does this guy write such a song if he doesn't understand Taiwanese? Is this the sudden emergence of genius in the legend?

Han Fei can't explain this thing. Fortunately, there are many "people who are born to know" in the long history of China. Talents can't be measured by common sense. Thank the great Chinese civilization

Finally, Han Fei's song was "sold at a low price" to the crew at a price of 150000. Of course, Han Fei did not lose money in this deal. After all, he sang it himself, which is equivalent to the free publicity of the film. The only pity is that the film is unlikely to be released in the mainland.

This is also the reason why Han Fei chose such a Minnan song. He first made a fire in a small area, waited for time to ferment, and then soared to the sky. Well, perfect!

Jiang Qinghou drove Han Fei to the station in the crew's broken charter car, although Han Fei once thought that the goods used him as a cover to borrow a car to practice their skills.

Fortunately, although the car drove unsteadily along the way, nothing happened. Han Fei finally arrived at the passenger station safely. This time, the crew was very generous and prepared plane tickets for him.

Just as Han Fei was about to wave goodbye to Jiang Qinghou, he suddenly saw two sister paper running towards him. Take a closer look, not to mention that he really knew the two sister paper. On the train when he came, the leader seemed to be Tang Xiaoxiao. No, shouldn't they be three?

It seems that the two sisters also found Han Fei and hid behind him.

Jiang Qinghou's eyes were a little playful, a pair of: when did your boy get into the romantic debt? It's two!

"No, you play hide and seek here?" Han Fei was a little confused.

"Mind your own business! They owe us money." the three men running to see Han Fei and Jiang Qinghou are not old, and they didn't take it seriously.

Tang Xiaoxiao said to Han Fei, "call the police quickly. They are all bad people. Lingling is still locked up by them."

"Bitch, don't be shameful." one of the men was so angry that he stretched out his hand to catch Tang Xiaoxiao back.

Han Fei didn't want to punch the goods on the nose: "do you think I don't exist?"

Jiang Qinghou is also an old hand. When Han Fei started, without saying a word, he kicked one of the men on the chest. One of the men was so scared that he turned and ran away.

Han Fei heard Tang Xiaoxiao talk about the situation. In fact, it's very simple. The student sister Tang Xiaoxiao said before is actually a scum. She was brainwashed by the MLM organization. In order to develop offline, she released information in various student groups. She is also a brain, and her lies are not so exaggerated. She specially deceives some students who want to do part-time jobs, It is said that he has become a small leader of the MLM organization.

"No, it seems that you got off the bus in Yiwu before? How did you get to Hengdian?" Han Fei asked suspiciously.

Tang Xiaoxiao wiped his tears: "before, the dens were indeed in Yiwu. Later, it was said that the rent was expensive and the police were strict, so he moved to Hengdian."

Well, it seems that house prices are also one of the important indicators that directly affect MLM dens. Does that mean that the national house prices have risen to the level of first tier cities, and MLM can basically disappear in China?

Just as Han Fei was about to take the two girls to the police, suddenly two vans rushed here, and the three men who had just been beaten took the lead.

"Lying in the trough, get on the bus." the hero didn't suffer from the loss at present. Han Fei didn't want to put Tang Xiaoxiao into the car.

Jiang Qinghou's reaction was also not bad. One foot of the accelerator broke the van's engine and sent out the roar of F1.

Han Fei looked back and found that the two vans behind him had been closely following him: "wocao, are you sure you joined a MLM organization, not an underworld gang? Is it so rampant?"

Tang Xiaoxiao and another sister, paper, turned white with fear and trembled together.

Jiang Qinghou glanced at the rearview mirror and suddenly made an action that made Han Fei stunned. The goods actually stretched out their heads and shouted to the van behind them: "son of a bitch, you can follow me again!"

The drivers of the two vans behind swearing and swearing changed to fifth gear and soared all the way.

Jiang Qinghou parked the van at the entrance of a familiar alley. The two sisters were so frightened that they turned pale, but Han Fei opened the door and went down.

More than a dozen people came down from the back two vans with sticks and chair legs in their hands. The three men who had just been beaten relied on a large number of people, swearing and swearing: "you were so awesome just now..."

As soon as the voice fell, several exits in the alley were blocked by people in black. The leaders were men with strong muscles, shaved flat heads and steel pipes and baseball bats. At first glance, they were not easy to provoke.

"Bang ~ ~ ~" for a moment, the guys in the hands of more than a dozen people opposite couldn't hold it. Compared with the other party, these were fire sticks in their hands.

Jiang Qinghou winked at Han Fei, meaning: the chance to pretend to be forced is up to you.

Han Fei understood, walked to the man who had just been beaten by him, patted him on the face, sneered and said, "I heard you want to be more than me?"