In June of this year, two major events took place for the whole entertainment circle. One was the merger of Honghai entertainment and Shanhai entertainment, which was renamed Hongshan entertainment, and became the largest entertainment company after gold film, Huayi culture and Star art media.

The original balance of the three pillars was broken, and Hongshan entertainment appeared unhurried under the attack of the three old entertainment companies. It was obvious that it was well prepared. At the time of the game of interests of all parties, the situation of four sides competing for supremacy has gradually taken shape.

Of course, such changes are not felt by ordinary people who eat melons. Everyone has high enthusiasm for the second thing. The popularity of [youth does not close] is undoubtedly a shot in the arm for the youth film market, and even the box office of a low-cost youth film is rising all the way.

For Yang Kexin, the success of female No. 1 in the play doesn't just mean how many new fans have been added and how much economic benefits have been brought.

But with this play, many people's inherent impression of her child star was reversed. Overnight, the audience found that the little girl in their memory had grown up and stood tall and graceful.

The label of national daughter brings Yang Kexin not only honor and popularity, but also a kind of imprisonment, just like a glass cell. Everything outside is so wonderful, but she can only linger in place all the time.

Before, Yang Kexin had been trying to take pictures of various characters and try to tear off the labels. Unfortunately, they all ended in failure, but he didn't expect to get his wish in an online drama.

With Yang Kexin's popularity, [remember] this song has also become her masterpiece in the music world. Yes, she can now be regarded as half a singer. Wherever she goes to participate in activities, she will be asked to sing this song. Later, Yang Kexin was numb.

One day, Han Fei suddenly found that there were tens of thousands of fans on his microblog that had not been updated for half a year. Originally, he thought they were all dead fans. As a result, everyone was still very active. When he looked at the chat content, it turned out that they were all fans who liked [memory].

Although Yang Kexin's version is the most widely circulated, Han Fei's original has attracted the attention of many fans.

Han Fei has nothing to do these days. When editing the video, he sent out some gags that were cut but not put into the video. Let alone, it really attracted many fans. By the end of June, in just half a month, Han Fei's microblog fans had exceeded 100000, although it could not be compared with Yang Kexin's tens of millions of fans, But it's a small step forward.

On June 28, Han Fei sat at the computer desk, his fingers constantly tapping F5 on the keyboard, and behind him stood Han Xiao and Dong Jie. The three nervously focused on the computer screen. If the scene was changed to a dormitory, it was estimated that others would think they were watching a little movie.

"Hey, it's time. Don't refresh. Hurry to enter the number." Han Xiao looked at his watch.

Dong Jie held her breath and clasped her hands on Han Fei's shoulders. Her nails hurt. Han Fei said helplessly, "no, can you stop being so nervous? It makes me nervous."

"Nonsense, if you rely on some music, can I be nervous?" Han Xiao hated iron and said.

Well, you won, Han Fei's comfortable admission card

After a while, none of the three members of the family spoke until Han Xiao sat down at the head of the bed and said in a stuffy voice, "what should I do?"

On the other hand, the atmosphere at Li Yanan's house was the same, but LV Peiling mastered the right to use the computer. When she entered the number for five seconds, the whole room burst into a frying pan.

"Ha ha, I passed the exam. This result is no problem in Shangqing north."

Li Yanan also breathed a long sigh of relief. Her ideal major is cutting-edge science and technology, such as Qingda's materials science. If the score is not ideal, she can only retreat and take the second place. Huake university is also a good choice, but she will leave the capital since then.

In fact, she is not nostalgic for the capital. If she was allowed to choose a few months ago, she would not hesitate to choose huakeda, a place far away from the capital, but now

Shen Weiwei and her mother are the only ones in Shen Weiwei's family. When the college entrance examination results appear on the computer screen, her mother hugs Shen Weiwei and cries with joy. If the score is 380, ordinary candidates must cry, but for art examinees like Shen Weiwei, it is enough for her to successfully enter Nanyi, but for some reason, she has no expected excitement.

"What to do?" this is the tangle faced by Han Xiao and Dong Jie at this time. It's not that Han Fei didn't do well in the exam. On the contrary, Han Fei didn't expect that his English multiple-choice questions were basically filled in indiscriminately, and he could still get 512 points. If this score was put in last year, it would be the second one.

However, due to the change of the college entrance examination policy in Beijing this year, one book and two books are merged, so in theory, only 423 points in science can be on one book.

This also means that a college that is not too popular with Han Fei's college entrance examination results also has a great chance of being admitted.

Why did Han Xiao support Han Fei to apply for the art school? Isn't it because of his grades that there is little chance of getting into the second book? But now not only have you got two, but also have a chance to get one. It seems that art school is not the only choice?

"I still want to go to art school," Han Fei said.

In fact, this statement also comes from Han Fei's understanding of himself. First of all, he is not a smart academic bully, nor is he a six root clean scientific research maniac. On the academic road, he has proved that he can't get through. On the contrary, his current advantages are all in literature and art.

Of course, even in ordinary colleges, Han Fei can enter the entertainment industry with his own advantages, but in that case, it will be much harder in the future,

Han Fei is well aware of the position of Beijing Film and Television Academy in the entertainment circle. The alumni circle seems useless, but when you enter the circle, you will find it useful. Therefore, Han Fei must go to this school.

"No more?" Han Xiao lit a cigarette and asked stiffly.

This time, Dong Jie did not put out the cigarette butts, but looked eagerly at her son.

Unfortunately, Han Fei shook his head firmly and completely broke Dong Jie's and Han Xiao's ideas. In their opinion, the art school is always not as decent as a serious University. Now that he has the opportunity to last one, why stick to the art school?

"Alas, it's up to you. You're almost an adult. Men should bear the consequences for their choices. Before filling in their volunteers, they still have the opportunity to look back and think about it." Han Xiao put out the cigarette end himself. Did the cigarette stay damp for too long? I always feel bad in my mouth.

Dong Jie originally wanted to say something, but Han Xiao raised her hand to stop her. The couple dragged her back to the room. As soon as she entered the room, Dong Jie angrily shook off Han Xiao's hand.

"You're capable, aren't you? I don't even have the right to speak now, do I?"

Han Xiao looked serious: "all right, my son is about to grow up. How many years can you control him? Let him make his own decisions in his life."

"Old Han, let's have another little one? This little heartless doesn't listen to me now. Can we pay it back in the future?"
