Lin jia'an quickly took the medicine box and said, "Bai Lao, let me feel your pulse."

Then Lin jia'an put his two fingers on the white crane's wrist. After about ten minutes, he stopped. Lin Jiaan is very careful, for fear of cutting the wrong pulse.

Lin Jiaan said: "Bai Lao, I have a way to deal with your illness. Although you sprained your ankle, you hurt your lifeblood. The blockage caused qi stagnation and blood stasis, so your legs were unconscious. " After hearing this, Baihe was inspired.

Lin Jiaan continued: "Bai Lao, I will give you acupuncture. Although it can't make you walk like a normal person, I can guarantee that it will make you regain consciousness. I'll treat you one after another in the next few days, and within a month, you'll recover. "

Other doctors said that there was no way. They didn't expect that the young man was so powerful. They simply took a pulse and got a solution.

Bai Qiming quickly promised: "Dr. Lin, please give my father the needle quickly."

Lin jia'an nodded, and then took out the silver needle, in the white crane's wrist, pricked eight needles, the ninth needle, pricked in the center of the eight needles, and then quickly pulled out, all of a sudden out of a lot of congestion.

Ten minutes later, the crane's legs returned to consciousness and moved slightly. White crane excited, but still did not speak, but eyes with tears is true.

Seeing his father's leg move, Bai Qiming was also grateful and said, "Dr. Lin, thank you so much!"

Lin jia'an waved his hand with pride and said, "I don't need to thank you for your help."

White crane weeps with joy, indicating that Bai Qiming will give Lin Jiaan a commission. However, at this moment, white crane's face with a little joy and gratitude shows a painful expression, followed by a cry of pain.

The white crane didn't say a word since he came to the hall. However, the cry resounded through the hall. We can see how painful it was.

Chen Hao saw that a brisk walker rushed to the white crane, took off the silver needle inserted in the white crane's wrist, and said, "Doctor Lin, use your silver needle."

Then Chen Hao quickly put the needle on his right wrist, left wrist, stomach and throat. The speed of needling exceeds the limit of human beings.

Lin Jiaan looked at it clearly and exclaimed, "ghost eight needles?" This needling method has been lost for hundreds of years? How did he do that? My grandfather can't!

After three seconds, the expression on the white crane's face gradually changed and became much more relaxed.

Chen Hao said, "Bai Lao, try to move your left leg."

After what happened just now, Bai Lao had some timidity. He was afraid that, as before, he thought he had been saved. In fact, it was more serious.

Seeing Baihe's caution, Chen Hao comforted him and said, "don't worry, Mr. Bai, your feet can move. Don't be afraid. Your condition is under control. "

White crane looked up at Chen Hao, then nodded, then moved his left foot, my God! Not only had the consciousness, but also moved, and no pain, then moved the right foot, the right foot also returned to normal.

Chen Hao then said, "you're doing very well. In this way, you can stand on your right leg."

White crane doesn't know art, but on TV, he can still understand that when a vegetable wakes up, he can't walk on the ground because his muscles won't allow him to lie down for too long. Baihe looks at Chen Hao incredulously. Chen Hao's firm eyes are telling him, yes!

The white crane took a chance and put his feet on the ground. Sure enough, he stood up and took a few more steps. It was no different from before.

Cured? Lin Baofeng was overjoyed and yelled, "Chen Hao, you are a miracle doctor!" Sitting on one side, Lin jia'an suddenly felt that her face was not shining.

Bai Qiming also lost his chin, Lin Jiaan said, can make his father recover consciousness, he believes, can recover immediately? He didn't believe it, but a miracle happened before his eyes.

"Dr. Chen, you are a man of God!" Bai Qiming praised.

Lin Baofeng said with pride: "as I said, Chen Hao is a miracle doctor! What about? Do you believe it? "

Bai Qiming said: "I believe it. I really believe it."

Chen Hao said modestly, "you're flattering me. In fact, Dr. Lin was right just now. Bai Lao's disease was caused by qi stagnation and blood stasis. But he has been lying in bed for a long time. Simple needling method doesn't work at all. Ghost shadow eight needling can get through all the meridians on him, so he recovers faster."

Chen Hao continued: "old Bai, try to have a word! You should be able to talk now. "

Talking? I haven't opened my mouth for three months. The white crane almost forgot how to speak. Try to open your mouth and say, "thanks... Thanks!"

White crane's eyes suddenly overflowed with tears, continued: "thank you, Doctor Chen! A hero is a young man

Bai Qiming is already in a mess because of his father's illness, but now he is back to normal. Bai Qiming is also very excited.

With a smile, Chen Hao said, "thank you for your help."

Bai Qiming still had doubts in his heart and said, "Doctor Chen, you just said that Dr. Lin was right, but how can my father get serious again after receiving treatment?"

The question Bai Qiming asked was also what Lin Jiaan wanted to know.

Chen Hao explained: "Dr. Lin's acupuncture is aimed at the legs. My acupuncture is aimed at the whole body and the legs. The legs get rid of it. However, the upper body can't get rid of it. The original upper body disease is not prominent. He uses the needle in this way, but highlights the pain of the upper body. Bai Lao is bound to feel unbearable pain."

After hearing this, Lin Jiaan was inspired. However, even if he knew the secret, he still didn't know ghost needling, which was useless.

White crane said hastily: "give Doctor Chen out the fee quickly." That's what we said, 20 million.

Between Chen Hao stretched out his right hand five fingers, stop way: "don't have to, all said, it's just a small effort, say you are a good friend of general manager Lin, I won't accept your front."

This gives Lin Baofeng full face! Originally, because he had cured the white crane, Lin Baofeng was very proud, and now he was almost on cloud nine.

However, Lin Baofeng is not a sensible person. He persuades: "Chen Hao, since you are Bai Lao, thank you, take it!"

Chen Hao shook his head and said, "I've said it, but I won't accept it." Chen Hao's attitude is very firm.

Bai Qiming quickly retorted: "how can this be?"

But the white crane sitting on the wooden dragon chair said, "since Doctor Chen said that he would not accept it, he would not accept it."

Bai Qiming looked at his father. Bai he added, "don't you listen to what I said?"

Bai Qiming lowered his head and replied, "I know."

Chen Hao didn't accept the money because he didn't like it. There are three reasons. First, when he came out, his father-in-law told him to see a doctor. Chen Hao understood what the contract between Lin Baofeng and Zhenglin group meant to Zhenglin group; Second, in order to thank him last time, Lin Baofeng gave him a 2.8 diamond necklace. Chen Hao felt that he should not be charged for seeing a doctor today. He should give Lin Baofeng a face. Chen Hao is not such a black hearted person. It's the work of a villain to see money. Third, Lin jia'an gave the Bai family a 20% discount today, saving 4 million yuan. Ha ha! What is that? I don't charge a cent!

Lin jia'an said before that Chen Hao couldn't go to the hall of elegance. He told him not to cry. At present, Chen Hao's actions are actually a series of blows to his small face.

Lin jia'an smelled and said, "since Mr. Bai's illness is cured, it's time for me to leave. Chen Hao, you won this time!" Then he went to the door with the medicine box.

Lin jia'an is the future successor of Bao'an hall. He is also a man of honor. He will definitely not struggle here for the hard work of two million yuan. If he did, he would not be able to raise his head in front of Chen Hao.

Chen Hao shouts to Lin jia'an's back: "see you later, Doctor Lin!"

Lin jia'an trembled with anger and left the white house immediately.