Chen Hao was surprised to see the huge stone gate at the entrance of Lujia lake.

This is the only open entrance outside the LV family. Just like the scenic area, there are security rooms and fences. If the car wants to rush in directly, it is absolutely unnecessary.

But that's not what surprised him.

It's just more than five o'clock in the morning, but there is a lot of traffic outside the gate of the LV family, which is more lively than the popular scenic spot.

Just in front of their cars, there were at least dozens of cars of various colors, all of which seemed to rush to the LV family.

"What's the matter? Is the Lu family so busy every day?"

Chen Hao asked Xiao Gu.

"It's normal. After all, the Lu family has always been in the leading position among the martial arts forces in loucheng. They are the most top martial arts aristocratic family, and they are also known as the closest to the divine realm. So many people come to visit every day."

Xiao Gu said with a nervous face.

"Oh, that's just right. Let's drive over and tell them we're looking for trouble."

Chen Hao nodded. He could not help but keep this scene in mind. He felt that the martial arts force in the world today was more powerful than he expected.

Xiao Gu was ordered to have to face the scalp to insert the car from the side of the empty road.

Immediately, a security guard came and stopped the car.

"Sorry, some of your cars are not reported in advance and are not on the list of guests we are entertaining today, so please leave immediately!"

Xiao Gu immediately rolled down the window and said, "I'm Gu Xiaotian from the Wudao alliance of loucheng. I'm in this car..."

"Oh, it's you. I've been ordered. Laozu said that today is the meeting of Wudao in loucheng to discuss the ownership of Wudao alliance leader. So he will wait for you in the main courtyard of our court. Only when the problem is solved can we do things. Just stop at the side door. Someone will show you the way."

The guard's response once again surprised Chen Hao.

After learning the news that Lu Shan and Lu Lan were killed, the LV family dared to put them in like this and let them get off at the side door. It felt like they were lifting a heavy load like light. They didn't hide it from other visitors at all.

So is it that they are overconfident or that they really have something to rely on.

"OK, Xiao Gu, you go and stop the car, and we'll just walk in."

Chen Hao doesn't have any opinions on the style of the Lu family. Anyway, he is looking for trouble. Since the Lu family belittles his willingness to let him face the Lu family's ancestors directly, there is no need to argue with some minions. It should be enough to directly defeat the strongest person of the Lu family. He really wants to kill, which is quite acceptable to his character.

Moreover, it seems that the LV family is holding a meeting to select the leader of the Wulin alliance. He thinks that it is a good opportunity to take this opportunity to establish a prestige in the LV family.

"Hey, I hope to take LV jialiwei, enough to let more people know not to trouble me..."

Chen Hao thought silently and looked more and more calm.

Because from today on, he must be a new self. He will not want to be lazy when he is in trouble. Instead, he should face up to the difficulties and solve the problems in a clean way, so as to prevent some people who do not know the situation from interfering with his life.

When Xiao Gu heard Chen Hao's command, he immediately drove the car to the entrance side door to stop. Then he saw Chen Hao open the door and get out of the car in a moment of uneasiness.

thank goodness!

Seeing that Chen Hao didn't pay any attention to him, Xiao Gu could not help thanking God in his heart.

He was really afraid that he would be targeted by the LV family after he went in. Then he really had a hard time.

As a result, as soon as Chen Hao got out of the car, he found that the security guard of the LV family who had stopped the car was closely behind the car, and he seemed to have contacted many people with a telephone. At least the security guard who was in charge of the door almost surrounded him in a semicircle.

He immediately gently pulled the corner of his mouth.

As far as the present situation is concerned, he can see that these security guards seem calm, but they must not be so calm.

After all, these people all depend on the Lu family for food, and maybe all of them are Lu family's disciples. Therefore, they don't like him as a martial Jedi who is challenging at the door. Freshmen should hate him.

Even when Chen Hao just glanced at them, he found that they should all be wearing weapons.

Especially looking at the waist bulge of a few people, it seems that they are carrying guns.

"Attention, I see four men with guns."

Li Hong gets out of the car and calmly walks behind Chen Hao, giving a hint in a low voice.

Chen Haoxin thought that he really did not guess wrong, but just a little more vigilant.

Because he has seen the strength of the security guards of these low-level warriors nearby. Even if they are wearing guns, they are not enough in his eyes. In terms of the degree of danger, they are not even as dangerous as LV Shan and LV LAN, let alone the big scene like the corpse of Jinwu God blood and ghost mother-in-law.

And the people who came to work around the LV family also found Chen Hao's car, which was driving out of the queue alone.

Many people are curious to see.

These people probably don't know what Chen Hao is doing.

That's when it turns out.

"Chen Hao!"

Chen Hao suddenly heard someone calling him. He turned his head in surprise.

He immediately saw a dark blue sports car open in the queue, and Jiang Qian ran down from the co driver's seat.

"Why is she here?"

Chen Hao can't help sighing that it's Jiang Qian everywhere. A few days ago, he was haunted by the girl's phone. Unexpectedly, he came to loucheng and met her.

"Chen Hao, why are you here? I'm here to visit immortal Lu, who is worshipped by the Lu family. Are you too?"

Jiang Qian ran to Chen Hao with a surprise face. She didn't notice that the guards of the LV family were already on guard. They didn't seem to expect such a situation. They didn't expect anyone to know Chen Hao who came to their LV family to look for trouble.

"Immortal Lu? Do they still have immortals in the LV family

Chen Hao is also a little helpless looking at Jiang Qian ran to, but still Shun mouth back to ask.

Since he met Jiang Qian, he couldn't ignore it.

Moreover, as far as the current situation is concerned, the military security guard of the LV family has seen that Bai Fumei's sister knows herself. No matter what she does, she will be on guard against her, and even make some unnecessary targeting.

"Yes, the legend of the Lu family is that there are immortals. I heard it from my friends, so I came here today to ask for a charm for my mother. Recently, she was in a bad mood. I guess she was scared by what she saw a few days ago, so I came here."

Jiang Qian chirped about her intention.

Shan Wei and Xiaoyu get out of the car at this time and take a look here. However, she is immediately pulled to her side by Li Hong and whispers in her ear. She is obviously pointing out some things she should pay attention to.

Like the guns on the security guards.

Chen Hao's ear gently move to hear some specific content, this is ready to find words perfunctory Jiang Qian, it is best to let this strange girl leave here first.

As a result, before Chen Hao could speak, he saw another young man with short hair coming from the black sports car.

"Jiang Qian, who is this?"

Young people with short hair have thick eyebrows and big eyes. Their appearance is absolutely comparable to that of many movie and TV stars. Their figure is in golden proportion. Their long legs and long hands seem to be full of explosive power. They seem to have been trained in martial arts.

It's just that his tone is a little strong.

Chen Hao even saw an undisguised disgust for him from the young man's eyes.