Dim night, Chen Hao sitting in the car one by one to deal with the sound of Li Hong and Shan Wei Xiaoyu conversation, the mind is somewhat erratic.

"Calm down, I've experienced too many things recently. Although I have the good news that my mother may still be alive, I've also set up a lot of enemies, such as the blacklist killers and the Wei family, and even Tianmen and dimen

However, this kind of thing can't be prevented. I wish I could be more careful in the future.

After all, things like Su Jie and Hong Jie can't be ignored even if they happen to meet again. Shan Wei's affair with Xiaoyu is just the right thing to do

Chen Hao's eyes turned to the outside of the car.

Now he has been passed on by the dragon. The dragon ball has lit up three stars in succession, and his strength has directly reached the peak of the monk's inborn realm. This kind of strength is absolutely outstanding on the earth star. According to his previous idea, I feel that I really want to salted fish.

However, through the contact with Shan Wei and Xiaoyu, he learned about the part of the history of nearly a thousand years that the dragon has not recorded, so he was on guard.

It turns out that the immortals in this world are not only in the legend, they just disappeared suddenly thousands of years ago, and the things about strange people and secret places are also puzzling. The dangers can be seen from his experience in the rain praying Pavilion.

The most important thing is that there are some secrets of his mother Zuo Qingyun in strange people and secret places. He must investigate them.

Shan Wei Xiaoyu still has too little information on this point.

"Well, now I must find my mother first. As for the beautiful life of salted fish, I think about it. At least I think about it after I find my mother."

When Chen Hao saw the mountains passing by outside the car window and the highway, he found that he was getting closer to Jiangcheng and his mind became more active.

He must find his mother, Zuo Qingyun, and ask why she faked her death. There must be something he didn't know.

However, no matter why, Chen Hao believes that Zuo Qingyun will not harm him.

"By the way, my mother once let slip her words. It seems that she has some relatives, but I lost contact when I was a child. I have to find these relatives to see if they know anything."

Chen haozai thought about it for a long time, only to find that he didn't know much about his mother. He only knew that this was a mother who loved him and brought him up by his single parent. He never knew who his father was or who his relatives were. It seemed that their mother and son had been living alone in such a big corner of the world.

"Don't worry, mom! I will find you

This made his lips close.

After thinking about this, Chen haoma landed some new gods on the secret place of Qiyu Pavilion.

Now, although Longshen island and Qiyu pavilion have completed the temporary communication of heaven and earth aura, Shan Wei Xiaoyu has carefully explained to him the real information related to the secret place. However, if we want Longshen island to completely merge with Qiyu Pavilion, we must get a lot of Moonstone.

Because it was this kind of special mineral that the friars of a thousand years ago merged many alien mysteries and transformed them into the legendary paradise

Suddenly, a telephone rang.

Chen Hao looks up in surprise and finds that Dai Jiao takes out a mobile phone from his pocket.

This person's phone was not lost in the secret place of Qiyu Pavilion. It's really lucky,

"Master Chen, it's Xu Beiping. He knows our action this time. He doesn't know what happened."

Dai Jiao took a look at the phone number and said hello to Chen Hao.

Chen Hao knows that Dai Jiao has a good relationship with Xu Beiping, and both of them have now chosen to cooperate with him, so he nods to show Dai Jiao that he can answer the phone at ease.

"Hello, Lao Xu, I'm with master Chen now. If you have anything to do, just tell me."

Dai Jiao directly turned on the voice of the phone and made his conversation with Xu Beiping public.

"I'm Xu Beiping. It's great that you can answer the phone. I heard that a big event happened in loucheng Wudao alliance yesterday. All the passageways leaving loucheng area have been blocked these days. So I just want to ask you what's the situation now. It's better not to get involved in this matter."

Xu's voice came from the other side.

Dai Jiao sat in the driver's seat and frowned. He was driving up the highway from loucheng city. He had not yet met the people from the alliance of martial arts and Taoism. However, when he heard the news, he was also worried. He thought that this might have something to do with the secret place of Qiyu Pavilion.

Chen Hao and others have similar ideas at this moment.

"By the way, it seems to have something to do with a secret place. It's said that Lou Cheng, a disciple of the LV family of the top 100 martial arts families, had an accident. He was a confidant of the LV family, or a young warrior who the general League was going to recruit. As a result, there was something wrong with the Tianxi life card that the headquarters had just made for him, so he told the LV family that something had happened.

So it's said that the loucheng Wudao alliance and the LV family have sent out a large number of warriors to thoroughly investigate the matter. "

Xu Beiping said what he had learned in one breath.

All of a sudden, except for Shan Wei and Xiaoyu, the rest of the people in the business car suddenly looked at each other.

Some people are familiar with the news of loucheng Wudao alliance, the younger Lu family, and the more powerful Lu family. When they think about it carefully, they can even recall that it was because these people plotted against them and the Ye family that they were all killed by Chen Hao, Li Hong and Dai Jiao.

By the way, that young warrior should be called Lv Dong.

Then the murderers Xu Beiping wants to thoroughly investigate should be them.

Xu Beiping seemed to find Chen Hao's collective silence and said anxiously, "Dai Jiao, you must pay attention to master Chen. As far as I know, the status of the Lu family in loucheng is the same as that of the supreme emperor. One of the ancestors who is half a step into the Shenwu realm has lived for more than 100 years. It is said that he may have broken through the Shenwu realm long ago, but he just didn't make a sound,

Therefore, this matter has probably attracted the attention of the Lu family's ancestors. Maybe they will choose the right person for this family's gifted children. "

When Dai Jiao hears the speech, he can't help looking at Chen Hao in the rear mirror.

Chen Hao thought about it and nodded to Dai Jiao,

There's nothing to hide about this kind of thing, and since it happened, there's no need to dodge. After all, it was loucheng Wudao alliance and Lv Dong who first attacked them in the secret place, and they were cruel enough when plotting. They didn't consider whether they could survive the impact of the wild pigs.

So Chen Hao has no regret for doing it.