
After the ghost mother-in-law rushed to Chen Hao in the air, her body was covered with a layer of purple and gray like a ghost, and her evil spirit accelerated again.

Her palms didn't know when to grow purple fingernails long enough to have fingers. In the sight, she quickly began to blend with Chen Hao.

The speed of the ghost mother-in-law is even faster than Li Hong's stone pier.

The distance between them is long and short, but now the ghost mother-in-law has arrived less than two steps away from Chen Hao, while shidun has just shot behind Chen Hao and even farther away.

"Be careful!"

"Pay attention to the evil spirit of the strange woman!"

At this time, the huajinwu of the Shan family will stand firm. When they turn around, they see that the young martial arts who have just yelled for help are caught in the surprise attack of the ghost mother-in-law. The younger two of them immediately give a complex voice.

On the contrary, the elder square faced warrior who took the lead turned around without saying a word. He was the first to catch up with her with a sharp sword and directly threw a much stronger sword behind her.

"The witch is dead!"

His sharp drink is not only threatening the ghost mother-in-law, but also obviously trying to help Chen Hao find a chance to escape the ghost mother-in-law's attack.

But the ghost mother-in-law's eyes were cold and fierce, and she didn't take care of the sword Qi behind her.

"Hiss... Die... Such pure Yin evil spirit just belongs to me..."

At this moment, the idea in her mind is simple, that is to tear up Chen Hao's body and capture the evil spirit in his body that makes her salivate.

If she absorbed the pure Yin evil spirit, her strength would certainly go further, and the sword Qi behind her would be so slowly swallowing that there would be no chance to hit her!


The ghost mother-in-law's purple sharp fingernails suddenly wave out, can't wait to scratch Chen Hao's throat.


In the middle of several lines of sight, when Chen Hao was facing the sudden increase of speed of the ghost mother-in-law and the strange claw which was waved from an angle that ordinary people couldn't attack, he was extremely slow to spit out a turbid air at this moment.

It's turbid Qi, but it's a subconscious act that he subconsciously forces himself to be more calm.

Chen Hao had already taken action. Almost at the moment of breathing, he retreated about half a step behind the roof, and the evil spirit on the purple claw of the ghost mother-in-law suddenly missed him less than a palm in front of his neck.

Chen Hao's body action at this time seems to be as fine as microseconds. When he just dodged, no one saw his right hand suddenly stretch out behind him. When he found out, he just saw Chen Hao avoid the key attack of the ghost mother-in-law in such a short moment, so everyone's attention was focused on what kind of pursuit the ghost mother-in-law would launch next.

But just at this time, Chen Hao's right arm appeared in front of everyone.


No one can see when Chen Hao grasped a stone mound in his hand, and the stone mound contained Chen Hao's pure spiritual power, and it hit the ghost mother-in-law's side face.

But the ghost mother-in-law's first blow failed. At this moment, she was just turning to capture Chen Hao's figure, so her face seemed to outsiders as if she had taken the initiative to send her face to Chen Hao's stone mound.

So at the intersection of the stone mound and the ghost mother-in-law's side face, blood splashed everywhere, as if there were broken bones and flesh


The only reaction the ghost mother-in-law could make was to utter a startled vowel, and then her head and face were immediately pulled by a strong force, her neck and body, and fell to one side.

Unfortunately, the sword Qi released by master Shan's Fanglian arrived just at this time, and it hit the ghost mother-in-law's shoulder, and pierced a fist sized blood hole on her shoulder.

On one side of Chen Hao's body, he immediately avoided the sword Qi, which was almost consumed by the evil spirit after penetrating the ghost mother-in-law's body. His right hand raised the stone mound that he had sucked on his hand again and chased his head again.


At this time, the ghost mother-in-law was completely unable to react. The collapsed side face was hit again, and her body was smashed to the ground like a meteor. It just landed on a puppet of Tianmen disciples. Both of them broke their bones and collapsed on the ground.

But without waiting for the ghost mother-in-law to react, Chen Hao jumped up, raised the bloody stone mound high above his head with his hands, and then filled it with the spiritual power of Xuanqing Taiji palm. Like a shell, he hit the ghost mother-in-law, who twisted and fell to the ground.


The stone mound directly hit the ghost mother-in-law's chest position, and flattened her whole body. All her flesh and blood collapsed!

At this time, looking at the ghost mother-in-law from a high place, her thin and rickety upper body was smashed into meat sauce. It was like changing the body of a stone mound. Her arms, legs and feet were strangely connected to the stone mound. Which half smashed face was more like a strange doll's decoration.

"Hoo, Hoo..."

Chen Hao is not a fool, so he didn't save his strength in the face of the ghost mother-in-law this time. He broke out with all his strength just after the match, and even directly used the Dragon Ball spirit, instead of camouflage with Zhenyuan or his named Zhiyin spirit.

In a word, at the moment of the fight just now, he added all the battle plans that he could make use of at that time into the attack.

So with no mental calculation, it seems that he is a successful sniper, too confident ghost mother-in-law.

However, after temporarily leaving the battle afterwards, Chen Hao immediately gasped for breath and carefully focused on the ghost mother-in-law.

With the blessing of Lingyan, although the ghost mother-in-law's body was destroyed by him, her Yin evil spirit was only weakened. She didn't cause real fatal damage at all.

"The ghost mother-in-law herself is half empty and half solid. Her real body should be more than the one in front of her, so these seemingly fatal injuries are just an appetizer."

Chen Hao's eyes narrowed slightly. He paid close attention to the circulation of the evil spirit on the ghost mother-in-law. He secretly took out several dragon whisker needles in his hand, trying to find out that the ghost mother-in-law made a sneak attack in time after she had a secret contact with somewhere.

Dragon horn sword and dragon whisker needle are Chen Hao's greatest reliance now.

Both of them have a natural restraint against evil creatures, so even if they consume a lot of dragon ball power, he will not hesitate to use them.

If it wasn't for the speed of the surprise attack of the ghost mother-in-law just now, he would have cut several swords of the other party. Unfortunately, with the reaction speed at that time, he could only make a counterattack of that degree.

That's when it turns out.

Hoo Hoo! Hoo Hoo!

Many people who were shocked by Chen Hao's amazing performance suddenly found that a large number of Tianmen disciples' puppets who were fighting with Shan Jiawu suddenly roared and turned, and all the monsters rushed to the ghost mother-in-law on the ground at the same time. Then, one by one, in the sight of Shan Jiawu who had no time to stop them, they frantically tore up their own bodies and threw out their flesh and broken bones, Big shares of water poured on the ghost mother-in-law's broken body.

Visible to the naked eye, the ghost mother-in-law's body in contact with these flesh and blood, immediately recovered quickly!