Chapter 925

Name:Super trader Author:斯皮尔比格
"Can't you? I feel like I can't move." some students in the group said.

"Yes, almost all the stops should be stopped? I think I can copy some."

"Why don't we copy less first? Anyway, the contract is not delivered in June. It has fallen to this share. Where else can we fall? Take it first, even if it falls again, just carry it."

"That's right, step in."

Despite Chen Wei's persuasion, a group of students are ready to copy the bottom.

"Eh? Why can't I get into the trough?" someone suddenly said.

"I can't get in either. Why can't we buy it when the trading time is up? It's still trading. Why can't we buy it?"

"Where's Liu Jia? Come out and explain to me what's going on!"

"I'll call Liu Jia!"


"Shit, Liu Jia doesn't answer the phone."

"I just called Guohua's customer service. The customer service said that the transaction time was up to 10 p.m."

"I'll wipe it until 10 p.m.? What's the broken rule? It's obvious that we won't buy it?"

"That is, don't let you copy the bottom. Isn't the previous loss in vain?"

"It seems that we can only wait for the bottom during the day tomorrow. I hope the crude oil will not rebound tomorrow."

"Alas, I knew that when the stop loss was just over, I should have copied the bottom easily. At that time, the contract in June was still 20 yuan, and it hasn't fallen much yet."

This remark has been vaguely complaining.

Complain that Chen Wei didn't let them copy the bottom at that time.

"You should be very lucky. If Mr. Chen hadn't let you stop your loss, your multiple orders would still be set now." Wei Guanglong couldn't help but say again.

The gang stopped talking.

At present, the disk trend is not very violent, and there is no need to stare at it all the time. Chen Wei talks with Zhou Yi and looks at the news in the group.

He saw what the students said.

To tell the truth, he really didn't know that Guohua bank was forbidden to operate after 10 o'clock.

If you know... He still doesn't suggest that students copy the bottom at this time.

It's better late than early to copy the bottom.

It's better to copy the bottom three steps late than grab one step.

No one can tell where the bottom is until it really comes out.

Many retail investors, afraid of missing the opportunity to copy the bottom, copied it in early before the bottom came out.

Then he fell endlessly and was trapped inside.

The correct bottom reading should have come out at the bottom, and the rebound trend has been clear. It's not too late to go in at this time.

Although it is said that at this time, the entry price is higher than the bottom, but the risk is much smaller.

Unfortunately, many people just don't understand such a simple truth and can't wait to copy the bottom.

Even Chen Wei, who studies finance, is no exception.

In Chen Wei's opinion, even if you can't copy the bottom tonight, it doesn't matter. Just go in tomorrow.

Anyway, there should be a long rebound period for crude oil. After all, low oil prices are unlikely to last too long, whether from the perspective of supply or demand.

Now the June contract has fallen below 20. It's hard to say where it can fall tonight, but tomorrow, or even the last month, crude oil is unlikely to rebound rapidly.

The international situation has not improved yet, and the game between several oil producing countries continues. In this case, crude oil cannot rise sharply.

At least for a period of low oil prices, and then slowly rise.

So there's no need to rush to copy the bottom.

But Chen Wei didn't bother to say these words to his classmates.

Not only this time, Chen Wei will not talk about stock futures with his classmates in the future.

It's just not good to miss him. I'm still complaining about him.

Kindness is like a donkey's liver and lung.

Chen Wei directly threw his mobile phone aside and no longer looked at the news in the group.

At this time, the disk shows signs of going down again.

Bulls should not hold up.

Soon, oil prices fell below $10.

As soon as the ten dollar knife broke, the oil price seemed to break through the flood of the last dam, and the decline could no longer be stopped.

Faster and faster.

Nine dollars, eight dollars, seven dollars, one after another, the pass was broken.

Zhou Yi and his colleagues were already excited.

"If I wipe it, it may fall to a negative price!" Zhou Yi shouted in disbelief.

At the moment, the decline of the disk is too fierce. It's like a flood.

According to this momentum, it is quite possible to fall below zero yuan in one go.

"The bears seem to be determined to hit a negative price and force those bulls to death." Qin Fei sighed.

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for oil prices to fall into negative prices.

Even if the oil storage warehouses in the United States and Liberia are indeed in an emergency, it is difficult to fall out of negative prices.

In fact, the reason is very simple. If the oil price really falls to negative, those energy giants will never sit idly by.

They will certainly take advantage of the negative price of crude oil and eat a lot.

Even if it is for this purpose to build several oil storage warehouses, it is also worth it. Even if it is too late to build a warehouse, it is worth renting a few oil tankers directly and docking on the wharf when they are full.

Therefore, from the actual situation, it is difficult for spot crude oil to fall out of the negative price.

At the moment, crude oil futures go straight to zero yuan. It is obvious that those bears are forcing more.

"Don't you think it's strange that the Bulls didn't resist at all and allowed the oil price to fall like this." Zheng Junpeng said.

Today is indeed the last trading day before delivery. Whether it is multiple orders or empty orders, we must close our positions today.

Bulls, but if they resist, bears don't dare to be so arrogant.

And from the disk, there was no sign of resistance from the bulls.

It's like you totally admit your fate.

More strangely, the Bulls not only did not resist, but also showed no sign of large stop losses.

"It's a little abnormal." Qin Fei said, and he didn't understand it.

From the disk alone, the performance of this bull can be called the kindergarten level.

There was no resistance.

Chen Wei, they can't see the position, but those giants can certainly see the position.

It can be expected that the positions of bulls will not be small.

But so many positions are so naive that Qin Fei can't understand.

This is simply giving money to bears.

"Could it be... The crude oil shell of Guohua bank?" Su Xi said.

"Crude oil shell? You mean, the crude oil shell of Guohua bank is still inside?" Zheng Junpeng was stunned.

"Not to mention, it's really possible. Just now my classmates tried, and the crude oil shell can't be traded. They said it was as of 10 p.m. fortunately, my classmates listened to me and stopped the loss at more than 9 o'clock, but there must be many crude oil shell investors who haven't come to stop the loss and are all inside." Chen Wei said strangely.