Chapter 922

Name:Super trader Author:斯皮尔比格
"Should we move the warehouse?" Zheng Junpeng said uncertainly.

The vast majority of futures investors will choose to move their positions before the expiration of the contract, and few will hold their positions until the delivery date.

After all, the vast majority of futures investors do not have the right to deliver and will be forced to close their positions at maturity. In this way, the risk is a little out of control.

Chen Wei, the reason why they will hold positions to the end this time is that they have predicted this wave of killing and falling market.

In addition, Chen Wei has skills in hand, and his tolerance for risk is much higher than that of ordinary traders.

Those customers obviously can't compare with Chen Wei.

Moreover, most of the customers are multi order.

"As far as I know, the Chinese commercial bank started to move its positions uniformly last week, and after moving its positions, it is not allowed to do more crude oil, but can only close its positions. It seems that the Chinese commercial bank has expected the risk of crude oil and is ready to stop the whole crude oil business. However, there is no news from the Chinese commercial bank. It seems that it is not ready to move its positions uniformly, leaving customers free It has been operated, "said Su Xi.

"Let the customers operate by themselves? What is Guohua Bank doing? For those bank customers who buy crude oil shells, do they know what to move the warehouse, when to move the warehouse and how to move the warehouse?" Qin Fei was stunned and even faintly angry.

Guohua bank is irresponsible.

International crude oil futures are inherently risky.

Most of the bank's customers are risk averse investors. They simply can't adapt to the huge risks of international crude oil.

Let alone international crude oil, those investors are afraid that they have not even done much in domestic futures.

It's like a group of people who were just splashing in the indoor swimming pool were suddenly brought into the ocean by Guohua bank.

Throw these people directly into the sea without saying. Seeing that the storm is coming, Guohua bank has not pulled up these people still fluttering in the sea, nor even a risk warning.

Let these investors live and die.

Guohua bank has no sense of responsibility. What did the regulatory authorities do?

"Even if Guohua bank doesn't move its positions uniformly, can it remind the customers at any rate? Don't even remind them, and let the customers live and die?" Zheng Junpeng couldn't see it anymore.

"Hey, people are vulnerable groups. It's good to provide you investors with a platform to participate in international crude oil futures. What else do you want?" Zhou Yi said in a strange way.

Although Zhou Yi's words are a bit of that, I'm afraid some senior executives of Guohua bank really have similar ideas.

"Hey, you said, if the crude oil really falls out of a negative price, will Guohua bank let these crude oil investors make up the margin?" Yu Jia said.

When he said this, he really reminded everyone.

"I'm not sure. I guess Guohua bank can really do such a thing," Zhou Yi said.

"That's shameless, isn't it? It will definitely arouse people's anger. If so, the regulatory authorities should check it out." Zheng Junpeng didn't dare believe that such a thing would happen.

The crude oil shell of Guohua bank is not quite the same as the real futures.

Real futures are margin trading, and there is a risk of position explosion.

The crude oil is a zero leverage transaction. Unless the crude oil really falls to a negative price, there is no theory of position explosion.

This is why many crude oil customers dare to come in to copy the bottom.

Since crude oil is bullish for a long time, it's OK to hold it for a long time.

In the short term, even if the fall is severe, it doesn't matter. It's a big deal.

Who hasn't carried the loss yet!

But if it really falls to the negative price and breaks the position, it will be carried by those who want to carry it. If all the principal is lost, they have to pay the margin.

If so, I'm afraid those investors will fry the pot.

Qin Fei also said: "Guohua bank itself did not fulfill its due responsibility and did not compensate customers for their losses. It would be shameless to let customers pay the margin again."

Su Xi said, "I've seen their contract for crude oil shellfish. It's very clear that customers voluntarily buy crude oil shellfish products. Guohua bank does not promise any income, and all risks are borne by customers. If crude oil shellfish really burst because of negative price, those investors really have to pay the margin according to the provisions of the contract."

"Don't worry, they'll be able to deduct the terms of the contract. But those who buy crude oil shells are also stupid. Don't they have any points? International crude oil futures dare to get involved and lose their money." Zhou Yi still gloated.

In his opinion, Guohua bank and those crude oil customers are bad and stupid.

This is a typical bad man fooling a fool.

"I can't say that. Many of those customers don't know what futures are, let alone what international crude oil futures are. They were fooled by the bank and bought them." Chen Wei said.

He thought of his classmates and Zhang Chuankai's wife.

And Shan Qi's colleagues.

His classmates, at least, also study finance and know more about futures.

The reason why I buy crude oil shells is more to Liu Jia's face. I think that crude oil has indeed fallen to the end anyway. If I copy it and hold it for a long time, I can not only earn some money, but also help Liu Jia and have the best of both worlds.

Zhang Chuankai's wife should be the kind of fool fooled. Chen Wei has advised Zhang Chuankai many times. His wife has to be stubborn. There's nothing to say.

As for Shan Qi's colleagues, they are smart guys who deserve to lose money.

But his classmates had better remind him again.

Originally, Chen Wei didn't want to take care of it, but after a long talk with Mr. Yin last night, Chen Wei's attitude changed slightly.

Moreover, if his classmates really lose a lot because of this, I'm afraid Mr. Yin will have some opinions on him.

It's a little unreasonable to watch the students lose money without reminding them.

Look at the time. It's less than ten o'clock now. I think many students haven't slept.

Chen Wei made a sentence in the group of students: "the crude oil contract in May will expire and deliver tomorrow. Tonight is the last trading day. Now the external market is falling violently. In case an unprecedented negative price is dropped and forced to close the position by the platform, the loss will be large. I suggest closing the position as soon as possible or moving the position."

Sure enough, many students in the group are online.

As soon as Chen Wei spoke, he immediately attracted a lot of people.

"Mr. Chen, help me. I'm losing my underpants."

"You still have underpants. I'm going to drink northwest wind in the second half of the year. How to fix it?"

"My down payment is about to go in. Mr. Chen, show me a way to live. How to move the warehouse?"