Chapter 684

Name:Super trader Author:斯皮尔比格
Qin Fei smiled and said: "Lin Hongsheng has been holding back his strength and wants to compete with me. In particular, his strength is stronger when he loses a move in Ningdong chess. It can be said that he has only our 80000 hands and more orders in his eyes now. As long as the 80000 hands and more orders are still there, Lin Hongsheng will not let go. He will push down longchuang's share price all the way until our 80000 hands and more orders stop."

Chen Weimei frowned and said, "do you mean that he knows that there are tigers in the mountain and prefers to go to the tiger mountain? Just to bite us?"

Qin Fei nodded and said: "That's right. Lin Hongsheng can be said to be a vindictive man. Ning Dong has suffered such a big loss, especially he and I are old enemies. Even if he risks offending Xu Tianyin, he will let me suffer a loss. Moreover, he never thought that we made more than 80000 orders just to catch him. In fact, if he doesn't doubt su Su Xi is still in charge of the research department. With Su Xi's ability, we can find out our joint bid for Jiulong Mountain with Haihua and Jin Shengda, and we can infer our real intention. Unfortunately, Lin Hongsheng broke his arm. Without Su Xi, he would be like a blind tiger without much threat. We have more than 80000 hands, and he certainly doesn't think much It's our conspiracy against him, but we will think that we have some inside information and are ready to counter attack. "

Chen Weizi thought carefully. Qin Fei's analysis was really reasonable and said, "if this is true, he will inquire about what inside information there is in longchuang. Then, on his own side, he will be ready to deal with longchuang's counterattack. In this way, it will be difficult for Xu Tianyin to keep an eye on him."

If Lin Hongsheng did this, it would be tantamount to a confrontation with Xu Tianyin. With the information channels Xu Tianyin mastered, it must be found out that he was shorting long Chuang behind his back. At that time, it's strange that Xu Tianyin can spare him.

Qin Fei also said, "well, on our side, we can also send him some false news."

Chen Wei's eyes lit up and asked, "what false news?"

"I asked Qin Qin to find Yan Meihua again and tell her that we are doing duolongchuang and have inside information. Yan Meihua will certainly tell Lin Hongsheng about it. In this way, Lin Hongsheng will be more convinced." Qin Fei had a malicious smile on his mouth.

Chen Wei knows that Yan Meihua cheated Lin Hongsheng through Yan Meihua last time.

To tell the truth, Chen Wei is also very emotional. Gossip women like Yan Meihua who can't hide their words will definitely help if they are used well.

As for how to communicate with Yan Meihua, Chen Wei doesn't have to worry about it. Qin Fei will arrange it clearly.

Chen Wei was thinking of another thing at this time.

"Qin Qin, that woman, seems very nice to you?" Chen Wei looked at Qin Fei with a smile and said.

Chen Wei had heard Zhang Chenyang talk about Qin Qin before. At lunch yesterday, Chen Wei also observed it carefully. Sure enough, Qin Qin looked at Qin Fei differently.

Undisguised love.

Just like the way fans look at Aidou.

Chen Wei also inquired about Qin Qin with Zhang Chenyang. He knew that Qin Qin was a bit avant-garde. It was said that he had changed countless boyfriends, basically one a month.

To tell the truth, Chen Wei is a more traditional person. He can't accept a woman like Qin Qin.

But Chen Wei is not a person who likes to interfere with others, let alone impose his ideas on others.

Everyone has his own way of life and his own outlook on life. Who is qualified to comment on others?

Therefore, if Qin Fei is really with Qin Qin, Chen Wei won't say much.

He was just a little worried. Qin Qin didn't break up with Qin Fei in a few days. Wouldn't it be another blow for Qin Fei?

Qin Fei has been hit enough. Chen Wei doesn't want Qin Fei to be hit again.

Qin Fei is also a keen mind. As soon as Chen Wei said this, he knew what Chen Wei was thinking. He smiled and said: "I also want to understand a lot of things. In my life, just a few decades, what will last forever? I have to be happy when I am proud of my life. I am drunk now. Today, Qin Qin takes me as a friend and I take her as a friend. As for what will happen tomorrow, it is tomorrow's business. What do you want to do so much."

Hearing this, Chen Wei sighed in his heart.

On the surface, Qin Fei is really open, but Chen Wei knows that Qin Fei is not such a person.

He didn't really open his eyes. He just closed his heart completely.

If you can't get into his heart, you can't hurt his heart.

In the final analysis, he still didn't completely get out of the emotional shadow brought by Shen Bing.

Chen Wei has experienced this feeling.

His relationship with Xu Lili was almost broken at that time. He even had the psychological preparation to break up. But when Xu Lili really told him to break up, Chen Wei was still a little sad and lost.

If Lian Yingying hadn't appeared around him in time, he might have to take a long time to get out of that shadow.

But Qin Fei was hurt more deeply than him, even a hundred times, a thousand times.

Chen Wei felt that if he was in Qin Fei's position, he might not be as good as Qin Fei.

Qin Fei can at least face Shen Bing calmly now. If Chen Wei is replaced, I'm afraid the first thing he does when he gets out of prison is crazy revenge.

Qin Fei's ability to achieve this level is actually very good.

If you want to really and completely get out of the shadow brought by Shen Bing, you must meet a woman who really cares about him, loves him, and can really enter his heart.

Obviously, Qin Qin is not that person.

Qin Qin is only infatuated with him now. There is no love at all, and he can't enter Qin Fei's heart at all.

Destined to be just a passer-by in Qin Fei's life.

Of course, if Qin Qin is smart enough, maybe she can become good friends with Qin Fei and keep in touch in the future.

But if Qin Qin is not smart enough to do something indecent, let alone be a friend. It's better not to be an enemy.

If so, even if Qin Fei doesn't investigate, Chen Wei will ask her for an explanation.

Chen Wei can ask Liu Yan for an explanation for LV Tinghai, let alone for Qin Fei.

He values both profit and affection.

Near the closing, longchuang suddenly rioted again.

Suddenly a pile of empty orders burst out at the opening, trying to hit the plate down.

But this time, longchuang kept it.

Chen Wei, they didn't do anything, just looked at it quietly.