Chapter 450

Name:Super trader Author:斯皮尔比格
All morning, gold fluctuated up and down at 379.

Chen Wei cleared all the gold orders in his hand.

Chen Wei made a total of more than 2 billion yuan in gold, and now he has nearly 4 billion yuan in his personal account.

It was precisely because he had so much money in his hand that he did not oppose the mobilization of Lian Yishan's billion funds.

If he is wrong, the crude oil does not fall, but rises, which leads to Lianyi mountain losing money and can't go to Victoria to get the land, he should just pad Lianyi mountain first and take the land first. As for the money, he will earn it slowly later.

Crude oil has been trading sideways near 405 in the morning.

Chen Wei operated his own account and Jin Shengda's account and kept empty. More than a dozen crude oil contracts were empty at the same time. When the morning closed, he had less than 10000 hands and Jin Shengda's account had more than 5000 hands.

The trading volume of crude oil is still less than that of gold.

Moreover, like the stock index, crude oil has a position limit. A single contract can only enter 3000 hands at most.

In the morning, Chen Wei took Zheng Junpeng, Wang Qian and Wang Xudong, and took Cheng Lixue and Li Fangyi to a nearby hotel.

Zheng Zhibao has gone to the airport to meet Chen Yunbo and them.

Invite someone to dinner at noon.

They got off the plane at 11:50. Just after 12:00, Zheng Zhibao called and said that they had received it and were on their way to the company.

The distance from the airport to the company is not close. They came just a little faster.

Chen Yunbo and his party are composed of four people. In addition to him, there are Nie bin, the general manager of their company, Ye Lin, the marketing manager of the company, and Han Jing, an administrative assistant.

Nie bin looked at his thirties, medium build, wearing a formal suit and tie, wearing a pair of black framed glasses, slightly dark skin, and a big white teeth with a smile.

Ye Lin is also in her thirties. She has short hair with ears and a professional suit. She is very capable at first sight. She also wears a pair of black framed glasses.

Han Jing is very young, just twenty-five or six. She has a shawl, long hair, white and delicate. She is also wearing a pair of black framed glasses.

In addition, Chen Yunbo is also a pair of black frame glasses.

The four people went to the front station. Chen Wei didn't pay attention to anything else. He just paid attention to the four pairs of black frame glasses. After Chen Yunbo introduced them, Chen Wei couldn't help joking: "it seems that you it people, black frame is standard."

Cheng Lixue and Li Fangyi, two little girls, couldn't hold back for a moment. They laughed with a puff. Then they immediately felt that it was impolite and quickly held it back.

Chen Yunbo, the four of them were stunned. Look at me and I'll look at you. Then I realized that all four of them were * * * * * *.

"I wipe, you don't say I really didn't pay attention. I'm used to it in the company. Let you say that it's a little special for us to stand together in four black frames." Chen Yunbo couldn't help laughing.

Nie bin and the three of them met and smiled. Nie Bin said, "don't mention it. It seems that many people in the company wear black frame glasses. It may really be a psychological hint."

"I think the black frame looks more energetic anyway." the Ye Lin also said with a smile.

Han Jing was a little shy and didn't speak.

This time, we also felt close to each other.

At dinner, I talked about software.

It is mainly about data and post maintenance.

Chen Wei has also learned that the data of stock speculation software can be accessed to the exchange and obtained directly from the exchange.

However, Nie bin suggested that he had better attach the software to the securities company and access the exchange through the securities company to obtain data.

This is not only cheap, but also can save a lot of trouble.

Otherwise, Chen Wei has to talk to the two stock exchanges and the four futures exchanges about data access and obtain authorization. All kinds of approvals are not mentioned. The cost is still high, and someone has to maintain the market data. It's too troublesome.

It's much easier to find a securities company directly.

Moreover, if Chen Wei can talk to the securities company, transfer the software use right and allow the customers of the securities company to use his software, he will not only not have to pay fees to the securities company, but also have to give him money.

Of course, the premise is that his software is more popular and used by more people.

If there are not many users, the securities company will not give him money. It is still a problem whether he can be affiliated.

As soon as Chen Wei heard that there was something else, it seemed that it was time to talk to Jianxin.

Chen Wei directly left it to Zheng Junpeng and asked him to find Chang Anmin sometime.

Chang Anmin should not refuse this little thing.

If he refuses, Chen Wei will go to Gao Shiqing.

Anyway, there are many securities companies, not only CCB.

As for the later maintenance and function upgrading of the software, this is written in the terms of the contract. It will be maintained free for three years. After three years, Tianrun can find someone to maintain it by itself or continue to let Nie bin maintain it, but the maintenance fee is 500000 per year.

Chen Wei has no problem with this.

After the conversation, the contract was confirmed to be OK. Both parties signed the contract directly at the dinner table.

Chen Wei first paid a deposit of one million yuan, and then paid the rest after the software was developed and tested to be OK.

It's more than two o'clock after dinner.

Chen Wei has asked Wang Qian to book a hotel for Chen Yunbo and his party in advance. It's not easy to come. Nie bin also wants to play in Yunzhou for two days and then go back.

Chen Wei also generously lent his big G to them to facilitate them to go out and play these days.

Zheng Zhibao first sent Nie bin, Ye Lin and Han Jing back to the hotel. Chen Yunbo followed Chen Wei back to the company. He wanted to visit Chen Wei's company and see how the legendary trader works.

Following Chen Wei to the trading room, Chen Yunbo sighed when he saw their office environment here.

Although their company is in Ninghai, and it is also a large-scale software development company, the office environment of their company is really not comparable to that of Chen Wei.

Apart from other things, the large solid wood desk for one person is much more elegant than the partition desk assembled by their company.

More than 20 people in the trading room are not as nervous and busy as Chen Yunbo imagined. Instead, they all look very relaxed, talking and laughing.

Even when Chen Wei, the big boss, came in, they didn't restrain themselves. They said what they should say and smiled.

The atmosphere was relaxed and pleasant.

Seeing that Chen Wei didn't have an angry expression on his face, he even went to one person and asked, "how's it going? The crude oil has fallen and risen?"

Chen Yunbo was very moved.

In their company's office, the whole is filled with a tense and busy atmosphere.

It's not that Nie bin is a strict boss. They have too much work. It's extravagant to get off work at normal time. Everyone wants to have three heads and six arms. There's no time to stroll and chat.