Chapter 120

Name:Super trader Author:斯皮尔比格
In order not to affect the status of the interview, Xu Lin still slept.

Get up at noon, wash and dress up, and come to blue ocean Tianrun early.

Looking up at the luxurious office building, Xu Lin was excited again.

This is where urban white-collar workers work!

Like Mattel, it's just the countryside. It's so earthy. She's embarrassed to tell people where she works!

Xu Lin took a few deep breaths, calmed down a little, and then walked into a nearby McDonald's.

I ordered French fries, ordered a coke, sat alone by the window, looked at the sea outside the window, ate, and thought carefully about how to respond during the interview.

Suddenly, a familiar figure flashed through the window!

Chen Wei!

Xu Lin was stunned. Why did he come here?


It's impossible. Daniel, who earns millions a month, can't come here for an interview!

Looking for someone?


Xu Lin didn't connect Chen Wei with Tianrun investment at all.

In fact, she has subconsciously regarded Tianrun investment as a company under JinShengDa. How can Chen Wei be related to JinShengDa

When I met Chen Wei here, Xu Lin was just a little surprised. She soon stopped thinking and continued to concentrate on her interview.

When Chen Wei came to the company, Lian Yingying, Zheng Junpeng, Ma Hongrui and Zhou Yi were already here.

"Why are you here? We've all been here for a long time!"

Lian Yingying met Chen Wei with a smile.

Zheng Junpeng is sitting in a chair, eating a hamburger in his hand and turning on the computer. He is reading his resume there. Ma Hongrui is sitting on the other side. He should have been chatting with Lian Yingying, while Zhou Yi is playing games on a nearby computer and eating a hamburger while playing.

"You're all very early. Didn't you have an interview at two o'clock?"

Chen Wei smiled, came to him, picked up a hamburger from a bag next to Zhou Yi, and Zhou Yi handed him a bottle of coke.

Knowing that everyone didn't eat, Zhou Yi specially bought a bag of hamburger, fried chicken and coke downstairs and brought it up.

"Lao Chen, what's your intention? You really invited Xu Lin?"

Zheng Junpeng asked Chen Wei a little puzzled.

Zheng Junpeng also came to know that Xu Lin had also submitted a resume, and Chen Wei invited her for an interview.

I have some doubts.

Chen Wei ate two hamburgers and drank a coke. He sat down next to Zheng Junpeng and looked at his resume on the computer.

They are all new resumes received this morning.

Then he said, "Xu Lin still has some abilities. Although she had some contradictions with us before, she must have a lot of resentment against Luo Chen and Yuan Tong this time. Talk to her. Maybe she really wants to come to us. Of course, she just doesn't want to. It doesn't matter. Let's just... Let go of the past."

Chen Wei didn't tell Zheng Junpeng in detail.

Don't leak the secret

If only he knew something himself.

"It's still Mr. Chen's generosity. This is the mind to do great things. It's not like you two!"

Ma Hongrui held Chen Wei without trace.

Zheng Junpeng smiled helplessly. He always felt that Chen Wei should not be so boring. He must have his own ideas, but Chen Wei didn't want to say, and Zheng Junpeng wouldn't ask.

"Oh, don't praise him. What kind of breadth of mind? I think he just sees other people's little girls look beautiful!"

Lian Yingying said something to Ma Hongrui with a little annoyance.

Then the two women talked to each other again.

Chen Wei shook his head and smiled. He casually asked Zheng Junpeng, "how is it? Is there a suitable one?"

Zheng Junpeng pondered: "this one is Zhao Fang, and this one is Wang Qian. Both of these two feelings are OK. The others feel average. But what's the matter? We have to meet and talk to know."

"Zhao Fang and ye Qingyun will come in a moment. The rest will come tomorrow. Call them and ask them to come. Let's fix the people as soon as possible these two days."

Chen Wei said.

Zheng Junpeng nodded, took his mobile phone and called the other candidates one by one.

Chen Wei chatted with Ma Hongrui and Lian Yingying at will.

I was talking when I heard a knock at the door outside.

Ma Hongrui ran past and opened the door.

A woman asked outside, "excuse me, is this Tianrun investment?"

"Yes, are you here for an interview? Please come in!"

Ma Hongrui hurriedly replied, and then led a young girl in.

As soon as Chen Wei saw it, he knew it was the candidate named Zhao Fang.

"This is President Chen."

Ma Hongrui introduced Chen Wei to Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang hurriedly and respectfully called President Chen.

The first time he was called President Chen so respectfully, Chen Wei was a little uncomfortable, but soon covered up, smiled and said to Zhao Fang, "your name is Zhao Fang? Let's go to the conference room. Lao Zheng, go together."

Zheng Junpeng nodded and followed Chen Wei. They led Zhao Fang out.

Zhou Yi quickly quit the game and followed.

Lian YingYing and Ma Hongrui stayed here.

Chen Wei and the three of them led Zhao Fang to the nearby conference room. After sitting down, none of them had any experience in giving interviews. Look at me and I'll look at you. Finally, Chen Wei said, "introduce yourself first."

Then Zhao Fang introduced herself.

The presentation was very detailed. It seems that I have carefully prepared it.

The speech is also very concise and lively, without procrastination, showing a capable energy.

Chen Wei nodded to himself.

Zheng Junpeng also gave Chen Wei a good look.

After the introduction, Chen Wei asked a few questions casually, and Zhao Fang answered them appropriately.

Chen Wei had almost made up his mind, but he still asked, "what do you want to know about the company?"

"I want to know, what is our Tianrun investment specifically engaged in?"

Zhao Fang asked.

"Oh, we mainly do intraday trading of US stocks, and we may expand to other markets in the later stage."

Zheng Junpeng said.

Zhao Fang nodded, hesitated, and asked, "so... What's the relationship between the company and Jin Shengda?"

Chen Wei shook his head and said, "Tianrun investment has nothing to do with JinShengDa."

"Ah? Not a subsidiary of JinShengDa?"

Zhao Fang seemed a little surprised.

"Jin Shengda's subsidiary? Who did you listen to?"

Chen Wei smiled.

"No? I thought it was a subsidiary of JinShengDa! Alas!"

Zhao Fang was very disappointed when she heard Chen Wei's words.

Chen Wei sighed helplessly.

Originally, Zhao Fang was quite satisfied with this, but now I see that people came for Jin Shengda's name. When I hear that Tianrun has nothing to do with Jin Shengda, it's obvious that it's over.