Chapter 139

Name:Super express Author:wu dou xiao min
I don't know whether it was Wu Hao's good luck or this kind of "kukaku" revenge. In less than ten minutes, a "kukaku" suddenly sprang out of the sand 30 meters in front and opened its big mouth to swallow the six of Wu Hao.

Wu Hao found out when kukaku came out that he would not be bitten by it.

The strength of those five people is not weak, and they can also hide.

"Kukaku" didn't bite the man. A fierce son disappeared in the sand in an instant, as if he hadn't appeared.

When kukaku appeared, the woman's face showed a trace of joy and began to say something loudly.

The other four men took off their backpacks behind them and assembled an adult thigh thick diamond javelin from the backpack,

The four diamond javelins reflected dazzling light in the sun.

Almost blinded Wu Hao's titanium dog eye.

What kind of world is this.

Diamonds can be made into javelins.

How big a diamond it takes to see.

And looking at their faces, the diamond is not valuable.

However, diamonds are of little value to them, but they are very valuable to Wu Hao.

Moreover, the strength of the "kukaku" just now is semi congenital.

Unless they can attack from its abdomen, they have to kill with one shot.

Otherwise, the five of them are dead.

Of course, this is in my absence.

Then, the four men dispersed with a cautious face.

However, this' kukaku 'seems to have recognized Wu Hao.

Ignoring the four men, he rushed out of Wu Hao's feet and wanted to eat Wu Hao.

However, with its strength, it can't do it at all.

Moreover, Wu Hao wants to show his strength in front of five people.

With his hand to the 'kukaku' under his feet, he pointed to his right hand and said, "die."

A six pulse immortal sword shot at kukaku, directly through its brain and dug out the mental crystal.

Use your mind to control the crystal to your right hand and put it into the ring.

After being dug out, the "kukaku" turned into a corpse and fell on the yellow sand, raising a burst of dust.

Seeing that Wu Hao just pointed, he killed the powerful 'kukaku' second.

The five women have no doubt about the identity of Wu Hao Zhan Sheng.

"Now that kukaku is dead, you can go back. I've been in the desert for some time and want to find a place to rest. "

Wu Hao said and gestured, telling the woman his intention to go back with them.

When the woman knew what Wu Hao meant, she certainly dared not disagree.

It's a great crime to destroy the family if you dare to disrespect the war saint.

Then, one of the men, that is, the man who really reached the top, first dug out the blue heart like a triangle of "kukaku" and put it into a diamond box. Then he and the other three men picked up the body of "kukaku" and rushed in the direction they came.

I have to say that men in this world are strong.

The body of kukaku is almost 40 tons, and the four of them can lift it with some ease.

Accompanied by five women, Wu Hao is not lonely anymore.

Moreover, with his strengthened brain, he quickly learned the language of the planet with women.

Finally, one day later (one day on this planet, five days on earth), Wu Hao could simply communicate with Yali.

Yali is the woman's name.

During the conversation with Yali, Wu Hao learned that the vast desert under his feet is called the desert of death, which is one of the seven Jedi on the planet.

The seven Jedi are "desert of death", "forest of mist", "mountain of ten thousand weights", "sea of ghosts", "ice prison", "eye of the wind" and "thunder pond".

The place where they are now is the edge of the "desert of death".

Kukaku is a creature living on the edge of the desert of death.

It is also for this reason that five of them dare to hunt them here.

And the more inside, the more dangerous creatures there are.

There is little chance of survival if you enter it.

The reason why they came to hunt 'kukaku' is also very simple.

It was Yali's father, the patriarch of their tribe, who fell ill and needed the heart in kukaku for treatment.

And why did they carry the whole kukaku back.

Again, it's simple.

Kukaku is a very precious creature. Its meat can strengthen people's body.

Its skin can be made into armor.

So it would be a waste to just take the heart back.

"How many days will it take us to go back now?" Wu Hao asked.

"If you walk fast, it only takes three days." Alice said.

Wu Hao knows that she said three days, but earth time is 15 days.

It is also because the day is too long, so almost all of them are martial artists.

Because only in this way can we survive this long day.

The night here is also very magical.

Four days after Earth time, the stars like the two suns in the sky suddenly seemed to be covered with black cloth, no longer emitting a ray of light.

One day later, two stars like the sun began to get busy again.

"What's the matter with Zhan Sheng?" Wu Hao asked curiously.

"The war saint is the bodyguard of Lord war in the war god temple. Their strength is very strong. Their main task is to prevent the animal tide from destroying the 12 main cities. " Yali also knew at this time that Wu Hao was not a war saint, but he was as powerful as a war saint.

"12 main city?" Wu Hao is more and more curious about the world.

This is totally different from the development of the earth.

"Yes, on the vast ares continent, there are 12 huge main cities. It is said that there is a huge wall outside the main city, and tens of millions of people live in the city. "

When it comes to the main city, Yali's face shows some longing.

"What about the safety of your tribe?"

The animal tide will spread all over the continent. The main city has huge walls to resist, and the war Saint helps. Security should not be a problem.

However, small tribes like Yali have no resistance at all under the animal tide.

Because there are many strange animals like 'kukaku' in the animal tide.

It's not easy for Yali to deal with a 'kukaku', not to mention the animal tide.

"When the animal tide came, our small tribes had to move to the main city as far as possible." Yali light tunnel.

When Yali said this, the expression on her face was very calm.

It seems that she should have encountered this situation.

"What if you can't get to the main city?" Wu Hao asked.

"That's only swallowed by the animal tide." Alice said“ At that time, the main city will continue to send some more people and continue to form some small tribes. "

Wu Hao nodded, suddenly took out a reading crystal and asked, "what is this?"

Wu Hao is curious about what kind of existence mindfulness crystal is here.