Chapter 1629

But the flower fairy said, "although the prohibition of saints is very powerful and almost no one can break it, it is said that the treasure of the first heaven under Kunlun mountain can be broken. Once the treasure appears in the world, the prohibition will break down automatically. At that time, the evil people of the whole fairyland will enter the world and do what they want to do."

"What do they want? There is nothing immortal Qi they can cultivate in the world. There should be nothing they need." Qin Feng said quickly.

"You are wrong. There is one thing that is very important to them in the world, that is, the spirit of the mortals, which is what you call the soul. Although the mortal body has no meaning to the immortal, the power of the soul can speed up their cultivation. Those scum in the fairyland, or the devil, can still use this way to improve their cultivation, Because this method is several times faster than normal cultivation. "

Qin Feng never thought that there was such a thing. People's souls could help them to practice. What's the difference between this and the evil way of cultivating the real world.

"I didn't expect that there were such scum among the immortals. What would happen if mortals were absorbed by them?" Qin Feng asked quickly.

"Is there anything else to say? Have you ever seen a puppet? Or zombies, these people are absorbed by the soul fire, because the body is still alive, they become the living dead, they have no consciousness, they are controlled by those guys, and then kill more people, then the whole world will become the hell of ancient times again. "

Qin Feng never thought that the world would be in such danger. Once the treasure appeared, would the world be occupied“ I can't imagine that such a scene may appear at any time when I look at the beautiful world. It's terrible. "

"So we must find this ancient treasure first, and we can't let it fall into the hands of those immortals who do evil. As long as we can get it and sink it into the ground again, the prohibition of the saint can't be broken, and those immortals can't do anything extraordinary."

"I see. We need to find this treasure first." Qin Feng said.

"It's not as simple as you think. This treasure is not your last treasure. It's a wise spirit. Maybe it will appear in front of you like a man. But as long as he appears, the prohibition of the sage will give an alarm. Once the treasure releases its energy completely, the prohibition of the sage will be broken."

"Can it become a human treasure?" Qin Feng couldn't believe it. He really had such a treasure. If he saw it, he probably didn't know it.

"But since the saint can fight the prohibition, once the prohibition is broken, the saint will surely know that the treasure will appear, and the saint of the fairyland knows in advance that he won't sit back and ignore it."

Qin Feng had a point in his mind. Those really strong people in fairyland would never sit back and watch such an important event, but the flower fairy shook his head again and said, "you don't know, because most of the strong people in fairyland fell down in the great war in ancient times, and the rest of them were also seriously injured, that is, the saint who set up the forbidden system had to set up powerful forbidden magic after the injury, It's even more serious. No one knows if he's still here. Once he doesn't show up, no one can stop such a catastrophe. "

This makes Qin Feng feel a great sense of fear. If there is no one in the world to control, and the immortals come to the world to do mischief, the whole world will really become a hell.

"What shall we do now?" Qin Feng asked quickly.

"It's very simple. If there is a saint, it's not a big problem. If there is no saint, the treasure must continue to be buried in Kunlun mountain. It's a pity that the treasure must have been born. She's alive and has the same wisdom and means as others. It's very difficult to catch him. Even if you catch him, you have to be able to tame her, She can still escape. "

"It's a bit difficult. If this treasure is alive, it must be very strong, isn't it?" Qin Feng asked.

"Just as strong as your dragon when he grows up." Said the fairy.

At this time, Qin Feng remembered that he had a little dragon on his body, but usually he was quietly lying on Qin Feng's body to absorb Qin Feng's immortal Qi. Qin Feng was used to it, but his cultivation was much slower.

For the sake of this pet, love is also recognized, who let him get the little dragon, but now I heard that the treasure has the strength of the dragon, Qin Feng suddenly felt bad.

Qin Feng shook his head and said, "that's not what we can do. Even if this treasure is in front of us, we can't catch him."

The flower fairy said with a smile: "you should not be too disappointed. Although this treasure is very strong, her attack nature is different. She will attack those who threaten her. Moreover, she has an instinct that she can feel the quality of the person who comes, that is, he can tell whether this person is good or bad."

When Qin Feng heard this, he didn't believe it. No matter how powerful a person is, it's almost impossible for him to see through his heart. Qin Feng said with a smile, "you're talking about some gods. You can see good people and bad people. How does she see them?"

The flower fairy said with a smile: "I don't know about this, because I got it from ancient books and rumors. They said that this treasure can distinguish the breath of good people from that of bad people. The breath around good people is peaceful, while that of bad people is violent and dark. It's hard to say whether it's true."

"Well, I believe that. In that case, are we good people?" Qin Feng said with a smile.

"Of course, if we are not good people, there will be no good people at the bottom that day." The flower fairy said with a smile.

"What will she do if we show up in front of this treasure? Will you do it to us? " Qin Feng asked.

"If we don't threaten him, he won't do it. But if we do it, he will escape. If we can't, he will do it. His strength is very strong. But I don't know what the situation is, because it's my guess. "

Qin Feng nodded and said, "well, let's have a try. Since you know that this treasure has come out, I believe other immortals also know that there will be a large number of experts going to Kunlun Mountain soon. Shall we go too?"