Chapter 1436

All of a sudden, a force blew these guys up and suspended them in the air. They were so scared that they were all dumbfounded. The pedestrians nearby were also very surprised. They saw these guys suspended with their own eyes. Many people thought that they were performing street magic“ These people are so powerful that they can fly. Do they know how to do it? "

"I think it's a performance. There must be a rope. You can't see it."

"Look, too, but it's so cute. I'm going to upload a video to show you what's going on."

Everyone stopped to take photos and watch the excitement, but they were scared. Qin Feng didn't want to do it at this time, so he suspended them like this. Sure enough, these guys were scared. The injured gangster quickly said, "you let us down, you let us down."

Qin Feng said with a sneer, "didn't you just say that you were going to have a hard time? Now that's it, you can't do it. "

"I'm wrong, can't I? You put me down

After Qin Feng put these guys down, these guys left in panic, but not far away, someone was still controlling the taxi, not letting them near Qin Feng.

Qin Feng looked at the time. Half an hour had passed. He was still ten kilometers away from the school. He didn't have much time. The taxi still saw the gangsters in front of him and didn't dare to get close.

Even if Qin Feng drove them away, they could stop them further at most. It seems that it is not easy to get a car today. Qin Feng went to her side and said with a smile, "my daughter, how about Dad taking you to the exam?"

The girl said excitedly: "good, good. Dad hasn't held me for a long time. Dad held me."

Qin Feng picked her up, but Li Fei said quickly: "Mr. Qin, if we go there, it's too late, but now we can't get the car. What can we do?"

Qin Feng said with a smile“ It doesn't matter. Didn't you just say to walk? I'll take my daughter

Li Fei was also surprised, quickly stopped: "no, no, our speed is too slow, until the exam is over there."

Qin Feng said with a smile: "don't worry, I promise to go to school. The exam hasn't started yet, but I can only take my daughter. Mr. Li, you can walk slowly in the back. If you can find the car in another place, maybe you can find it. I'll take my daughter first."

Li Fei also wanted to say that it was impossible, but at this moment, she couldn't see Qin Feng and Nannan. When he looked back, Qin Feng and Nannan were 100 meters away.

Li Fei stood there with a look of surprise. At this time, she remembered that Qin Feng was not an ordinary person. His ability was beyond her imagination.

Pedestrians in the street, many people suddenly feel something flashing around, with their clothes, the wind is not very big, but it is like blowing on their bodies in general.

At this time, Qin Feng picked up his daughter and was exerting his skill. Instead of exerting all his strength, he only exerted one tenth of his speed, which was enough to ensure that he could reach the campus without any danger to the people around him.

What's more, people around him can't see him flying away, but there was an accident. A young man was using his latest mobile phone. After shooting a video, he slowed down and wanted to see the effect. Who knows that he actually saw the person who wasn't in the original video.

That's exactly the way Qin Feng is running with his daughter in his arms. Seeing this, this guy is also very surprised. He quickly posted this video to the Internet, and put together the videos of no slowing down and slowing down.

But Qin Feng didn't know. When he sent her to school, it was only 7:50. She had time. She could drink water and have a rest.

Qin Feng put her down and said with a smile, "now go in yourself. After you go in, have a good exam. Dad is waiting for you here."

At this time, Nannan is already excited. She has never been taken off by her father like this. Now she feels that she is flying in mid air. She says, "Dad, when I finish the exam, can you take me to fly again? It's exciting. "

Qin Feng said with a smile: "of course, dad is waiting for you here. After you finish the exam, dad will take you back like this."

Nannan jumped up happily. Just at this time, a teacher came and asked about the situation. She took Nannan in. Qin Feng was waiting for Mr. Li to arrive at the school gate.

Mr. Li didn't show up. Qin Feng felt a little surprised. Even if he left, it was estimated that it was almost the same. He quickly dialed Mr. Li's phone, but the phone hung up.

Qin Feng is a little worried about Li Fei's safety. After all, what he just met is a gang of gangsters. What these gangsters like most is to bully the weak with guns. If they can't beat themselves, they will clean up the people around them.

But he can't leave here now. After the exam, Nannan must wait for herself here. Once she doesn't see herself, she will be very flustered.

Qin Feng had no choice but to wait here. More than ten minutes later, Qin Feng's phone suddenly rang. He picked it up and saw that it was Mr. Li's phone. Qin Feng quickly connected it and said, "where are you, Mr. Li?"

But it wasn't Miss Li's voice, but a strange voice said: "boy, if you want to see your teacher Li, come here obediently."

Qin Feng immediately knew that Mr. Li had been kidnapped by those people. It was his own fault. In fact, he could bring two people. He just wanted to fly in mid air, which would cause confusion. After all, flying in mid air is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Qin Feng said, "who are you? Why against me? "

The man sneered: "it's you who are against me. If you hurt my subordinates, I'll clean you up and get to my villa in half an hour. If you don't come, you don't want to see your teacher."

Qin Feng looked at the time, half an hour. It was the time when the girl had just finished the exam. This guy must have said that it was a good time. If he left, the girl would not see herself. If he didn't go, teacher Li Fei would be in danger.

Qin Feng looked at the location of the villa. It was several kilometers away. Qin Feng thought about it for a while, and he made a decision. Since he wanted to be in half an hour, he would listen to him. However, what Qin Feng wanted to do in half an hour was not just to get to the villa, but to solve the problems of the gang, rescue Li Fei, and then get to the school gate. That was all he had to do.