Chapter 1318

Qin Feng instantly appears in front of Nannan. Before the woman next to her reacts, Qin Feng unties Nannan's rope and holds it up. Seeing that it's her father, Nannan cries excitedly.

"Dad, you came to save me, and I knew you would.

Seeing that Nannan cried so hard for the first time, Qin Feng was even more worried. He said, "don't be afraid, Nannan. Now Dad will take you home."

At this time, the woman responded and immediately called. She was knocked unconscious by Qin Feng. Then Qin Feng went downstairs. At this time, Peng Sheng just wanted to go upstairs to clean up her daughter, but he didn't expect to see Qin Feng.

This time, Peng Sheng's legs softened and he wanted to run. But Qin Feng didn't let him run. He kicked him to the ground and said, "you dare to kidnap my daughter. Today I will kill you."

But at this time next to the girl busy way: "Dad don't, I want to go home."

Qin Feng is also a moment of excitement, forget to have a daughter around, he said to that Pengsheng: "you go back to tell your boss, I will go to him tonight."

Qin Feng doesn't worry about this guy running, because he can find it anywhere. He has to revenge. After that, Qin Feng takes her home. When she gets home, Qin Feng gives her to Meng Ke. He doesn't dare to tell Meng Ke what happened today. He just says that he took her out to play.

Meng Ke thought it was true. Seeing Nannan crying, he said, "Nannan, how did you cry? Did someone bully you?"

The girl said, "no, I'm happy today. I just fell down."

Meng Ke also believes the girl's words, and takes him to dinner. Qin Feng looks at the time, and it's time to find boss Lin for revenge.

He got up and went to the hotel. As soon as he got to the hotel, he saw that the hotel was closed. It was obvious that boss Lin had received the news that he wanted to come to him. He ran away immediately. Qin Feng was not worried, so he called Qiao Sanniang.

"| landlady, you help me find someone, the sooner the better."

The landlady said with a smile on the phone, "no problem. Go ahead. Who are you looking for?"

Qin Feng said: "it's the owner of the Marriott Hotel, the largest hotel in Kyoto. Now he's running away. Help me find his position."

Qiao Sanniang was surprised and said, "did he offend you?"

Qin Feng sneered: "he dares to kidnap my daughter. Do you think I should seek revenge?"

Hearing this, Qiao Sanniang was also very angry and said immediately: "this man is damned. I will use all the people and his conditions to find him now."

Qin Feng just waited at the door of the hotel, but did not go back. Sure enough, in less than half an hour, Qiao Sanniang called. On the phone, Qiao Sanniang said: "Qin Feng, we have found him. We have found his trace according to the eye of heaven. He is now in the airport, ready to go to the United States."

The original is to run, no way, Qin Feng busy way: "you let people get him stuck, don't let him out, I will go now."

"I've arranged for someone. He won't leave there."

After getting the news, Qin Feng immediately went to the airport. When he arrived at the airport, he went directly to the entrance, but he didn't see boss Lin. at this time, he saw what several people were looking for.

"Are you Mr. Qin Feng? We are the comrades of the Security Bureau. I am ordered to wait for you here. " A man came up and said.

Qin Feng nodded and said, "what are you waiting for me to do?"

"Well, we just left the person you're looking for,; But his friends have rescued him. There are so many of them. I've asked for support. "

Qin Feng shook his head and said, "no, just say where and how long they have been."

The man said: "don't worry, Mr. Qin Feng. I've put a tracker on Lin's body. I know his position clearly. This is his current position. Mr. Qin Feng, just take this tracker with you."

Qin Feng saw a red dot on the mobile phone moving, which should be the mobile location of boss Lin. when he was about to take the mobile phone, he said, "OK, thank you. Now you can go back."

The man was still a little worried and said: "Mr. Qin Feng really doesn't want support? They've just arrived, dozens of them. "

It turned out that just now, people from two security bureaus were ordered to arrest people. Unexpectedly, boss Lin brought dozens of them behind him just in case.

Qin Feng shakes his head, leaves the airport directly, and drives to chase boss Lin. he runs all the time on the road, and the distance between the two places is getting closer and closer. Qin Feng sees that the red dot stops in one place. It's obvious that boss Lin stays in that place. Qin Feng drives there in a hurry. When he arrives, he finds that it's a nightclub.

It's evening now, and the nightclub is busy with people coming and going. It's really easy to hide one person here, because there are many rooms in the nightclub and there are many people inside, so it's very difficult to find boss Lin.

If boss Lin is a practitioner, Qin Feng can still track the breath, but now he can only rely on this tracker. He went upstairs and was blocked as soon as he got to the door.

"There's no reception here today." A security guard said coldly

Qin Feng saw several women go in and said, "why can they go in?"

"The security guard sneered:" today can only be a woman in, not a man

Qin Feng felt that something was wrong. It must have been arranged by boss Lin. he was afraid that he would come after him, so he didn't come hard. He turned around and found a place to hide himself. Then he entered directly through the gate, and neither of the two security guards could see him.

After Qin Feng went in, because the location of the tracker is too close now, it's not very detailed, so he can only estimate the location of boss Lin. Qin Feng went up to the second floor, and there are dozens of rooms here, but every room is closed.

At this moment, the red dot of the tracker disappears. Qin Feng feels that this guy must have found the tracker, so he blocks it. He can only find the location of boss Lin as soon as possible.

But just as he was about to look for them, several people appeared in front of him. Qin Feng saw that they were the God of water and the God of gold armor. Unexpectedly, they came.

"Boy, I have some skills. I saved my daughter, but you can't leave today."

It turned out that boss Lin knew he couldn't run away, so he contacted the water god. When the water god learned about it, he was furious and scolded boss Lin. since he lost the hostage, they wanted a new one. The hostage was Qin Feng.

The water god only brought two Jinjia gods to catch Qin Feng, because he didn't know Qin Feng's strength had reached the peak when he thought Qin Feng was still in the early days of shenzun.