Chapter 1304

Luo Xue snorted: "what do you mean I'm sorry? I don't think you look down on me. Forget it. Those who are kind can't get a good reward. They're gone."

Luo Xue turned around and left. Qin Feng didn't chase them. After all, they met by chance, and they couldn't keep pestering each other. They went down the mountain alone. As soon as he got there, he heard the queen say in her ear, "are you going to leave the emperor?"

Qin Feng said with a bitter smile: "there's no way. The emperor can't go to see you because I'm an outsider. You should understand that since you want to kill me, I can't help it. I'd better go back to see my wife and say the last word to them."

But the queen scolded: "useless things. I'm just bluffing the emperor. If you don't want to leave, just go back and wait for them. If he doesn't want to come back with you, you don't want to come back either."

Qin Feng seems to be threatened, but at least he has saved his life. It seems that the Xia Shang girl doesn't intend to kill herself. Qin Feng is relieved.

Since people want to go back by themselves, go back. Qin Feng comes back again. But as soon as he gets to the door, he meets Luo Xue. At this time, Luo Xue feels ashamed to see him coming back. Thinking that Qin Feng wants to promise her, he says angrily, "how did you come back?"

Qin Feng is busy“ The queen told me to wait here. Whenever the emperor goes to see him, I will leave

Hearing this, Luo Xue, who pretended to be angry, was really angry and scolded: "you can't wait here for one year, ten years, twenty years, you can't wait here, you don't get oil and salt."

Said Luo Xue also went back, Qin Feng can only sit here, waiting for the emperor to appear, this wait is several days, although Qin Feng is powerful, waiting here, it doesn't matter, but people in addition to the body is the spirit, after waiting for a few days, Qin Feng also feel some impetuous, after all, he also want to go home to see the children, so don't know when.

This is the end of the matter. Now that we have to wait, let's wait. Qin Feng is just practicing here. It has to be said that this is a good place to practice. Qin Feng can also feel the aura here is full when he practices, which is faster than outside.

Another month passed. During this period, Luo Xue came out to see him several times and gave him meals. Qin Feng ate them all. A month later, Qin Feng was still practicing. On this day, when he was practicing, he suddenly felt that someone had gone up the mountain.

Is there anyone else here? Qin Feng was a little curious, so he opened his eyes and saw that there were several middle-aged men. These middle-aged men were also surprised to see Qin Feng, but they thought that he was the emperor of the people. They quickly saluted and said, "this little brother is good."

Qin Feng nodded and pretended to be the emperor and asked, "who are you?"

A middle-aged man who took the lead quickly said, "we are the people who offer treasures to the emperor every year. I'm Lin fan, the elder of the Lin family. He is a fearless old man without parents. Behind him is Shan wufei, an old man with single parents."

It turned out that they were the elders of the big family of Xiuzhen, who specially came to send treasures to the emperor. I didn't expect that the emperor would receive treasures here. Qin Feng also thought that so many treasures in his room must have been obtained in this way.

"In that case, go in." Qin Feng said to them.

Several elders go in with the treasure. After they go in, Qin Feng suddenly thinks that since the emperor likes the treasure, he should show him a treasure according to his interest. Then he can talk about other things.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng turned on the notes and said to the queen, "queen, I think the emperor likes treasures. Do you have any special treasures that he likes?"

The queen said immediately, "you think I don't know. Of course he likes treasures, but I don't have them."

"Tell me what you need. I'll see if I can find it." Qin Feng said.

"I can't find it. Can you still find it? Well, I tell you, what he likes is Wannian crystal, which can hold countless energies. "

Ten thousand year crystal. Qin Feng is a little curious about what it is. He seems to have never heard of it. Of course, Lingjing is not a crystal. This crystal must have some characteristics. Is it also the crystal of the world?

This is certainly not, the world's crystal is useless except for good-looking, Qin Feng said: "queen, what does this crystal look like, what's special?"

The queen said: "this crystal is purple, with eight sides and sixteen water chestnut. If you can find such a purple crystal, you can let this guy call you dad."

Hearing this, Qin Feng said with a smile: "there are other things like this. OK, I'll see if I can find them."

"If you can find the purple crystal, I'll call you dad. Don't think about it. Just wait there. If you run away, I'll deal with you."

Qin Feng said with a smile: "I'm not looking for it myself. I'll ask someone to look for it. Maybe there will be purple crystal in this world. Please give me some time."

"Well, the world is also very wonderful. On the surface, there is not enough aura, but in fact, there are high-level aural crystals everywhere underground. Maybe you can find purple crystal, but this thing is not ordinary. Let me tell you this, this purple crystal can hold the energy of hundreds of gods and dozens of saints. If it is the best level, It can hold the power of a hundred saints. The most powerful part of him is not these. After these energies are contained, they can be directly refined by the purple crystal and become directly absorbed energy. It's like cooked rice. You can eat as much as you want, as long as you can eat it. "

Hearing this, Qin Feng was also shocked. He didn't expect to have such a treasure. If so, the purple crystal is a wonderful treasure. No wonder this guy likes it so much.

Qin Feng also likes it, but now it's still important for him to protect his life. Qin Feng said, "well, I'll let people look for it now."

The reason why Qin Feng went to look for it was that he felt that many treasures in the world were not discovered by human beings, and even put them in front of them. They were regarded as ordinary playthings, so he wanted to take a chance.

Qin Feng picked up the phone and called Qiao Sanniang. Qiao Sanniang was also worried and said, "where have you been during this time of Qin Feng? They were all in a hurry and called me. "

In order not to let Meng Ke worry, Qin Feng called her, and worried that the phone had no power, so he had to turn it off. He said, "Madame,; I'm fine. I just can't leave now when something happens. Tell them. I'm calling to ask you to find something for me. "