Chapter 1162

Dozens of thugs were all in the same place. The foreman's words were orders, and dozens of people rushed up, which made the parent almost faint.

But Qin Feng is still standing in the same place, even did not move, suddenly the front of a dozen people fly out, hard hit on the back of the people, so, you hit me, I hit you, dozens of people did not even touch Qin Feng, directly knocked down.

Seeing this scene, the parents couldn't believe their eyes. If those people in front of him could understand Qin Feng's excellent martial arts, they couldn't understand him. They could only exclaim: "immortal, immortal."

Qin Feng said with a smile, "I'm not an immortal. By the way, let's go to the foreman and ask for money."

This time, the parent was bold and followed Qin Feng. When Qin Feng came to the foreman, the foreman was still shocked and didn't wake up.

"What do you want? Don't hit me, don't hit me. "

Qin Feng said with a sneer, "I won't beat you. By the way, how much money does he still have to pay?" Qin Feng asked his parents

Parents quickly said: "is a month's salary, pressure in there."

Qin Feng said to the foreman, "give him a month's salary“

The foreman didn't even think about it, so he quickly took the money out of him, counted it, and then said, "this is a month's salary. You take it all. Now I don't owe you any money. Let this elder brother let me go." The foreman cried.

The parents took the money and counted it. They said to Qin Feng, "brother, the money is right. Let's go."

Qin Feng said with a smile: "what's the hurry? If you let him continue to work here.",; You will certainly bully others. You don't want others to be bullied by such people. "

The parents nodded and said, "of course I don't want to, but I can't help it."

"I have a way." Qin Feng went up to the foreman and said, "ask your boss to come here."

As soon as the foreman's face changed, he knew what Qin Feng was going to do. He quickly begged for mercy and said, "brother, please let me go. There are old people and young people. If you let me have no food, I will beg tomorrow."

Qin Feng sneered: "it's not too much for people like you to beg for food. Don't you call?"

The foreman didn't want to call, but at this time, the news on the construction site had already spread out, and soon a few well-dressed men were in a hurry

When they arrived, they were also very surprised to see the workers on the ground. A man yelled, "Wang Siwei, what are you doing?"

The foreman quickly looked back and immediately ran to the man and said, "the manager is not good. This guy is making trouble here. He beat so many people here. He still wants to teach me a lesson."

Wang Si thought that if the manager came, he would be OK. At least he could guarantee his job. The manager was also very surprised. He pointed to Qin Feng and said, "these people are all from you."

Qin Feng said with a smile: "yes, it's all me."

The manager and other people can't believe that so many people, 50 people, can't beat a young man. He shook his head and said, "no way. How can so many people beat you alone? I don't believe it."

Wang Si next to him said quickly, "it's true. Just ask a worker. This man is very evil. I think he can do magic. Manager, you should be careful not to be fooled by his magic."

When he said that, several people were really scared back a few meters, but the manager shook his head and said, "no way, I haven't seen any magic. Boy, why are you beating people here?"

Qin Feng said: "you should ask your foreman and security guard why you want to bully a part-time worker. I'm just fighting against injustice."

The foreman said hastily, "manager, the thing is, I have a worker here who is late every day, so the security guard fined him 200 yuan. This guy was not convinced. He asked one person for help, that's him. Then he beat our security guard, our workers also went up and were beaten by him. In this way, dozens of workers were beaten by him."

Qin Feng looked at the foreman and said with a sneer, "I think you really don't want to live."

When the foreman had the manager in, he was not afraid of Qin Feng, so he cried, "if you have the ability to beat me, what else can you do? I'll call the police to arrest you later. "

The manager also said angrily, "it's normal to impose a fine on the construction site. Why do you want to hit people?"

Qin Feng sneered: "if they want to be fined intentionally, this man who works here has told the foreman in advance that he wants to send the children to school and be late, but he still wants to be fined. If you don't agree, you can leave him alone."

The foreman said angrily, "this is our business. What does it have to do with you? I'll punish you if I want to. How about that?"

Qin Feng shook his head and said, "that's not elegant. I'm not polite."

The manager also said, "what do you think this is? If you want to fight, fight. Call the police and arrest him. "

With the manager's words, the foreman was excited and immediately picked up the phone and said, "is it a demon? This is the construction site of the fishing village. Please come here. There are some people fighting here and injuring dozens of people. Please call more people. "

Waiting for him to hang up the phone, he said to Qin Feng with pride: "boy, do you want to do me, don't you want to do me? I'm right in front of you. If you have the ability, come to me. "

The foreman is very arrogant, but the next second, the whole person flew up, fell to the ground from mid air, seriously injured, no one knows what happened, only that his body suddenly flew up, and then fell to the ground.

Manager several people all looked silly, they all did not see Qin Feng moves,; I only know that the foreman doesn't know why he can fly. When they go to see the foreman, he is half dead.

"Manager help me, manager help me." Cried the foreman.

At this time, the manager believed the foreman's words. The people in front of him really knew magic. They were scared to run away, but Qin Feng stopped them.

"If you want to leave, you must give me an account of today's affairs. Don't worry“ Qin Feng said with a smile.

The manager and others were so scared that they said: "brother, you go first. We won't call the police. Later, the police will come and say it's our own business. You go. We dare not do anything to you." Qin Feng sneered: "you are also a person who doesn't ask the truth. You don't deserve to work here. You know, ask your boss to come out."

There is also the chairman of the board above the manager, who is the boss of the civil engineering company. The manager helps him.