Chapter 487

The onlookers are worried about Qin Feng. The young gambler is worried that he will be retaliated. But Qin Feng is still calm. After a sip of tea, he says with a smile: "Mr. Li, you are also known as a gambler. You say I smoke a liar. Do you have any evidence?"

Li Pai Jeou said coldly: "can't the two red peach tips prove the evidence? There is no reason why a deck has two identical cards. "

But Qin Feng sneered: "you're right, someone is cheating, but from the beginning to the end, it seems that only a few people have touched this card, but I haven't. If someone cheated, it would never be me. "

As soon as Qin Feng's words came out, the people around him immediately understood why Qin Feng wanted the young man to help him grasp the cards. It was because of this. Everyone was amazed. Qin Feng's method was so clever.

Qin Feng didn't touch the card, that is to say, it's impossible for him to cheat, and it's impossible for the young man, so there's only Li paijiu left.

Li Pai Jeou's face is iron green. He understands that he is cheating, but it is clear that he is not cheating. Why does this happen.

Li Pai Jeou was speechless and didn't know how to answer his words, but Qin Feng continued: "the matter has been clear. You are the only one who has touched the card with this young man. I can't cheat, so it's only you."

Hearing this, Li Pai Jeou was furious. He didn't want to suppress his anger any more. He immediately stood up and said, "boy, you dare to smash my place. Don't want to leave here today."

Qin Feng was not in a hurry and said, "the God of gambling is a common man. If you lose the bet, you will not admit it. But today, it's not so easy for you to repent. You still owe me 20 million yuan. You can't lose a cent."

"Hum, if you want money, I'm afraid you don't have the life. Give it to me." Li paijiu is very angry. Qin Feng makes him lose face. He won't let Qin Feng leave here.

Dozens of thugs around have been ready for a long time. All of them are axes in their hands. They directly chop Qin Feng into meat sauce.

Although Li paijiu's reputation was ruined this time, he didn't care. The first thing he wanted to do was to kill Qin Feng.

However, when more than a dozen swordsmen rushed to Qin Feng, Qin Feng suddenly disappeared. Then Li paijiu suddenly felt a chill in his neck, and heard a cold voice saying, "kneel down for me, darling."

Li Pai Jeou just wanted to resist. Suddenly he felt soft all over. His legs were like a shrimp with soft feet. He knelt directly in front of Qin Feng, but he didn't know why.

"People like you can call yourself the God of gambling. Bah, I don't think you should gamble any more."

Qin Feng, together with his palm wind, directly hit Li Pai Jeou's hands. Li Pai Jeou felt that his hands immediately lost consciousness and had no response.

"Ask them to send me the money, all in cash. Otherwise, I'll take your life. " Qin Feng cheered.

The reason why he wanted cash was that he was worried that if his opponent took a check, it could be voided.

Li paijiu finally understood that Qin Feng didn't say anything about gambling, but he was a real strength, a master with profound accomplishments.

He himself is the master of the master's peak, but he was caught by Qin Feng so easily. Even a fool knows what's going on.

"Quick, get Mr. Qin's 40 million ready and send it to him." Li Pai Jeou said in horror.

Wang Sishan doesn't know how Qin Feng did it, but he also knows how strong this guy is if he can catch his master.

Wang Sishan hastened to prepare 40 million in person, all in cash, a dozen boxes. Fortunately, the scale of the casino is large and the cash is abundant, but even so, Qin Feng emptied all the cash here.

"Send all the cash to the car." Qin Feng said again.

Wang Sishan had to send ten money boxes to the van outside. Qin Feng caught Li paijiu outside. Seeing that the money had been loaded, he said to Li paijiu, "old man, you'd better go back to grow crops. You don't deserve the title of God of gambling."

Qin Feng directly threw Li paijiu to the ground. He got on the car and started the gas pedal. The van went away.

Wang Sishan wanted to chase after him, but Li paijiu said, "don't chase him."

Wang Sishan said reluctantly: "master, let him run like this, 40 million."

But Li paijiu scolded: "you know what a fart, his strength is far above your master, not to mention you, even if the master is just an ant in front of him, 40 million small meaning, send me to the hospital quickly, I don't know if I can save it."

After listening to Li paijiu's words, Wang Sishan had to give up chasing Qin Feng and rushed him to the hospital. At this time, Qin Feng had driven the car home. When he opened the car and handed it to Lu Beichuan, Lu Beichuan was also startled and said, "boss, how did you take so much cash?"