Chapter 387

The chairman shook his head and said, "now I don't want to do any business and I'm not in the mood. You said it was to solve my trouble. I thought your bank gave me a loan."

After the real estate he developed was exposed, now the Quality Supervision Bureau has sealed up, their funds have been cut off, the workers can't pay, even the employees of his company can't solve it.

Not to mention the bank's dunning, the chairman of the board is struggling with these things. Naturally, he is not in the mood to talk about business with Qin Feng.

Qin Feng said with a smile: "I'm here to solve the problem for you. I know you are short of money now, and the bank will come to collect money at any time. Once they come, you can only go bankrupt."

On hearing this, the chairman also said with a happy face: "which bank do you belong to? Do you want to give us a loan? If you give me a loan, I can pay more interest. Not only that, I can give you a rebate."

The chairman now thinks that Qin Feng belongs to the bank. Naturally, he is the God of wealth. He looks happy, but Qin Feng shakes his head and says, "we are not from the bank. But we're here to invest. "

"Investment?" The chairman of the board of directors doesn't understand. Now it's spread that there are serious problems in their real estate. At this time, it's impossible for anyone to invest. Isn't that throwing money into the water?

"Are you not mistaken? You must know our situation. Do you really want to invest in us? " The chairman asked in some inexplicable way.

Qin Feng sat in front of the chairman of the board of directors, and then said: "I know your situation very well. The real estate is closed, the capital chain is broken, and it may go bankrupt at any time. But I still want to invest. If you don't need it, just take it as if I didn't say it."

How could the chairman not? He was just curious about why. He quickly said with a smile, "of course, of course. Although our company is in some trouble now, our company will go to a higher level after the past. I just don't know how to invest, buy shares or make direct loans?"

Qin Feng continued: "what's the market value of your company now?"

The chairman was a little confused, but he said immediately: "although our company has some problems now, its market value is still very high, one billion yuan, which is still the lowest valuation. You can ask professionals to investigate this boss, and there will be no big difference."

Qin Feng nodded and said with a smile, "I believe you. Now how much money do you need to solve the problem in front of you?"

The chairman hesitated and looked at Qin Feng, as if he was worried that Qin Feng was just empty talk. He thought he would say more. If it was a real investment, he could get more. If it was a fake, he would scare him away.

"At least 100 million yuan. Now we have a huge capital gap. Every month, the interest paid to the bank is several million yuan. If the bank calls for money, 100 million yuan is not enough."

Who knows that Qin Feng directly nodded after hearing this: "OK, I can give you a hundred million now."

The chairman was surprised and said, "what you said is true?"

"It's true, of course." Qin Feng nodded and said with a smile.

However, the chairman of the board of directors also calculated that there is no fool in the world. If he dares to invest so much money in a company that is about to go bankrupt, he must have a purpose.

"I'd like to ask, sir. You should have conditions to invest this money. You can talk about shares, how much you can talk about, loans and interest. It's easy to talk about."

The chairman thought that no matter what the conditions were, as long as he could save the company, he would agree.

"I only have one condition, that is to drive Wang Liang out of the company, and I want him to leave here naked. Can you do it?"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, the chairman immediately understood that the other party was here to make Wang Liang, and it must be Wang Liang's enemy.

But this matter has nothing to do with him. It's just his condition. I really can't agree to it.

The chairman said in embarrassment: "Sir, I don't know the grudge between you and Wang Liang, and I'm not interested in knowing. Naturally, I'm very happy when you invest in our company. I just want him to leave the house clean. I really can't do that because Wang Liang is a shareholder of our company. Besides me, he has the most shares, and 20% of them are in his hands, Even if I'm the chairman, I don't have the right to fire shareholders. "

Qin Feng nodded, did not embarrass each other, but suddenly asked: "then I only ask you a word, under what circumstances, you can do what I asked, or more powerful, as long as you can do, your conditions I can meet you."

The chairman of the board of directors is also an old fox. From this speech, we can see that the enmity between Qin Feng and Wang Liang is already inextricable. He is not a friend to Wang Liang. There are often conflicts in his work. He has long wanted to move Wang Liang, but he can't help it.

But in his heart, he thought that this man had to make Wang Liang lose his fortune. Didn't he just want to? He thought for a moment and said with a smile, "but it's not impossible. It just depends on the conditions you give."

"Billion, I'll buy your company, and you will continue to be your chairman. As long as you give me the evidence of Wang Liang's cutting corners, I'll deal with other things." Qin Feng said.