In fact, this is one of the reasons why Hao Chuan pulled his crazy father into the water.

The marginal black and gray forces have always been one of the forces that Hao Chuan attaches great importance to. Otherwise, Hao Chuan would not have spent so much energy to participate in the ranking organization of the underworld. Now he has got a lot of resources to directly help him complete the task of the almost old abnormal richest man.

Now, although Haochuan people don't follow, the huge profits of that piece are growing all the time every day. The fundamental reason why Haochuan decided to establish his own black forces was to make money and complete the task. Now he has made enough money, which has become a lot of useless figures. If he is using these forces to make money simply, he will be overqualified.

Some time ago, the eldest childe's means to deal with Hao Chuan blossomed in all directions, which made Hao Chuan really taste what it was like to be overwhelmed. At that time, when bad news came one after another, even if Hao Chuan was extremely powerful, he couldn't help feeling overwhelmed.

Through this event, Hao Chuan fully realized that a person's power is too small sometimes. Now, the enemies Hao Chuan faces will only be more powerful and difficult to deal with than before. Dealing with these enemies alone will make it difficult for Hao Chuan to get away. At this time, what about the people around him? What about the industries under his name? He needs to establish a solid kingdom to guard these things. At present, the underground underworld forces that Zeng Cheng is mainly responsible for are the starting point valued by Hao Chuan.

Now, the antique street in the capital is just empty. For the time being, no other forces have settled in. This is a good opportunity to take advantage of it.

"Hello?" after the phone was connected, Zeng Cheng said hello at the other end. There was no movement.

Hao Chuan couldn't help smiling. Zeng Cheng, who didn't speak much, didn't change much. Even if he didn't contact for so long, he didn't change the familiar taste before.

"Have you been bored in Songhai city? Now the capital is short of manpower. I need you to help me expand the underworld forces." Hao Chuan directly and simply explained his intention. He knows Zeng Cheng's character. He doesn't need to say many polite words with a dull man like Zeng Cheng. He is always an activist.

"I see. I'll take someone over tomorrow." Zeng Cheng's tone is very calm. It seems that there is no other emotion about Hao Chuan's sudden call, but Hao Chuan is too familiar with Zeng Cheng. He knows that Zeng Cheng, the man pretending to be calm, opposite the phone, is not calm at this time.

Sure enough, after Zeng Cheng said these words, according to the normal procedure, he and Hao Chuan should have a tacit understanding and hang up the phone at the same time, and then start to do business. But this time, Zeng Cheng didn't hang up immediately, but hesitated, and then asked Hao Chuan, "boss, there are many dangers in the capital, right? Your situation there... Isn't very good, is it?"

"That's why I asked you to come and help me." Hao Chuan didn't deny it. He asked Zeng Cheng to bring his elite to the capital this time. Hao Chuan placed great hope on Zeng Cheng, because Hao Chuan's current system task against the world involves too many forces and personnel. Hao Chuan needs another unconventional gray force to help him, After all, the system is very urgent for his aristocratic family. There is only three months. In these three months, it is impossible to completely subdue these aristocratic families. It is impossible to deal with the soft strategy of the Han family alone.

"| OK, I know what to do." at the other end of the phone, Zeng Cheng nodded subconsciously after listening to what Hao Chuan said.

After hanging up the phone, Hao Chuan edited his preliminary plan into a text message and sent it to Zeng Cheng. After this, Hao Chuan put his mobile phone into his pocket and looked at Hepburn, whose face was much better on the eye bed. Hao Chuan smiled at the corner of his mouth. Hepburn was still sleeping at this time. Hao Chuan didn't wake him up and quietly walked out of the ward. He still had some things to do today.

This matter also has something to do with shopkeeper sanbaozhai. After Hao Chuan and shopkeeper sanbaozhai reached a complete agreement, shopkeeper sanbaozhai gave Hao Chuan an invitation when he was going abroad. It was not so much an invitation as a ticket. It was a small gathering similar to the trading and appreciation of antiques in a small circle. According to shopkeeper sanbaozhai, Don't underestimate this circle. Although its scale seems very small, there are few people who can be accepted by this circle. The reason why the shopkeeper of sanbaozhai can receive the invitation ticket is that he has a century old antique shop behind him and he has been in this industry for decades.

The first initiator of this small circle gathering is Mr. Chen, a well-known elder in the antique industry in Beijing, who is known as the Jade King. Mr. Chen has devoted himself to the research of jade and antiques all his life, and his character is dignified. He has helped many people identify for free, which is highly respected by people in the antique industry.

As for the party time, it is not fixed. Every time the organizer has this idea, a special invitation ticket will be issued to those qualified to participate in advance. The specific time and place will be indicated on the invitation ticket.

Hao Chuan took the invitation ticket given to him by the shopkeeper of sanbaozhai in his pocket. He went out to find a breakfast shop, ate rootless fried dough sticks and drank soybean milk for two nights. Then he walked slowly towards the party place above the invitation ticket.

The gathering place is not a tall place, but an alley area reserved from the new building planning.

Walking all the way, Hao Chuan was in a particularly relaxed and leisurely mood. At the entrance of the alley, there were old people singing opera, playing chess and fighting crickets. Several people sat there chatting and chatting. There is no doubt that these ancient playing methods are all the old people. Here, even the wrinkles on their faces, It is filled with an ancient and simple historical atmosphere.

Although Hao Chuan's time in Beijing is not short, it's the first time for him to take a leisurely walk and calm down and slowly experience the historical charm of this ancient Chengdu.

The ancient hutongs and alleys have a unique flavor of history. Walking here is like walking in a historical picture. This special feeling has not been personally experienced and is difficult to be clear.