After the master of the Han family won the right to fight, he handed over the task to a competent hand.

In the view of the Han family owner, it is not difficult to create a car accident homicide. It is simply too simple. However, although it is simple, it needs an appropriate time to implement it.

In this regard, the owner of the Han family fully trusts his subordinates. In his opinion, even a pig can handle such a small matter as arranging a car accident with the resources and power of the Han family, let alone his own capable men.

"However, in this process, there seems to be an accident......" there is no happy mood on the face of the personal assistant of the Han family owner. Now he stirs his brain and is thinking about how to explain the whole story to the owner.

"Accident? What accident can there be? Is it that the boy was so lucky that he didn't die?" the joy on the Han family owner's face disappeared. He frowned and said: "This little loach is very slippery. Even if he is lucky to survive this time, what about next time? What about next time? He can't be so lucky every time? You've been with me for so long, and you don't know my temper. Don't cry and look at bad luck all day. I've taught you many times. A failure is not terrible. The key is to learn from the experience and experience of failure Lesson, prepare for the next success in advance...... "

Before the long speech of the Han family owner was finished, he was directly interrupted by the personal assistant. The personal assistant said to the Han family owner with a sad face: "the owner, if it's just a failure, it's better. However, the actual situation now is that we seem to be in big trouble!"

"What's the big trouble? The boy survived the traffic accident. Who can dare to do something to the Han family through this big fart?" the Han family owner said disapprovingly.

"The problem is that in the traffic accident, not only Wang Gua, but also two people with special identities were in the car. One of them is AI Shanshan, who is well-known in the capital, and her father is a famous major general of the military..." the personal assistant said. Seeing that the Han family owner's face was already blue, he hesitated to go on.

"Why stop? What's the identity of the other one?" the tone of the Han family owner was wrong. When he heard that AI Shanshan and Hao Chuan were in the same car, the Han family owner wanted to jump to scold his mother.

"The other... The other is... Is..."

"Who is it? Don't fucking ink with me!" although the Han family owner has tried his best to restrain, he still couldn't help scolding.

"It's Miss LAN Lingxue. I don't need to introduce Miss LAN Lingxue's identity background for you in detail?" the personal assistant turned pale. He didn't dare to stare at the Han family owner.

"What? Why is Miss LAN Lingxue in the car? What the hell is going on?!" the Han family owner jumped up directly.

He slapped the table angrily, pointed to the personal assistant's nose and shouted: "Fool, all fucking fools, how many times have you said that the target character is the Wang Gua. That damn Wang Gua, who fucking let you do it to AI Shanshan, AI Shanshan will forget it. With our Han family's background, we can still deal with her general Lao Tzu, but who gives you the courage and courage to even move LAN Lingxue? Move you before you do business Pig brain, who is LAN Lingxue? What is her identity? Who dares to kill her even if you look at the whole country in the capital?! waste, a group of waste, I will be killed by you sooner or later! "

The personal assistant seemed to have expected the owner's reaction. He didn't dare to lift his head at all and was almost stuck to his belly. After the Han owner scolded angrily, the personal assistant raised his head, showed a smile worse than crying, and said in a mournful tone: "What's more frustrating is that our people didn't make this traffic accident. This shit basin..."

"I'll go fuck it. Our people didn't do it?" the Han family leader was stunned and became more angry at random: "who is it? Who the hell is this brainless fool moving his hand? Why the fuck are you still standing here? Go out and check it for me!"

"Yes, who? I'll go out and arrange someone to investigate." The personal assistant is almost scolded and crying by the owner. Can he tell the owner? After he received the news, he started all kinds of people and horses to investigate at the first time, but he can't find a clue at all. But even if he broke his head, he doesn't dare to talk to the owner in this state now, otherwise, the devil knows how angry the owner will be.

The personal assistant withdrew. The head of the Han family rubbed his head and sat down on the chair. He felt that the whole person was going to collapse. Now he suddenly regretted. Why did he jump out of Lai to take the job in public in front of more than a dozen family leaders?

"Laborious and thankless, shit, it's a typical laborious and thankless!" Originally, according to the idea of the Han family leader, he wanted to show some things to many aristocratic families through this matter, and maybe he could exchange some attractive benefits. But now, instead of getting any benefits, he has pushed his family into the vortex. The gain is not worth the loss. The key is that he has not got anything at all What a thing.

Now the news must have been flying all over the world. My family is involved in this affair for no reason. Others may not know and will not think more, but the more than a dozen heads of aristocratic families will certainly believe that this thing was done by themselves. When they can't find a real person to do it, they can only go on by themselves. It's hard to say.

It's better if you can't say it clearly. The problem is that the master of the Han family knows that the root cause of their more than a dozen aristocratic family forces is the damn Wang Gua. Among the more than a dozen aristocratic families, although there are allied aristocratic families of the Han family, there are also competitive aristocratic families of the Han family. God knows, will they make some unbearable small moves through this matter? Perhaps, some people have taken the lead in taking advantage of this matter in advance, maybe?

When the Han family owner was thinking like this, his mobile communication video software rang. Someone invited him to enter the video conversation. The Han family owner sighed and knew the real humiliating moment.