"I'm kind. Besides, the cafeteria is well decorated, foreign and high-grade. The food quality is good just looking at it. There are fish and meat, and there are many kinds. How can it be up to the standard of a big meal?" Hao Chuanli said boldly. He focused on those empty plates stacked high and said: "If the taste is really bad, how can you eat so much? Anyway, I don't believe it. The food in this store must taste good!"

"You... Burp..." aiyinglun was dignified, opened his mouth and wanted to say something. He directly burped sharply. He immediately had nothing to say. At the moment, Hao Chuan's smiling face. In aiyinglun's eyes, he only had one feeling. This bastard is so cheap. How can people be so cheap?!

Mr. Chang and others came quickly. After entering the cafeteria, Mr. Chang looked around, frowned and said, "boss Hao, you come to Qingshan town. I'm always the owner. How can you eat these things? Let's go. I've ordered a restaurant on the way. It's very high-grade and has many excellent private dishes..."

Burp... Burp

Mr. Chang also introduced it to the public with great interest. A group of soldiers led by AI Yinglun were burping one after another like a donkey

As a result, Mr. Chang couldn't say what he would say next. A dry smile appeared on his face and said to AI Yinglun, "well, sir, why don't you do this? I've booked a hotel in advance, or I'll send someone to take you to have a rest first?"

"No, let's find a place to live by ourselves." Ai Yinglun directly refused old man Chang. After saying that, he followed him with a burp. It's just a joke. The soldiers went to the place prepared by the boss of the underworld to rest. Isn't it to find a excrement basin buckle for themselves? Although AI Yinglun is extremely unhappy at the moment, he hasn't lost his mind yet.

"This..." old man Chang was embarrassed and stared at Hao Chuan. He couldn't make up his mind. Hao Chuan joined them and let Hao Chuan make his own decision.

Hao Chuan said with a smile, "Mr. AI's concerns are not unreasonable. Mr. Chang, let's not force Mr. AI. Tell me what famous private dishes are in that restaurant? I didn't think there was anything when I saw them eat just now. Now I'm really hungry. Look, my stomach is growling." Hao Chuan said, reaching out and patting his stomach. There was really a grunting sound.

As soon as AI Yinglun heard this, he suddenly became angry. However, he had a strong stomach at this time. He was really no different from plain food in his heart. He even had a little nausea when he heard what he ate.

Fortunately, Hao Chuan didn't continue to stimulate AI Yinglun. After smiling and saying hello to AI Yinglun and others, Hao Chuan directly followed grandpa Chang and others to leave.

Looking at the back of Hao Chuan and their disappearance, the little soldier who had worshipped him since he saw Hao Chuan, patted his belly with complex complexion, and muttered: "the boss must have provoked boss Hao somewhere, which caused us bad luck..."

"Shut up!" Ai Yinglun stared at the little soldier angrily and asked, "are you not full yet? Do you want me to get you another plate of big bones?"

The little soldier immediately shrunk his head and didn't dare to talk more nonsense. Another clever little soldier quickly echoed AI Yinglun's idea and said, "however, Hao Chuan, he's really cheap!"

AI Yinglun nodded deeply. What the little soldier said was really in his heart. Yes, Hao Chuan is really too cheap!

When AI Yinglun went out with a group of soldiers with stomachs, another six or seven people came in the cafeteria. The middle-aged man in the lead suddenly showed a bright smile on his face when he saw AI Yinglun. He came up and warmly held AI Yinglun's hand and smiled: "Chief, after we got the news that you were eating here, we came here at the first time. Didn't you eat much?"

"Who the fuck are you?" Ellen couldn't hear the word at this time. He was upset. He directly threw away the middle-aged man's hand and asked back with a frown.

"It's me, chief. We only met this morning. I'm the head of the police in Qingshan town. I changed my casual clothes. There's a big gap between the front and back. You can't recognize us. Chief, how can we eat in such a place? I've asked someone to book a restaurant in advance. Why don't we go over and talk while eating?" The head of Qingshan town police, he is not blind. After seeing the state of AI Yinglun and others at the moment, he secretly felt bitter, but there is no way. He has really booked a restaurant, or a rather high-end restaurant. He came here in person to pick up AI Yinglun and others.

He also knew that it was a bit untimely to invite AI Yinglun and others to dinner at this time, but he couldn't help mentioning it. Therefore, after weighing the advantages and disadvantages, the head of Qingshan town police had to bite the bullet and send an invitation to AI Yinglun. He thought that he couldn't blame him. Who knew that AI Yinglun and others would come to have a buffet and eat so much!

AI Yinglun's face turned green. He didn't blame the police chief. After all, he was well intentioned to entertain him, but... He looked down at his bulging stomach. Mom's eggs, they had reached the limit and couldn't eat at all. Therefore, he had to politely refuse the invitation of the police chief and said, "we need to find a place to rest now."

The person in charge of the police immediately patted his chest and said, "I'll do it. All right, you have a rest first, and we'll eat in the evening!" then the person in charge of the police called an attendant nearby and asked him to arrange the problem of living.

AI Yinglun opened his mouth and couldn't say what he wanted to say. In fact, he wanted to talk to the person in charge of the police about whether to move the dinner to noon or night tomorrow. According to his experience, if he was so full, he probably couldn't digest it at night.

But I can't say it. It's a shame. I think he's a young and promising major. Should we always take into account the problem of face?

On Hao Chuan's side, old man Chang took Hao Chuan to a private restaurant. This restaurant is very famous in the upper layer of the whole Qingshan town. Let's not talk about the taste of the dishes. The decoration on the upper plate alone is a typical art.

Hao Chuan admired the cook's skill. He didn't forget to pick up the phone, take a bunch of photos and send them to AI Yinglun