Hao Chuan nodded and said, "I understand your idea. Don't worry. This bad situation will pass soon. I'm looking forward to you going to the capital with me to fight the world."

"Boss, what do you want? I'll do it." Chen Long stopped thinking. Now it's like this. He has only one choice, that is to trust Hao Chuan.

"How many brothers can you contact now? These days, you can go out and contact. Don't worry about the government. They won't trouble you. Even if they block you, it's okay. I've returned to Songhai city now. I'll go and say hello to them in person. After you contact your brothers, you don't need to gather them together and let them know Explore the whereabouts of Zeng Cheng, Shiqi and others. "

Hao Chuan's strength is too weak. It is obviously unrealistic for the government to help him find someone. However, if the government is allowed to relax its control slightly, Hao Chuan is confident that he can do it.

"Boss, it's easy to do. I'll summon my brothers and do as you tell me." Chen long is a simple man. When he changed the title of Hao Chuan from boss to boss, he showed his attitude to Hao Chuan. No matter how difficult and dangerous it is in the future, since he has mixed with Hao Chuan, he has made up his mind to go all the way with Hao Chuan.

Hao Chuan naturally understands the meaning of Chen Long's expression. Although it's just a small change in address, Chen long and Hao Chuan have been together for a long time, but Chen long and li ba and others have been respectfully calling Hao Chuan the boss. This is a subconscious employment relationship. When the boss becomes the boss, it means that their relationship is further intimate.

As the saying goes, Adversity shows true feelings. In case of difficulties, what Chen Long shows makes Hao Chuan very satisfied and moved. Of course, he won't take the initiative to say anything impassioned. He wants to prove that his brothers follow him. Yes, this is a broad road, definitely not a cliff Road leading to the dark abyss.

AI Yinglun and his party of more than 20 people are driving a military helicopter at a fast speed. Although they are driving a military helicopter, in the helicopter, except for a co pilot with a bitter face, other soldiers, including AI Yinglun, are wearing civilian clothes. Near Songhai City, AI Yinglun found a quiet place and landed skillfully. Then he looked at the co pilot with a hard face and said with a smile: "Hey, Lao Yang, you can only blame your own bad life. You can catch up with one in 20. It can only be said that the colorful world outside has no fate with you."

The atmosphere in the cabin was very good, and there was a roar of laughter. It was the caller brought by AI Yinglun. They were all his old team for many years. Although there was an obvious and strict distinction between superiors and subordinates when they were in the military camp, every time they went out for small operations like this, they often got along very casually.

"Roll, now you'd better not provoke me. I'm upset. Don't think you're a major. I'm afraid of you. I don't agree to fight alone." Lao Yang, who is in military uniform and takes over the driver's seat from AI Yinglun, is very depressed. He is also sighing in his heart. One twentieth of his life is so bad. Shit, it's hard to come out once

AI Yinglun smiled more happily and said, "the major task of maintaining the eagle is handed over to our great Comrade Lao Yang. Brothers, let's go and set out for the flower world!" Ai Yinglun waved his big hand and said with great momentum.

Other soldiers responded with a roar. Lao Yang raised a middle finger at these bad guys, drove the eagle fighter painstakingly, and slowly took off.

"Let's go, Lao Yang. Have a good trip, no, Lao Yang has a bad trip!" below, a sergeant waved his hands and jumped his feet, still deliberately angry with Lao Yang.

"Boss, where are you going?" as the saying goes, a military ruffian, a military ruffian, is a soldier in his military uniform, takes off his military uniform and becomes a ruffian. A sergeant beside AI Yinglun calls AI Yinglun this way.

"Of course it's fun. It's hard to come out and relax. It's a great crime!" Ai Yinglun said in a righteous way. When they were on the road, they had long planned to find Hao Chuan for special recruitment. It was not urgent, but it was unrealistic to rely on more than 20 of them to find Hao Chuan in a city with a population of tens of millions when Hao Chuan didn't take the initiative to appear.

Therefore, AI Yinglun's idea is very clear. Although his major general's father made it very clear to him before departure that the person who asked him to bring back Hao Chuan, not the body, AI Yinglun also made every effort to accept it. However, after coming out, there is another word that he will not accept the orders of foreign troops, not to mention that he will not accept it. If he can't find Hao Chuan, he can't help it.

AI Yinglun has a good reason in his heart. Although he hopes to find Hao Chuan, he did not find Hao Chuan to recruit him into the army. For major AI Yinglun, the purpose of this task is just by the way. His original intention is to make Hao Chuan suffer.

Songhai municipal government building is located in Songhai urban construction center

Mayor Chen is the only one in the mayor's office.

Mayor Chen seemed very tired. He lay on his back in his seat. His posture looked very unsightly. He sighed for a long time. Mayor Chen couldn't help frowning. Although the official level of the special official from the capital was not as high as him, this guy, relying on his coming from the capital, didn't pay attention to local officials like them at all, so it was difficult to serve him.

Mayor Chen followed the official's ass for two days. He really couldn't keep up. Now he found a busy excuse and sneaked back to the office to have a rest.

During this time, under the supervision of special officials in Beijing, Songhai city really had a big shock. Mayor Chen felt sorry for Hao Chuan. Influenced by the old man at home and his several contacts with Hao Chuan, Mayor Chen himself was also very optimistic about Hao Chuan and thought he was a rare talent.

However, Mayor Chen himself has some helplessness. Hao Chuan only went to the capital for a few days. How did he offend the big people there? Not only did he send such a high-minded and arrogant special official down from the capital to supervise and inspect in person, but he was forced to issue many orders against his will.

But there was no way. Mayor Chen sighed in his heart for the official hat on his head and the position under his ass and said secretly, "we can only wrong Hao Chuan." after all, he offended the big people in the capital. It's hard to say whether he can break through this level. Although he appreciates Hao Chuan, he can't use it as a meal. Sometimes, the choice is like this, which is a dilemma.