The most amazing thing is that if other contestants lose, more than 80% of the end will be disabled even if they don't die. This old man, nicknamed the old man, can not only maintain a very high ranking every time, but also ensure that he can retreat all over even if he loses.

Not only that, the reason why the ranking of the old man is put above the madman and the ripper is that in previous sessions, the old man had an intersection with the two players respectively, and both won.

As for the player ranked first in the manual, his information is the least. He is nicknamed overlord. The manual only gives a one sentence introduction about him. Who will compete when overlord comes out?!

"It's not easy..." Hao Chuan rubbed his eyebrows. He didn't expect that the water in the underground black martial arts competition would be so deep. If these players go to a regular boxing match, Hao Chuan believes that any one of them is a champion.

Feng Tianrui nodded and sighed: "the interests involved are too great. Like the above ten seed players, almost all of them are famous flower owners. Those large gangs with historical heritage have profound historical heritage, which are not comparable to our small gangs."

"Historical inheritance? Is it so exaggerated?" Hao Chuan doesn't know much about the underworld.

"Of course, it's no exaggeration at all. For example, the Qing Gang and the Hong Gang were originally a gang in the Republic of China and even earlier. The predecessor of this gang was very famous, such as the heaven and Earth Society in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties, the Honghua society in the heyday of Qianlong period, and even later. In the late Qing Dynasty, the world-famous organizations such as yihequan were almost dominated by this large gang."

"But in the early and middle and late Republic of China, the world was too chaotic. According to common sense, this chaotic world with little order was a good opportunity for the growth of gangs. However, although people like us came out to mix, they had a stronger sense of belonging to the nation and the country, loyalty and righteousness than ordinary people, so they participated in the national war of resistance against Japan."

"Later, because of the follow-up distribution of interests and the consistent style of the government, a large number of people were discouraged and went abroad, dividing up gangs such as Huaqing Gang, Hong Gang and even intercontinental circles..."

"So, in fact, the real original meaning of the underworld is to talk about righteousness and serving the country and the people. The reason why the name of the underworld is very ugly now is that some scum have misinterpreted the real meaning of our business, resulting in an increasingly bad reputation. Even now, the underworld has become a street mouse."

Feng Tianrui gave Hao Chuan a brief account. He looked a little complicated and sighed: "There is no bottom line for the black bosses in the market, who do all kinds of evil. They do all kinds of evil deeds. In fact, such people have always been resisted and despised in our circle. Take the traditional organizations such as the youth gang and the Hong Gang, which are mentioned earlier, although they adhere to the principle of government law There are differences, but the regulations restricting rules and etiquette are much more stringent than those stipulated by law. "

After listening to Feng Tianrui's description, Hao Chuan's view of the underworld industry has changed again. These words have completely solved Hao Chuan's heart knot. Some of the inherited regulations may be outdated, but some qualities are too severe for contemporary people. Maybe these rules need to be erected again to reverse people's ideas? Hao This idea suddenly came out of Chuan's heart.

After getting off the plane, they didn't enter the urban area, but directly took a car to the suburbs. About ten kilometers away from the suburbs, there stood a separate villa group, which was the destination of their trip.

As an internationally famous large city, Shanghai has made great achievements in the greening of its suburbs.

This villa group covers a wide area, but after all, it is far from trouble, relatively sparsely populated, and slightly desolate in a quiet environment. At this time, there are almost no people except for the beautiful buildings.

This scene is very different from the grand scene imagined by Hao Chuan.

"Boss Feng, are we sure we've come to the right place? There seems to be no one here, or are we a little early?" Hao Chuan wondered and couldn't help asking Feng Tianrui around him.

Feng Tianrui shook his head and smiled and said, "although the government adheres to the acquiescence attitude towards organizations like us, it is acquiescence after all. If they all move to the open, it will be too rampant."

Hao Chuan heard this and thought it was the same. He thought of a report he had read some time ago. On the day he was released from prison, hundreds of young brothers in black suits came to the prison door and lined up to welcome the black boss. As a result, the big scene was reported by the media, which immediately caused an uproar in the public opinion. Then what was the final result? The black boss finally got out of prison, but because this matter touched the bottom line of the government, he found another reason to catch the black boss again

Of course, this is not a joke, but when your behavior really crosses a certain boundary, there will be organizations or forces that restrict you. The word used by boss Feng is very appropriate and rampant. The black boss acts too rampant, so it is expected to achieve such an end.

After listening to Feng Tianrui's story, Hao Chuan instantly understood Feng Tianrui's meaning. Obviously, there should be another mystery inside the villa group.

Their car was stopped by the security personnel only when they entered the villa group. Then Feng Tianrui directly lit a sign similar to the invitation letter to the security personnel. After seeing this sign, the security personnel waved directly to let it go. After that, their cars were basically free from any obstruction and drove unimpeded in the villa group.

"Is that the underground parking garage? We won't go in?" Hao Chuan saw the entrance of the underground parking lot, but looked at the route of the driver. Obviously, he didn't intend to go in that direction. Hao Chuan asked Feng Tianrui curiously.

Feng Tianrui smiled, shook his head and said, "don't worry."

The car followed the hardened route inside the villa group and turned around the villa group for three times. This time, it drove in along the entrance of the underground parking lot.

"What's the reason?" Hao Chuan didn't understand. He could go in directly. Why do he have to go outside for three times?

"Rules are also a means of security. In fact, two laps are enough. The reason for taking three laps is to follow the routine of 369."