"Master Lin, it took me hundreds of millions of years to accumulate the things in my storage ring. Don't take them away." Master Chen Jing had the cheek to say. Lin Fei laughed but said nothing. He put everything in master Chen Jing's storage ring into his storage ring. Seeing this scene, master Chen Jing is heartbroken! It's just then. Holy house. Today, it's very busy. A group of people from Wenyuan, Tianyuan and Diyuan came to take part in today's talent competition of cultivating martial arts in the four holy halls of the heaven. Wenzong, the president of the Academy, led four martial arts talents of the Academy. They are Wenlong, Wenyu, Wencheng and Wenba. Wenlong, Wenyu and Wencheng are all martial arts practitioners of Wuji eight grades. Wenba's cultivation level is the second grade of wuhuangjing. Tianchen, the dean of Tianyuan, also led four talents of Tianyuan. They are Tianxiang, Tianhe, Tianlong and tianxuefei. Tianxiang, Tianhe and Tianlong, their martial arts cultivation level is Wuji Jiupin. Tianxuefei's cultivation level is the second grade of wuhuangjing. Di Xiaotian, the president of the courtyard, leads the underground palace, region, city and heaven of the courtyard. The martial arts cultivation level of the four of them is the first grade of wuhuangjing. Right now. Holy house. Many people gathered under the platform“ Chen Qinghe, which four people do you send to participate in today's martial arts talent competition? " Wen Zong stares at Chen Qinghe and laughs. For today's first place, they are sure to win. Wen Ba of their Academy of literature has a book with one word written in heaven. It's terrible! Although, the martial arts cultivation level of Wenba in their literary academy is only the second grade martial arts cultivator in wuhuangjing. However, the Wenba of their Academy of Arts has the strength to kill the sixth grade practitioners in wuhuangjing. In the crowd. Wen Ba holds his chest in both hands. He looks proud. It seems that he doesn't pay attention to all the people present“ Hu Miao, Jian Ying, Qu Sheng and Lin Fei. " Chen Qinghe cried out. Chen Qinghe's just down. Hu Biao, Jian Ying and Qu Sheng, the three of them, stood right under the douwu platform of the holy court. All the participants of the four colleges are standing directly under the platform of the holy court“ Why are there only three people? " Tianchen, the dean of Tianyuan, stares at Chen Qinghe and asks suspiciously“ Lin Fei is outside. Today, he will come back. " Chen Qinghe replied“ The boy named Lin Fei, today, whether he participates in the martial arts talent competition or not, the result is the same. Wen Ba of our Academy of Arts will get the first place. " Wen Zong, President of the Academy of Arts, said confidently“ Wenzong, it's too early for you to say that the people in our courtyard are very powerful. " The president of the courtyard said with a smile. The earth heaven in the courtyard has a contract spirit beast. If the earth heaven in the courtyard summons his spirit beast of contract, and the martial arts practitioners of wuhuangjing Wupin, he can defeat them. Di Xiaotian is full of hope for di Cangtian to win the first place“ All the students in your local college are rubbish in front of Wenba in our college of literature and art. " Wen Zong, President of Wen Zong, cheered word by word. Wen Zong's words aroused a lot of hatred for Wen ba. The four martial arts talents in the courtyard all regard Wenba as a thorn in the side. Just then. Wenba flew to the douwu platform of the holy court“ I'm not aiming at anyone. What I want to say is that you people are rubbish. " Wen Ba glanced at those martial arts talents who were going to compete one by one, and he said aggressively.