Nanyunni has a hard time in her heart“ Father, brother, after a while, you will know whether what I said is true or not. " South cloud Ni Ao Jiao of hum a. With nanyunni saying so. Other NANs at the scene, they feel more and more nanyunni brain problems. Right now. Nanjia. On the platform of douwu, Nanhe's determined to kill. He can't wait to kill Lin Fei. Lin Fei felt that he was not his opponent. It's arrogant. I don't know what to do“ Boy, I only use one move. If you can take my move, I'll leave it to you. " Nan he stares at Lin Fei, just like he stares at a dead man. The voice fell. The South crane made a move. Boom! One punch. Nanhe just blew a punch. However, Nanhe's blow was powerful enough, as fast as lightning, as if to break the air. Moreover, the South crane blows out of this fist, contains the aura, the fist style is very fierce. Seeing this blow from the South crane, all the people in the south family can't help talking about it one after another. " Nanhehong paid too much attention to Linfei! He made such a powerful blow It's a real ox knife to kill chickens! " There is no doubt that Lin Fei will die! " Look at Lin Fei again. Lin Fei looks calm and stands with his hands down. He doesn't seem to see the South crane's move. There's no emotion on his face. " Father, just like Lin Fei, do you think he is qualified to compete with me“ Nan Yi looks at his father Nan Chong and asks with disdain. Up to now, Lin Fei has not come up with a move. Lin Fei's rubbish is really beyond his imagination. then. Nan Yi turns his head and looks at Nan Yunni. He is very worried about Nan Yunni. He is afraid that Nan Yunni's brain will not return to normal. That's the second“ It's too weak. It's as weak as a gust of wind. " Lin Fei looked at the South crane, he was very serious comments. This words a, immediately, South crane two eyes become blood red of, all quick drop blood come. However. Other people, they were all laughing. Lin Fei's martial arts cultivation level is low, and his strength is vulnerable. However, his tone is not small. He actually said that the strength of Nanhe's blow was too weak, like a gust of wind. What's the difference between a mole ant laughing at an elephant for being small? There is no difference at all Lin Fei, a waste, is a frog in the bottom of a well. He dares to despise Nan he“ Nanyi is extremely silent. Nanchong doesn't want to say anything more. The sooner Lin Fei dies, the better, so that he won't say anything that makes people laugh or cry. Brain damage. He won't die, who will? In a rage. Nanhe's blow is faster and faster, and his strength is stronger and stronger. He empties all the aura in his body and sends it to his fist. " Lin Fei, is my blow still so weak“ South crane roars to ask a way. He blows this blow to kill Lin Fei. It should be equivalent to 100 atomic bombs killing a little ant! This time, he didn't believe Lin Fei would say that his blow was still very weak, weak as a breeze. However. Lin Fei still light said: "still so."“ "A clown who is sensationalist." Naturally, it is impossible for Nan he to believe his blow. As Lin Fei said, it is vulnerable.