"Ouch!" The shadow of a beast's bone is transformed from Yu Bin's body. The shadow of the beast's bone is white. It has a lot of aura. It made a sound like the sound of a fierce ghost from hell. It's scary. I'm so scared that my scalp is going to burst! Off the field. There are so many practitioners that they fall to the ground“ What is the special constitution In the crowd, I don't know who, exclaimed. Only a very small number of people with special physique can realize their special physique. However, it has almost never been done in this way. That's why. That's because the price is too high. Take Yu Bin for example. Yu Bin did. Even if he did, he survived. He's going to be one hundred percent useless. More Than This. and. It won't be long before his martial arts cultivation level will go backwards. Let's go. Yu Bin, this is a complete go! In the blink of an eye. Bang Bang... The air around Yu Bin made a continuous explosion. Yu Bin's real strength seems to be from the second grade to the fourth grade. His strength is more than doubled! His strength is more than 100 times. It's terrible! Seeing this, Shen Mi's blood boils with excitement. A second ago, she thought Yu Bin would die. At this moment, there is no doubt that Lin Fei will die“ Nan Yunni, Miss Ben's Orc Yu Bin, still wants to help Miss Ben win 1.2 billion traceless coins. " Shen Mi stares at Nan Yunni with burning eyes. She is very determined. Even though, Lin Fei is a God, a demon among the demons of martial arts cultivation, and a God's favorite to create miracles. This time, Lin Fei will die. It's not that Lin Fei is too weak. But her Orc Yu Bin is too strong. " Lin Fei, show your best martial arts quickly. Kill Yu Bin. It's too late to play again“ South cloud Ni regardless of the image of loud cheers. Yu Bin stares at Lin Fei playfully. Right now. His hatred for Lin Fei has reached an unprecedented height. He conjures up the animal bone constitution in his body, burns the essence and blood in his body, and swallows so many pills that instantly improve his strength. All of them are forced by Lin Fei. After a while, he hit his best shot. He will be a useless man! Lin Fei's face was still so quiet. He didn't worry at all. He killed Yu Bin. Seeing Lin Fei like this, Nan Yunni yelled at him directly. " Lin Fei, you shabby, hurry up! Don't you want to live“ If, now, she can enter the Colosseum, she will definitely give Lin Fei a few big mouths. Lin Fei is too arrogant. He thought he was invincible to the whole traceless God! extremely arrogant. act recklessly and blindly. People like Lin Fei will not come to a good end. She hopes she can wake up Lin Fei Naivety, brain damage, waste, arrogance... "Nan Yunni constantly scolds Lin Fei. It's a pity. It's useless. Even though, nanyunni scolded very hard. Lin Fei still didn't make a move. " Nanyunni, is that enough? Enough scolding, just watch how Lin Fei died“ Shen Mi is very excited. She has a complicated emotion about Lin Fei. She thinks she should thank Lin Fei. If it's not Lin Fei's arrogance. In the end, it is Yu Bin, not Lin Fei, who died. Nanyunni scolded tired, she was Lin Fei gas almost vomit blood three liters.