Lin Fei entered the secret room of the emperor's family in Tianling county and began to practice in seclusion. And fire Swift has now returned to fire home. The flaming rain swallow has just entered the house. An old man with white hair met her. The old man is the head of the fire family. Fire dominates the sky. This year, blazing fire has reached more than 90 million years old. His martial arts cultivation level is eight grades of the LORD God realm“ Swift, what's the matter with you? " When liehuo batian saw the dirty appearance of his granddaughter liehuo swift, he couldn't help asking. His granddaughter, fire swift, pays great attention to her dress. But why is the clothes on his granddaughter fire swift dirty now? In fact, I can't understand this problem“ Grandfather, I was beaten. " The flaming swift pouts her mouth and says wrongly“ What? " Blazing fire suddenly sharpened his eyes. The anger in his heart was boiling. In Tianling County, only his granddaughter, fire swift, bullies others. No one can bully his granddaughter, the flaming swift. If someone bullied his granddaughter, fire swift. Then he will make the other party pay a heavy price. Suppress the anger in my heart, the fire dominates the sky and asks in a deep voice: "swift, who beat you, I'll kill him." Right now. There is only one idea in the heart of blazing fire. The idea is to kill the man who hit his granddaughter, the flaming swift“ Grandfather, you don't have to kill that boy. " Fire swift shy way. Recalling the scene when Lin Fei strongly held her, she had a strange feeling in her heart. Lin Fei is hateful. But, no, damn it“ Swift, are you in love Blazing fire Ba Tian stares into the eyes of his granddaughter, blazing fire swiftlet, and is suddenly surprised. He asks suspiciously. He is a man from the past and naturally knows about men and women. He looked at his granddaughter, fire swift, now shy, very much like love“ Grandpa, don't talk nonsense. I'm just hugged by a kid. I'm not in love Fire swift quickly explained“ Ah Blazing fire took a fright. He knew that his granddaughter, the flaming swift, had never had any physical contact with the opposite sex. However, his granddaughter liehuo Yuyan was just hugged by a boy“ Swiftlet, tell grandfather, who is that boy? " The fire overlord day curiously asks a way“ Others call him master Lin Fire swift does not know Lin Fei's name, she only knows that others call him master Lin“ Is the man who held you a bad old man The two fists are tightly squeezed together. Suddenly, the temperature of the surrounding air dropped to freezing point. The fire swift said that Lin Fei was called master Lin. He took Lin Fei as a bad old man. As we all know, they are generally called masters. At least thousands of years old“ Grandfather, master Lin is not a bad old man. He is only 26 years old. " Fire swift quickly explained“ Twenty six? Master The two words cannot be linked in any way. next. Under the strong demand of blazing fire. Fire swifts with her grandfather fire batian came to Tianling County emperor's home. The emperor's living room. Fire batian sat on the throne, looking at emperor 9000, coldly asked: "emperor 9000, where is the boy who holds my granddaughter fire swift now?" With the fire overlord asked. Emperor Jiuqian's body rocked greatly.