Emperor crazy generation of alchemy master actually straight knelt in front of Lin Fei. This scene shocked everyone present. Moreover, in front of Lin Fei, a 26-year-old young man, Emperor Kuang claimed that he was small, and his posture was the lowest. Di Yong felt a wild animal roaring in his mind. This gives Diyong a headache. In the eyes of Di Yong, his grandfather Di Kuang is the person he respects most. All along, he took his grandfather as the object of his pursuit. But, at the moment, his grandfather Di Kuang actually knelt in front of Lin Fei. With his grandfather's crazy kneeling. His faith collapsed. In Tianling County, if other alchemists saw the emperor crazy, the alchemist of this generation, knelt down in front of Lin Fei. One by one, they're bound to lose their chin. What a shock! I can't believe it“ Master Lin, I despised you and didn't respect you. Please forgive me for my mistake. " Repeated the emperor. At the same time of speaking, the emperor's crazy head was tightly on the ground. He didn't dare to look Lin Fei in the eyes“ Bring it to heaven Lin Fei light way, he is most concerned about the adverse day flower. Hearing this, Emperor crazy quickly from his storage ring inside, took out the flowers, hands respectfully put in front of Lin Fei“ Master Lin, here you are. " Emperor crazy still low head, he respectfully said. Lin Fei took the flowers from the emperor. Then, he murmured to himself: "unfortunately, there are still several top-level natural resources and local treasures, otherwise, I can refine the Jueming life and death pill." Jueming life and death pill, Emperor crazy heard of it. Jueming life and death pill is a kind of pill of chaos level. Its role is terrifying. After taking it, ordinary practitioners can break through several cultivation levels“ Gudong Emperor crazy can't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva, he raised his head to look up at Lin Fei, suffocated asked: "master Lin, can you refine the pills of chaos level?" Traceless heaven, as the world knows, chaos level pills in the small thousand world, belongs to the top pills. Once upon a time, Emperor maniac had absolute confidence in refining chaos level pills. However, until emperor Kuang tried to refine chaos level pills for more than 10000 times, he no longer had any confidence in refining chaos level pills. It's too difficult to refine the pills of chaos level. In his life, he was able to refine a chaotic pill. He has no regrets in his life. Unfortunately, he has no hope for it. Lin Feigang's words surprised and excited the emperor. If, Lin feizhen can refine chaos level elixir. No matter what price he paid, he would let Lin Fei teach him to refine the pills of chaos level“ It's very easy to refine pills of chaos level. " Lin Fei's light road. In a word. instant. The emperor's eyes are bright. He stares at Lin Fei just like he stares at a peerless beauty. Bang Bang... "Master Lin, please teach me how to refine the pills of chaos level!" The emperor kept kowtowing to Lin Fei. He asked in a trembling voice. Lin Fei laughs but does not speak, does not respond. How can he do something without benefit“ Di Yong, don't you kneel down in front of Lin Fei and kowtow and apologize to him. " Emperor crazy look at his grandson Di Yong, harshly scolded. Bang! Emperor Yong heart unwilling to kneel in front of Lin Fei“ Master Lin, I've offended many people before. Please forgive me. " Said Di Yong.