Lin Fei disdains to smile. In his eyes, Longxing is just a weak existence like ants. Even though, he stood where he was. Long Xing will never hurt him. So, he stood in place, motionless, quietly waiting for Longxing's attack. This scene made all the people of the Dragon nationality think that Lin Fei was scared. Therefore, Lin Fei will stand still. However, the fourth princess, long Sisi, shook her head and sighed, "a martial arts practitioner who has four grades in heaven dares to treat her like this. I don't know what he thinks." Longxing doesn't think it's interesting at all. Lin Fei's martial arts cultivation level is very low. This is true. However, in the face of his attack, Lin Fei actually stood still, which was far beyond his expectation. In fact, he knew Lin Fei was rubbish. But, unexpectedly, Lin Fei's garbage level is far beyond his thinking limit. Lin Fei is a martial arts practitioner of the four grades. In the face of his attack. At least, we should struggle! But Lin Fei didn't even struggle. Lin Fei seems to be described as rubbish. It's too high for Lin Fei. The other members of the Dragon nationality, they looked at Lin Fei with a smile, and there was a strong contempt on each of their faces. meanwhile. They could not help laughing at Lin Fei“ Rubbish, too much horse riding rubbish. "“ Before that, he dared to ignore Longxing and the fourth princess. Is there excrement in his head? "“ If the fourth Princess didn't order Longxing not to kill the waste in front of him, he would surely die in a short time. "..." In the noisy taunt, Lin Fei laughed disdainfully. Then he put up a aura around him. After a tenth of a breath. Long Xing's fist is very close to Lin Fei's body, only less than five meters away. As time goes by. Long Xing's fist is closer to Lin Fei's body. Four meters! Two meters! From beginning to end, Lin Fei stood still“ Waste, you let me down. You're so scared. " Long Xing sneered. While speaking. Long Xing's fist is only one distance away from Lin Fei's body. At this moment, Longxing had imagined in his mind that Lin Fei was lying on the ground like a dead dog, screaming miserably. Yes. All of a sudden. His fist stayed in the air and he couldn't move an inch. What's going on? Long Xing was shocked. Around, other dragon people. They are very confused. They don't understand why Longxing suddenly stops at a distance of only one meter from Linfei“ Longxing, I want you to hurt the boy in front of you, not to scare the boy in front of you. " The fourth princess, long Sisi, cried angrily. In the eyes of the fourth Princess long Sisi. Long Xing should have misunderstood her. Therefore, Longxing will stop one meter away from Linfei. Hearing this, the rest of the dragon people. They are the same as the fourth Princess long Sisi. They also think that Longxing should have misunderstood the meaning of the fourth Princess longsisi. Otherwise, long Xing would have hurt Lin Fei badly. However. in fact. It's not that long Xing doesn't want to hurt Lin Fei with one blow. It's that his fists won't move at all. Long Xing takes back his fist. then. Bang! He smashed a punch with 100% strength and hit Lin Fei on the chest.