"Lin Fei, you deceive people too much. Today, if I don't show my skills, don't you know how powerful I am?" The wasp was angry, and the anger in his eyes almost ignited him. A scholar prefers death to humiliation. He was a famous guard with a sword in the Dragon Dynasty, and he was called rubbish by Lin Fei. He can't stand it! So he used his best martial art, Jianshan sword“ Jianshan sword technique The wasp took out a sword from his storage ring and stood in the same place, waving the sword. All of a sudden. From the sword in the hands of wasp, countless sword shadows of Tao are transformed. Moreover, the shadow of those countless swords keeps getting bigger and bigger. A breathing time. Those sword shadows are as big as mountains. This scene stunned everyone present. For a time, the sky was covered with dark clouds, strong wind, lightning and thunder. Terrible! It's horrible!! In the crowd, some timid practitioners, their legs paralyzed, directly sat on the ground. Some people trembled and said: "the Jianshan sword technique of wasp is too strong. I can feel the flavor of sword rhyme from the Jianshan sword technique of wasp."“ Grass! I also feel the flavor of sword rhyme from the Jianshan sword technique of wasp. "“ Jianshan sword technique should be a half step immortal secret skill! The wasp has actually cultivated the martial arts of the half step eternal secret realm to the state of full circle. "..." These trembling sounds fall into the wasp's ears and make the wasp smile. Then, he said proudly, "the Jianshan sword technique I used is really a half step skill in the secret land of eternal life. Moreover, I have cultivated Jianshan sword technique to a perfect level." The wasp's voice has just dropped. Now, there are countless sounds of cold air. The Jianshan sword skill of wasp is actually a half step skill in the secret land of eternal life. Wasp has really cultivated Jianshan's sword technique to a state of great fullness. Now, Lin Fei can't be the opponent of wasp! A second ago, Huang Jialong was very depressed. At this moment, Huang Jialong's mood is extremely happy. When his father wasp used Jianshan sword, Lin Fei's fate was doomed. Lin Fei will definitely die under the sword of his father wasp“ Lin Fei, even if you are evil in martial arts, you will die in the end. " Huang Jialong muttered to himself. That's the second. Wasp opened his eyes, staring at Lin Fei, said with a smile: "Lin Fei, now, do you still think I'm a garbage?" In fact, he didn't ask the question before. He had the answer to the question in his mind. In his opinion, after he used his Jianshan sword technique, Lin Fei must have no longer felt that he was a rubbish. He asked this question because he wanted Lin Fei to admit that he was wrong. Other people and wasps think the same way. They also think that Lin Fei can never insist that wasps are rubbish. Because the Jianshan sword technique of wasp is too strong“ Lin Fei, you answer the question of wasp quickly Li Kaixuan stares at Lin Fei and roars. He asked Lin Fei to go back to the problem of wasps quickly. He wanted Lin Fei to stop insisting that wasps were rubbish. If so, wasps are rubbish. There are very few martial arts practitioners who are not rubbish on the whole mainland of Longwu.