Qian Guiying was not happy to hear her husband Wu Canghai say so about her youngest son Wu Yang“ Canghai, Yoko, he didn't provoke others this time, but he was beaten by others. " Qian Guiying looked at Wu Canghai and said angrily“ No way. Don't I know our son's character? It's good that he doesn't provoke others. " Wu Canghai didn't believe it. While saying that, Wu Canghai walked to the location of her wife Qian Guiying. When Wu Canghai saw Wu Yang's disheartened face, Wu Canghai was shocked“ Yoko, are you being beaten Wu Canghai asked in surprise“ Dad, I've been beaten by others. You have to avenge me! " Wu Yang said wrongly“ I don't care if you handle your own business. " Wu Canghai said coldly. In Wu Canghai's opinion, it is a good thing that his youngest son Wu Yang was beaten by others. So that his little son Wu Yang can know the depth of the outside“ Canghai, this time, you have to take care of Yoko. " Qian Guiying stamped her foot. Then she told her husband Wu Canghai what her youngest son Wu Yang had told her“ Is it true or not? Why don't I believe it? " Wu Canghai pulled out a helpless smile from the corner of his mouth. For his little son Wu Yang, Wu Canghai knows the root and the bottom. As a child, Wu Yang was spoiled by Qian Guiying and developed all kinds of bad habits. The prosperity of the Wu family, he has never thought of reposing on his youngest son Wu Yang, he just asked his youngest son Wu Yang not to make trouble“ Of course, it's true. XiuXiu and I really love each other. It's really hateful that Lin Fei takes over love with a broadsword. " Wu Yang squeezed two tears out of his eyes“ Canghai, if you don't care about Yoko, I'll make your life difficult. " Qian Guiying directly threatened. In the face of Wu Yang and Qian Guiying, Wu Canghai sighed and compromised: "just, just, I'll let Uncle Wu go to Nanjiang city with you."“ Dad, Lin Fei is very fierce. Can Uncle Wu do it? " Wu Yang doubted that Uncle Wu was not Lin Fei's opponent. In Han XiuXiu's home, Lin Fei's appalling means make Wu Yang still extremely scared“ How fierce is Lin Fei? Uncle Wu is a retired king of special forces. It's easier to crush Lin Fei than an ant. " Wu Canghai has full confidence in Uncle Wu, he said confidently. Uncle Wu is the captain of the Wu family bodyguard. His full name is Wu Youwei. He once served as the general instructor of the Cangbao commando. He can become the chief instructor of the special forces. From this, we can see that he is very good at it. When serving in the army, Wu Youwei won the first place in the military competition. So far, there are many legends about him in the army. After retirement, he entered the Wu family and solved countless troubles for the Wu family. Once, Wu Canghai, the owner of the Wu family, was surrounded by a group of strong Russian men. Wu Youwei stepped forward and beat six strong Russian men. This matter has been talked about by the Wu family“ Uncle Wu is old. He is not the opponent of Lin Fei. " Wu Yang hesitated for a moment and finally said, "Dad, let your bodyguard sun Wudi go to Nanjiang city with me and teach Lin Fei a lesson." Wu Canghai sneered and then said with disdain, "Yoko, my personal bodyguard sun Wudi is a martial arts practitioner. If you let him deal with Lin Fei, it's like using a killer whale to deal with a small fish. It's totally unnecessary."