Lin Fei was scared to death. In an instant, she understood what Xiao qianrou meant“ Wife, Zhao Qingyan and I are just ordinary friends. " Lin Fei embraces Xiao qianrou's shoulder and puts his face close to Xiao qianrou“ You're not honest. You're on your knees right now. " Xiao qianrou opens the hand that Lin Fei embraces her shoulder, points to two packages of instant noodles on the ground and says angrily. Obviously, she doesn't believe that Lin Fei and Zhao Qingyan are just friends“ I'll say it. I'll say it right away. " Lin Fei raised his hands and said, "when I was a child, Zhao Qingyan and I pretended to be husband and wife. And I used to like her. "“ And then what? " Xiao qianrou is reluctant to break the casserole and ask to the end. Lin Fei had to tell some of the things she had experienced with Zhao Qingyan. Of course, Lin Fei will not be silly to say everything, he picked some, unimportant said some“ That's all? " Xiao qianrou's right index finger pointed to Lin Fei's nose and asked with her mouth“ That's all Lin Fei nodded and nodded heavily“ For the time being, trust you this time. " Xiao qianrou's face softened. Seeing this, Lin Fei opens his arm and wants to hold Xiao qianrou in his arms, but he is stopped by Xiao qianrou's sharp eyes“ Your dinner tonight is the two bags of instant noodles on the ground. Where you sleep tonight is under the bed. " Xiao qianrou's face became cold again“ Wife, don't you make a little man? " Lin Fei rubbed his hands and said“ I just want one word. " Xiao qianrou sold a pass. One word? Of course, what Lin Feili thought of was the word "Zao". Thinking of this, Lin Fei's heart is hot, and he is ready to beat Xiao qianrou. Just then. Xiao qianrou spat out a word: "roll!" This word, like a basin of cold water poured on Lin Fei's head. Some of his new interests were gone The next morning. Bang Bang... "Lin Fei, get up." Hu Xiuhua, Lin Fei's mother, knocked on the door of Lin Fei's bedroom and called. Hu Xiuhua can clearly remember that today is the day when Lin Fei and Xiao qianrou will go to Xiao qianrou's parents' home to propose marriage. It's not easy! Lin Fei, who was sleeping on the ground, opened his eyes in a daze. Then, he walked to the door of the room. When he is preparing the door, Xiao qianrou looks at the bed on the ground“ No, if my mother-in-law sees this, she will surely say that I abused his son. " Xiao qianrou said in her heart that big things are not good. In the twinkling of an eye, she had an idea. She fell on the sleeper on the ground and pretended to be asleep“ Creak. The door was opened by Lin Fei“ Lin Fei, qianrou, are you awake? " Hu Xiuhua, Lin Fei's mother, put her head in and looked at the bed. She found that there was no one on the bed“ I'm not awake yet Lin Fei scratched his head, yawned and said feebly. Last night, he fell asleep on the ground, but he didn't sleep well. At this moment, the two dark circles on his face are particularly obvious“ Lin Fei, where is qianrou? " Hu Xiuhua's heart was raised to her throat and exclaimed. But Lin Fei, like a nobody, pointed to the bed and replied, "isn't my wife on the bed? Mom, you have nothing to make a fuss about. "“ Mom, I'm here. " Xiao qianrou, after all, is a powerful actress. She pretends to slowly open her eyes and yawns.