After the apology ended, the wedding of Lin Meilin and Wu Feiyu was held. In her wedding speech, Lin Meilin expressed her gratitude to many people. Finally, she mentioned Lin Fei in particular, saying that Lin Fei is the person she should thank and respect most. And Wu Feiyu also thanks a lot of people, finally he also specially improved Lin Fei. When he mentioned Lin Fei, his whole body was taut, and his face showed an extremely respectful look. He said that Lin Fei was just like his parents. What Lin Fei asked him to do in the future, he would do it without frowning Time flies. This morning. A big bus went to group 5 of Shanhe village. On the bus sat a middle-aged man of about 50 and a middle-aged woman of about 50. This woman is very well maintained. She is quite similar to Xiao qianrou, Lin Fei's daughter-in-law. She is Xiao qianrou's mother, Yu Lu. The middle-aged man in his fifties is Xiao qianrou's father, Xiao Wenchang, who is also the No.1 leader of Jianghai province. The couple came to Shanghe village for their daughter. After media reports, and more than ten days did not find their daughter Xiao qianrou. They don't have much hope that their daughter Xiao qianrou will live. However, without seeing the body of their daughter Xiao qianrou, they still have a trace of hope. In the car“ Wenchang, I have no confidence. " Xiao qianrou's mother Yu Lu said: "this is the 150th village we have come to! Ah, my poor daughter, where on earth are you Hearing his wife Yu Lu's words, Xiao Wenchang grasped his wife Yu Lu's hand tightly and comforted him: "Yu Lu, don't lose heart. I have an intuition that we can find our daughter in this village." Xiao Wenchang said this just to comfort her wife, Yu Lu. In fact, he did not believe that her daughter Xiao qianrou was in group 5 of Shanhe village. For more than ten days, his daughter Xiao qianrou has no news at all. Thinking of this, a feeling of powerlessness shocked Xiao Wenchang's heart. meanwhile. Lin Fei and Xiao qianrou are rowing at Longmen pond“ Well, I seem to have seen that car somewhere. " Pointing to the car, Xiao qianrou blinked two watery eyes. At the moment, Xiao qianrou refers to the big car, it is her parents in the car. However, Lin Fei did not hear Xiao qianrou's words. He splashed the water of Longmen pond on Xiao qianrou's body. Suddenly, Xiao qianrou pursed her mouth and splashed the water of Longmen pond on Lin Fei“ Husband, you are so annoying. " Xiao qianrou splashed the water on Lin Fei's body and said coquettishly“ Wife, how can I hate it? " Lin Fei's hands hold Xiao qianrou's two white wrists. Looking at Lin Fei, Xiao qianrou struggles. Suddenly, somehow, she put Lin Fei on the boat. Two people four eyes opposite, Xiao qianrou bold put her delicate red lips cover in Lin Fei's mouth. So they kiss each other. On the path. In the car, Yu Lu was shocked. She exclaimed, "Wenchang, I seem to hear our daughter qianrou's voice." Xiao Wenchang didn't hear Xiao qianrou's voice. He asked Wang Tianfang who was driving: "Xiao Wang, do you hear Qian Rou's voice?" Wang Tianfang is Xiao Wenchang's driver. Hearing Xiao Wenchang's words, Wang Tianfang shook his head.