Since she was sensible, Su xiamo has seldom cried. The day before yesterday, her father was seriously ill and she cried once. Now, she cried for the second time, she is a girl who pays attention to integrity. She really doesn't want to be misunderstood as a girl who is not decent. In fact, others only see her gorgeous appearance, but do not know that her heart is extremely weak. When she was very young, her mother left her, and she could only depend on her father. At school, her classmates laughed at her for not having a mother, and even bullied her. She was wronged, but she told herself that she had to be strong. As she grew up, her father's career grew bigger and bigger, and she became the general manager of Soxhlet biotechnology company. Her father only wants her to have one child, so he has high expectations for her, and the burden of the company is on her. Everyone in the company flatters her on the surface, but secretly says that she relies on her father. She worked very hard to prove to others that she was really talented and learned. At the same time, she also wants to lighten her father's burden, let alone live up to his expectations. Up to now, her best friend is Huang Wan'er alone. Along the way, she suffered countless hardships, all of which were swallowed by herself. Don't cry, even complain, she almost never complained. But recently, she cried twice. My father had a sudden illness and could hardly be rescued. This time, she not only cried, but also fell into deep fear. But in the company, she still has to pretend that nothing has happened. But actually, who can understand her inner depression? The more she thought about it, the more aggrieved she was, the more she cried. It is said that tears are the best weapon for women. For Lin Feilai, it is true. Seeing Su xiamo crying like a child, Lin Fei stepped forward and patted Su xiamo on the shoulder: "don't cry. I'm wrong. I'll explain to my mother immediately."“ Go away, you villain Su xiamo pushes Lin Fei away. Lin Fei sits on the ground, takes out the paper towel from the table, and helps Su xiamo wipe her tears carefully. For a time, Lin Fei was infected by Su xiamo's emotion, and his mood became very depressed. While choking, Su xiamo said: "my father is still lying in the hospital bed, I feel sick enough, you still bully me."“ Did your dad not do well the other day? Why are you in hospital now? " Lin Fei asked in surprise. Think of the reason why my father is in hospital, Su xiamo's heart is a smoke. All this blame herself, if it was not for her unruly and capricious, Dad would not be in hospital. At this time, she thought of her father asked her to Lin Fei's task. So she stared at Lin Fei and said, "can you sell your cucumbers to our company in large quantities?" The cucumbers are sold to anyone. Besides, Lin Fei takes so much advantage of Su xiamo, so he should pay back. Thinking of this, Lin Fei nodded and said, "no problem. I can sell my cucumber to your company. As for the price?" Hearing what Lin Fei said, Su xiamo immediately turned into a smile: "that's really great. As for the price, our company will buy your cucumbers according to the market price." Finally, Lin Feichang laughed and breathed a sigh of relief. Agreed to buy cucumber things, Su xiamo want to go. Lin Fei's mother Hu Xiuhua repeatedly urged Su xiamo to have breakfast before leaving. But Su xiamo politely refused. She didn't see her father all night, and her heart had already gone to his side. Looking at Su xiamo's back, Lin's mother said with a happy face: "what a good child, Lin Fei, you stinky boy, you have to hold tight." Mother came again. Seeing every beautiful girl, she thought she was suitable for her. Lin Fei was speechless. After breakfast, Lin Fei rode a tricycle and went directly to the town. He was going to ask the leader of the town government about the contract right of the pond in the village. Want to see Lin Fei eat shriveled miserable, village head Liu Zhiqiang riding a tricycle, with Zheng Meng also followed up. After arriving at the gate of the town government, Lin Fei stops the tricycle at the side of the gate of the town government and goes straight to the compound of the town government.