To Lin Fei next to the BMW fork 6, Liu Bingbing magic said: "do you know whose car? My boyfriend's. do you know how much this car costs? 850000. You can't make so much money in your life. " With that, Liu Bingbing pushed away Lin Fei with his hand and said coldly, "get off, don't get my boyfriend's car dirty. You can't afford to pay for it. " This is the car for the boss of the best agritainment company. How could it be his boyfriend's private car? Lin Fei knew she was lying, but he was too lazy to expose it. But she dare to do it. If Lin Fei didn't beat a woman, she would have been lying on the ground. Lin Fei said in a cruel voice: "I warn you, don't touch me."“ Yo yo, what a big temper. Our migrant workers are not good at it and have a good temper. " Liu Bingbing put her face up to Lin Fei and said with disdain, "if it wasn't for the fear that you'd make my boyfriend's car dirty, I wouldn't touch you. Do you know why? Because I don't think you are dirty. I haven't washed your clothes for at least a week. " Staying with such a disgusting woman really affects his mood. Lin Fei walks towards the door of the hotel, leans against the wall and no longer talks to Liu Bingbing. Who knows, Liu Bingbing reluctantly, continue to say: "what, I can't cheat money here, and then mistakenly on the hotel, or want to go in for dinner?" Ma Ba Zi, Fang Qiming has been out of the toilet for so long. Lin Fei wanted to wait for him to come out and let him take him to buy a tricycle. When he was in the car, they all agreed. Liu Bingbing has been buzzing like a fly, which really annoys Lin Fei“ If you don't speak, you will acquiesce. Ugly beggars. " Liu Bingbing said with a smile. Soon, Fang Qiming ran out of the hotel and took Lin Fei to the hotel. With a mysterious look on his face, he said, "good thing, great thing. Manager Huang of our company heard that you are here. Let me invite you in."“ What a good thing. " Lin Fei didn't know why“ You'll know when you see manager Huang. " Fang Qiming sold the story and did not expose it“ It's OK not to say it now. Tell me his name. " Lin Fei asked. Fang Qiming looked around and saw that there was no one around, so he carefully said, "Huang Wan'er, no one in our hotel dares to call her by her name." Speaking of Huang Wan'er, Lin Fei's mind is full of her graceful and beautiful image. The place that should be warped is warped, and the place that should be flat is not a bit of fat. It's really a beauty in the world. If I could marry her, I would live ten years less, Lin Fei thought. Then, Liu Bingbing answered the phone and walked into the hotel. Being pulled to the general manager's office by Fang Qiming, Fang Qiming said with a smile: "general manager, I've brought the person you want to see." Today, Huang Wan'er's upper body is a red loose Batman shirt, but her towering chest is still not covered, her lotus like arms are exposed, and her lower body is a tight black pencil leggings, which sets off her perfect figure incisively and vividly. She sat straight on the chair and waved to Fang Qiming to leave. Fang Qiming walked out of the room and gently closed the door. Only Lin Fei and Huang Wan'er were left in the room. Huang Wan'er, smiling, raised her hand and said, "Mr. Lin, please sit down. It's said that the wild vegetables Mr. Lin picked in the mountains are very special and have the effect of invigorating yang. I think this is a good business opportunity." Lin Fei knew that there was a business opportunity, otherwise he would not have sold it in the town market. Seeing that Lin Fei was not interested, Huang Wan'er was not discouraged. With a brilliant smile, she said, "we can cooperate. You can sell me the wild vegetables you picked, and I'll buy them at a high price. Money is not a problem. What our hotel lacks is good products. "