"What? Super crops? " Lin Fei can't help but ask like listening to the book of heaven“ You try to connect with this gourd. " Xiao Hong said patiently. Then, Lin Fan closed his eyes, and suddenly he found himself in a mysterious space. Looking around, there was nothing on a piece of fertile land, but Lin Fei could hear the sound of the stream. At the end of the mysterious space, the walls of the mysterious space appear golden characters with strange plant names“ As a first-class crop, it grows for one day and can be used as a strong medicine to treat men's lack of sexual ability; It has a growth cycle of five days and is a secondary crop. It can be used and focused; Bullwhip flower, grade 10 crops, growth period of 15 days, can completely cure impotence and premature ejaculation; Juling fruit, a 500 grade crop, can mature above the hundred year old Juling tree and gather the aura of heaven and earth. " The more he looked down, the more incredible Lin Feifei felt: "bring the dead back to life, ten thousand level crops. It can blossom above the Millennium spirit tree, and there are five spirit stones under the soil. Only by absorbing the spirit in the spirit stone can it bear fruit, and can it have the effect of bringing the dead back to life... "I'll be a good boy. If it's really like what's written in the big characters, Lin Fei thinks he can take off. Bring the dead back to life, people can be saved when they die. The value is not measurable by money. If you think about it carefully, Lin Fei is not happy. The growing environment of these super crops is particularly harsh, such as wulingshi“ Master, how are you? Do you want to try to grow first-class crops Little red said sweetly. Lin Fei nodded without thinking: "of course, but how can we plant it?"“ It's very simple. Master, your current level is also level 1. You can plant level 1 crops. Of course, you need to buy planting tools and seeds, that is, the power shovel and the ability of the seeds of the Chinese herb. A total of one or two silver, converted into RMB, that is 100 yuan. "“ Damn, isn't this baby a gourd planted by Shennong? How do you want money? I have no money. " Lin Fei is very depressed. Xiaohong sighed slowly: "if you don't have money, you can't plant it. Xiaohong can't help you." Although Lin Fei is very reluctant, but thought about it, might as well have a try. If you can really plant the grass, and the grass can invigorate Yang, its value is immeasurable. Now in the market economy, everyone is busy making money and neglecting physical exercise. And men are under more pressure, resulting in many men's lack of sexual ability. Many kidney tonic drugs on the market, although can temporarily make men strong. However, the side effects are also obvious, which is tantamount to killing the chicken for its eggs. As a pure natural herb, it can not only strengthen the Yang, but also has the effect of slowly improving the male deficiency, and has no side effects. Holding more than a dozen sticks, Lin Fei came to his garden and left the sticks behind. Then he asked his mother for 200 yuan and ran to his room in a hurry. So he ordered Xiao Hong to buy the seeds and the shovel. Soon, Xiao Hong said, "after the purchase of the seeds and spades of the shovel grass, we will wait for the owner to enter the space of the magic gourd. Lin Fei concentrates and enters the power space again. Looking out, a large area of fertile soil. But he could not see the shovel and seeds of the power, so he asked, "where are they, Xiao Hong? I can't wait to grow it. "