Chapter 743

Countless rescue teams and fire-fighting teams came to reinforce, trying to put out the fire in the oil pipeline.

However, because the fire is too fierce, it can't stop the spread of the fire at all.

These oil pipelines suffered serious damage and a large amount of oil supply was interrupted.

On the Saudi side, the oil supply can only be suspended urgently, and the supply can only be continued after the oil pipeline is repaired.

However, according to the current degree of damage, it is almost impossible to repair such an oil pipeline.

After all, more than a dozen high explosives have been placed on each oil pipeline.

The oil pipeline was blown into more than a dozen sections. The degree of damage is equivalent to the complete destruction of the oil pipeline.

It's almost impossible to fix it.

The only way is to rebuild the new oil pipeline.

However, it is absolutely time-consuming to build a new oil pipeline. It will take at least a year to build one.

All ten oil pipelines have been blown up. I'm afraid it will take five or six years to repair them.


Saudi news media and newspapers also reported such a major news.

At the same time, the news newspapers of other countries also followed up and reported such a news.


In the presidential palace of Longguo, Ding Zixuan is holding a foreign newspaper in his hand.

The news Ding Zixuan saw was the shocking news that 10 oil pipelines in Saudi Arabia were blown up at the same time.

After seeing the news, Ding Zixuan's mouth showed a evil smile.

"It seems that Rodriguez successfully blew up the oil pipeline. Indeed, he deserves to be the strongest bounty hunter organization in the world. He works very efficiently."??

After saying this, Ding Zixuan called Rodriguez, the leader of roaring Eagle organization.

"Mr. President, you must have seen the news from the newspaper. We have successfully completed the task you assigned." Rodrigo said confidently as soon as the phone was connected.

"Great, you've done a good job. Well, you lead your men to the presidential palace, and I'll reward you for your commitment." Ding Zixuan said.

"Thank you, Mr. President. We'll be right there."

Shortly after hanging up the phone, Rodriguez appeared in front of Ding Zixuan with a group of his men.

Seeing these people in front of him, Ding Zixuan shook hands with them one by one.

"You did a good job. You blew up several oil pipelines in Saudi Arabia without exposing yourself. You can be said to have successfully completed the task."

"I have several bank cards here. There are 100 million deposits in each bank card. Now I will reward you."

After Ding Zixuan finished, he handed several bank cards to these people in front of him.

After receiving the bank card, everyone quickly thanked, "thank you, Mr. President."

Ding Zixuan waved his hand and said, "don't thank me. You deserve it."

At this time, Rodriguez said: "Mr. President, in addition to these oil pipelines, Saudi Arabia also has ships transporting oil. They pass by sea every week to transport the North American continent. What about these ships?"

Ding Zixuan smiled and said, "you don't need to worry about this. I will naturally have a way to deal with it."

Rodriguez nodded and said nothing.

After thanking Ding Zixuan, these people left the presidential palace.

This time.

Victoria came in from the outside and came to Ding Zixuan.

"Husband, let me tell you a good news. Just as the ten oil pipelines in Saudi Arabia were blown up, there was a huge shock in the Wall Street stock market in the United States."

"The share price of oil has risen sharply, the share price has tripled, and the oil price has soared. At present, the oil price per kilogram has soared to $200 a barrel, and the price is still soaring."

"Many auto manufacturers are now complaining, because the soaring price of oil is bound to hit the sales of fuel vehicles."

"After all, if the oil price is too high, the cost of car refueling will increase significantly. At that time, a large number of people will give up using cars because they can't afford oil."

After listening to Victoria.

Ding Zixuan smiled and said, "oil prices will soar. When oil prices soar to a certain extent, the oil industry will completely collapse."

"Because at that time, the price of oil may exceed that of gold, and no one can afford oil, so the oil industry is bound to collapse."

After listening to Ding Zixuan's words, Victoria nodded in agreement.

"Yes, now it seems that the oil price has soared sharply, and some oil manufacturers may make a lot of money temporarily, but this is only a temporary sweetness. In the end, the oil industry will be completely defeated."

Ding Zixuan nodded. At the same time, Ding Zixuan was also looking forward to the complete collapse of the oil industry.

After the two talked again, Victoria left the presidential palace.

After the other party left, Ding Zixuan immediately called Rodriguez.

"Mr. President, are you looking for me?" Rodrigo asked quickly after he got on the phone.

Ding Zixuan said, "I want to ask you, where are the oil tankers from Saudi Arabia to North America? Have they set out?"

Rodriguez said, "we have installed locators on those ships. I'll send you the location of these ships right away."

"OK." Ding Zixuan nodded.

Soon after, Ding Zixuan received the message from Rodriguez.

At the same time, the positions of the oil carriers were also locked.

At this time, Ding Zixuan took out his "superhero transformation device".

Also, insert the iron man card into the Transfiguration.

The next moment, Ding Zixuan's whole person changed and instantly became an iron man.

Iron man can use science and technology and can carry out remote positioning.

Therefore, Ding Zixuan positioned several oil tankers in his own positioning system.

Then, Ding Zixuan's feet erupted powerful energy, and the whole man ejected like a rocket and flew in the direction of the vast sea.


In the vast sea, several oil ships left the port and headed for the North American continent.

These oil ships are full of oil. These ships are all oil transport ships from Saudi Arabia to North America.

After leaving the Dragon Kingdom, Ding Zixuan soon came to the vast sea.

After a period of flight, Ding Zixuan had found several oil tankers driving in the sea.

At the next moment, Ding Zixuan's missile system loaded on him launched several missiles in the direction of those oil tankers.

Then, accompanied by a sound of explosion.

The missile launched by Ding Zixuan hit the oil tankers in his mind and blew them up in an instant.