Chapter 452

"Cheng Hao, can you speak without gasping? Hurry up. What can I do to hurry up!"

Ding Zixuan tried to resist the impulse of kicking Cheng Hao, bit his teeth and said to Cheng Hao.

"Mr. Ding, I haven't finished yet. You spoke first. I don't have a chance to make it clear."

Cheng Hao said with a wry smile to Ding Zixuan.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes."

Ding Zixuan was also that he had no way, but he also knew that he was really worried just now.

"Yes, Mr. Cheng Hao, please tell me what else can solve my son's paralysis? As long as I can cure my son, I am willing to pay $100 million for the treatment. Even if you are not satisfied, I can increase the price. Money is not a problem!"

Jonah Clive is in a hurry, too.

On the other hand, Martin Clive, lying on the stretcher, suddenly burst out a ray of hope in his eyes when he heard this sentence, and his desire for survival suddenly became much stronger.

No one will not cherish his life. Martin Clive has always wanted to die because, in his opinion, his paralysis is incurable. I'm afraid, in his next, I don't know how many years of life, he will spend it in bed, ignorant and unconscious.

Therefore, in order not to live like a loser and become a burden to his parents and family, Martin Clive has always tried to end his life.

Martin Clive would have killed himself if he hadn't been afraid of biting his tongue too painful and afraid, even if he bit his tongue.

"Mr. Ding, and Mr. Clive, eh, Mr. Martin should also hear it? I'll explain to you what I mean by other methods."

Cheng Hao dared not write again this time. When he saw Ding Zixuan's face was not good, he hurried on:

"President Ding, as you know, we have been carrying out a secret research plan. Now, there has been a breakthrough in that plan a few days ago. We call this plan the '3.0 human' plan."

"The '3.0 human' program?"

Ding Zixuan didn't know why, because it was the first time he heard about the plan.

Although Cheng Hao mentioned a little before that they were studying a new secret plan, Ding Zixuan didn't ask too much because he didn't have much interest in it.

Jonah Clive, on the other side, was the same. Naturally, he was even more unclear about what the plan was.

"You should also know that in the past, our 'immortality machine' can transform blood and bones for the human body, which also belongs to the category of 'man-made man', but it is a preliminary transformation, and the '3.0 human' plan can be said to be an enhanced version."

Cheng Hao smiled faintly, but although it was a light smile, everyone present could see a bit of complacency and arrogance from his smile.

"Explain it in detail."

Ding Zixuan doesn't understand what the '3.0' human plan is, so he can only ask Cheng Hao to explain it clearly.

"Well, President Ding, this' 3.0 human 'plan can not only transform and replace human blood and bones like the previous' immortality machine', but also transform the skin of the body, that is, the skin and even the eyes!"

"Even clothes are the same. They will be transformed into armor! After the transformation, humans will be transformed into robots. They not only have strong resistance, but also have power like Superman!"

This plan, Cheng Hao's team for tomorrow, has been studied secretly for a long time, and only recently has it matured.

"So powerful? But is this plan perfect enough? If human beings are allowed to transform, will there be any danger or sequelae?"

Ding Zixuan asked Cheng Hao with some worry.

"As you said, this plan is really not particularly perfect and has not been tested on the human body. Therefore, this transformation is still dangerous. Even in the process of transformation, once there is an accident, it may directly kill people!"

This is also the problem that Cheng Hao hesitates and has been afraid to decide. Otherwise, if the technology is mature, there is no need to worry about so many problems.

"It's a little difficult, Mr. Clive. You must have heard that if this transformation is successful, your son Martin's paralysis can indeed be cured, and it can go further to transform Martin into a superhuman existence!"

"However, due to the imperfect technology, there may be unexpected risks in the process of transformation. In serious cases, it may even lead to Martin's death! Therefore, it's better to decide whether to carry out the transformation by yourself."

It's not that Ding Zixuan wants to shirk his responsibility, but the facts are in front of him. They won't force him. Whether to make a transformation or not depends on him.

"That's true. What we lack in this plan is a human experiment. However, we won't force it. After all, it's related to the safety of Mr. Martin's life. If we don't make transformation, Mr. Martin can still survive. However, if we make transformation, then..."

Cheng Hao didn't say too frankly, but Jonah naturally understood what he meant.

"Of course, if the transformation is successful, Mr. Martin will be reborn. He will not only have super resistance and superhuman strength, but also have the ability to fly if the transformation is successful. This is what many people want, but there are risks."

Cheng Hao made the pros and cons very clear to Jonah Clive, that is, to avoid. In case of an accident, they don't need to bear responsibility.

"Martin, my son, you heard what I said just now. Dad let you decide for yourself. If you like, we'll do it. If you don't want to take risks, then we'll go home and dad will support you all your life!"

It has to be said that not only maternal love is great, but also father love.

Jonah Clive said, saying, because of the sadness and pity in his heart, he couldn't help dropping a few tears in his eyes, and there were old tears on the spot.

"Martin, blink if you like."

Ding Zixuan also came over, and then squatted beside Martin Clive and said to him.

Hardly after much time of thinking, Martin Clive was blinking.