Chapter 2711

Name:Super Pickup King Author:Tianqi
It also made Tang Qi feel strange. After he came in, he was really very strange, but he couldn't say what was strange for a moment.

But he walked very carefully. I can feel the humidity getting bigger and bigger. Should be able to meet the underground undercurrent, Tang Qi thought. It's getting deeper and deeper. What he can wear is a little thin. But they insisted on walking. After another distance, they saw a small stream, which is the underground stream here, but it should be connected with the lake outside.

After seeing the river, we are also very excited, because in the desert, meeting water means living. So as long as they can meet water, it means that they are lucky.

Thinking so, Wang Ning squatted down. Seeing that the water was still very clear, he wanted to wash his face. However, at this time, Tang Qi directly grabbed him and stopped his action.

"Don't move yet. See what's in the water. There are some glittering things when the flashlight shines. I don't know what it is, but it may be dangerous, so don't be impulsive."

Wang Ning was startled, but he picked up the flashlight and saw that there was something glittering. Although he didn't know what it was, it must be unsafe.

Wang Ning directly sweated and looked back at Tang Qi. He was sorry. He was too impulsive. He thought he could drink when he met the river, but he didn't expect that the underground undercurrent was also unsafe.

Tang Qi directly took the flashlight close and looked at the things in the water, while Wang Ning shouted in surprise. "This thing is actually a fish. It's too strange. It's transparent. Its back shines. It can see the internal organs. It can be seen by a small beating heart. What kind of fish is this?"

Then he looked at Qujing, because what can understand fish here is Qujing. Qujing squatted down and looked at the strange fish carefully. What kind of fish can't you see for a moment?

"In short, it's strange. Be careful. I found that the fish has no eyes. You see, it's too strange. Is it because they live in the dark for a long time, so their eyes have degenerated?"

With that, Qu Jing wanted to lower his head and study the small fish carefully, while Tang Qi directly pulled him and said to him. "It's not suitable to stay here for a long time. We'd better continue to go inside and see what's in it. When we come out, we'll catch two and take them back to you for careful study. Don't study here."

Qu Jing also knows that we can't waste everyone's time because of him. Thinking so, I got up directly. It's really inconvenient to catch these fish now. I'd better take them when I come out! Thinking about it, I went on. I didn't know what was waiting for them!

I think everyone is also very curious. There are too many oddities in this hole. Thinking so also makes everyone very excited. The more bitter monsters there are, the more unexpected things you can get.

After they walked for a few minutes, Tang Qi unexpectedly saw the neat stones arranged on the wall of the cave. According to the inside, the building should be naturally formed, and there are traces of human work. In this way, the cave is artificial, not naturally formed.

Thinking so, Tang Qi looked directly at them and said. "Shit, it's artificial. Be careful. Be careful. There are mechanisms. Look at the stone walls here. It's obviously built manually, and these stones are to consolidate the hole."

Other people also looked at it. It was obvious that people built it bit by bit. "Generally, such a huge and magnificent hole must be built to prevent something, so it is likely to have a mechanism, and everyone should be careful." Professor Gu said that everyone also looked at it. Indeed, the wall is made of stone, neat and man-made.

Professor Gu also studied the wall for a long time, but he couldn't find out. It's like which dynasty built it, because the walls made in each dynasty won't make much difference.

Although the walls built will be different, in such a desert, such cultural differences make it difficult for him to judge for a while.

After all, there are no totem runes and so on. Let him determine the age, think, or continue to follow them. Tang Qi took good care of Professor Gu all the way. For them, Professor Gu is a guarantee to know the text and judge things. Professor Gu can also give some advice on everything.

If Professor Gu can't say it, it will be difficult to go back. And he must also ensure the safety of Professor Gu.

At Professor Gu's age, it's not easy to go out with them. Because he is away all year round, his physical quality is good and his psychological quality is good, so he can stick to it. If he were an ordinary old man, he might not be able to stick to it.

After discussion, we walked down the river. When we reached the deepest point, there was no light at all. The torches have also been burned out. They should have gone for an hour. They can only throw away the torches and continue lighting by shining on their heads. At the moment, they can feel the cold air around them, a little cold, which also makes Tang Qi feel some danger.

So he walked in the front, let everyone be careful and watch him walk carefully. They walked slowly along the steps next to the stone wall. At the moment, it was a flat road. When they came down to the bottom of the steps, they began to become flat.

The level road is also made of stone. At least it gives people a strong feeling. We don't know how long we have been walking. Under the influence of the magnetic field, the mobile phone is not easy to use. Even the time has stopped. Needless to say, the watch has already begun to run around.

When there was no time, it depended on judgment. On the contrary, Qianjin and the general followed Tang Qi carefully, which was much more stable than them. After walking for a while, the river suddenly turned a corner, and their road became a fork with the river.

Instead of continuing to follow the river, they took a straight turn. After the break, the road opened up a lot. Unlike the narrow road just now, they had to line up in a row. Maybe they fell into the river because they were wet and slippery.

At the moment, it has opened up a lot. Tang Qi thought so, so everyone gathered and explained it again. "Now there is no light source at all. All the light sources rely on the flashlight in our hands, so we try to concentrate a little. Don't spread out like just now. Just now only one person can pass through, but it's different now, so we all look at the people around us. Don't put anyone in danger or leave anyone behind, okay?"

Everyone nodded and listened to Tang Qi's arrangement. After all, they are taking risks and can't bear it. Moreover, they have regarded him as the backbone and listened to Tang Qi's arrangement. Everyone is also very convinced.

Tang Qi took the lead. Qianjin and the general followed Tang Qi, while Jiang Zhe and Wang Ning walked on both sides, surrounding the others in the middle.

Finally, they came to a very open place. It looked as big as a room. For them, it was already very open.

At this time, Tang Qi suggested that everyone take a rest here, because they have been away for a long time. Everyone agreed. Just take a rest and have a look around. Then at this time, Wang Ning saw that a lot of flowers seemed to grow on one side of the stone wall, which was very dazzling. It seemed that people would approach involuntarily and very attractive.

Wang Ning thought so and was quite curious. He went directly to the wall over there and wanted to look at the flowers more carefully. Originally, Qu Jing was interested in these flowers. Seeing Wang Ning walking over there, he followed Wang Ning's steps and looked at the flowers over there.

I always think these flowers are very strange. He can't say why they are strange. Maybe it's because the color is too flirtatious. After all, the light here is not enough. How can such flirtatious flowers grow?

Just as he was thinking, he saw the flowers moving quietly, gathered in the direction of Wang Ning, and only a thought flashed through his mind. Then he shouted to Wang Ning. "No! Run."

Wang Ning has always been very vigilant. When he came to this dark space, he was even more vigilant. Therefore, when Qu Jing shouted like this, he subconsciously ran away. Then at this time, the flowers suddenly moved and rushed towards Wang Ning. All of them put away the beautiful petals and exposed the brown stamens, which looked very disgusting.

And it also releases a bad smell, like the smell of the toilet. Subconsciously, everyone covered his mouth and nose. Qu Jing saw that everyone covered his mouth and nose. He was relieved. Everyone was very vigilant.

At least there were no casualties. At this time, Tang Qi went directly to Qujing. Maybe only Qujing understood what these flowers were, but the flowers' vines were not long enough, so when they ran to the other side, the flowers' vines could not catch them.

Tang Qi's feet seemed to be stepping on something. He didn't quite understand what it was. He looked down with a flashlight and found that there was a gun under his feet.

Why are there guns here? Thinking so, he looked around, and there were some scattered clothes. Wang Ning directly picked up a gun and robbed the flower.

Beat the flower to pieces, and the flower directly flowed out of the smelly liquid. For them, some people couldn't stand it, so Qujing quickly stopped Wang Ning.

"Stop fighting. We'll all be killed by these liquids right away. It should be cannibal flowers. But as far as I know, such flowers can only be found at the foot of a mountain in Western America. The conditions for their growth are very harsh. Such flowers can only grow in hot and humid weather. Therefore, they should exist in some tropical rain forests. Or in some cloudy but cold places It's hot and growing in a place with a mountain behind it. It's really difficult to understand how to find this place. "