Chapter 2394

Name:Super Pickup King Author:Tianqi
say. "Don't look at me like that. I'm quite embarrassed. Go ahead. Where's his sister? Didn't you say to let him bring me and let his sister go? Now I've come and let people go!"

However, Tang Qi has made two preparations. Like this man who goes back on his word and even threatens them with women, he is a scoundrel with no credibility. The reason why Tang Qi asks directly is to let him make his words clear.

Sure enough, kolf laughed, and everyone could hear how obscene his laughter was. Of course, obscenity was accompanied by danger. Tang Qi guessed right. He won't keep his word.

"Release people? Of course, I said I would release people. However, I said I would release the woman, but I didn't say I would release you two."

It's true. Fortunately, Tang Qi has made two preparations, otherwise he still doesn't know how to deal with a scoundrel like him?

As kolf said, he looked directly at the people under him. As soon as he waved, the people under him knew what he meant. He came straight over with a needle.

Don't Tang Qi quite understand what he's doing? Could it be said that the needle was an illegal commodity, wanted to inject him, wanted to make him addicted, obey their orders, or be controlled by them and become their puppet.

It's a fool's dream. Tang Qi doesn't want to be controlled. At that time, even what he takes will have no effect on him.

While Tang Qi was thinking, Charlie's face had become quite ugly. He looked back at Tang Qi directly. Tang Qi still looked at a loss. He pushed Tang Qi directly and said coldly.

"You go. My sister's business is my business and has nothing to do with you. You rotten good man, it's useless now. If it's useless, you'd better go quickly. Don't get in the way here."

If Charlie came suddenly, Tang Qi realized that this needle must not be an ordinary medicine, otherwise Charlie would not become so fast and look so ugly. He was also a member of the dinosaur organization before, so what's in it? He should know very well.

Therefore, it must be life-threatening. If you don't want his life, you have to take half of his life. Kolf wants to die. Otherwise, Charlie would not say such words. With his words now, Tang Qidu should feel that he can help him to the end.

He is a man of righteousness and can be a brother. Such a person is still very trustworthy.

He turned around and said to Charlie with a smile. "Friends don't leave at the most dangerous time? Besides, your sister's business is not your own business. This matter is also closely related to me. Do you think if I go alone, he will let me go safely?"

However, when Tang Qigang finished, Charlie ran to the man in black like a gust of wind. Before he could react, he grabbed the needle, stepped on it several times, and directly broke the needle tube.

Charlie's strength is absolutely powerful. At least in front of this group of people, he must be stronger than them, so his speed is unmatched. The man in black has no resistance at all.

The yellow liquid flowed all over the floor, and Charlie looked at kolf and said angrily. "The most angry thing in my life is to know you, a cunning villain. You have mutilated my men one by one. After that, you even changed their thoughts, twisted them and cooperated with you to say ugly faces."

"And I can't forgive you in my life, but I've been tolerating you for my family before. I didn't expect you to go too far. Don't you look in the mirror? You don't know how ugly you look now."

Speaking of this matter, it is indeed a pain point for kolf. You know, he did harm to many of his men in order to be superior at that time.

But isn't it fair to sacrifice something for your strength? In particular, why can he have everything. Why did they join the organization when he was still struggling.

Charlie has become a small leader and has his own strength. He can open up and expand the territory and buy his own land. He is not satisfied and absolutely not convinced. Obviously, he works harder, more ruthless and more in line with the temperament of the organization.

But when he had his own strength, Charlie could do business by himself. This big farm was originally his Charlie's. But so what? Don't look who starts laughing, but who laughs last.

This is the most famous word in China, and now he is the last one to laugh. Because in the end, he won. No matter what method he used, the result is very important. He won.

Thinking so, he laughed and just snapped his fingers. All the people surrounded him. Many people in black surrounded them.

Holding a gun at both of them, Tang Qi knew that if these people shot together, they would have nothing to hide, although he had some ability to avoid bullets. But now it is very difficult to hide.

First, the distance is too close and the range is very close. Unless he reacts very quickly, it's difficult to hide. Second, a hail of bullets? How do you hide? Hiding in any direction will be an open place, and it is difficult to find a dead corner.

Tang Qi thought so. For a moment, he had no idea. He could only place his hope on the two of them. I hope they don't let him down.

On the contrary, Charlie looked at kolf with a look of resentment. This man had never been trustworthy from the beginning? How could he easily believe him and involve Tang Qiye in this muddy water.

He can know how powerful Tang Qi is. At least he compares with Du Yu.

Du Yu's strength is strong enough. Besides, Du Yu is not as strong as Tang Qi, so Tang Qi's strength is far above them. But now Tang Qi doesn't have so much time to develop his strength. If he is given enough time, I believe the whole western America will be ruled by him.

The real threat of the dinosaur organization is Tang Qi. If Tang Qi continues to be strong, even if Watanabe planting village comes out, Tang Qi may not be afraid of his existence.

Randolph looked at them both crazily. "Do you know what I hate most in my life? You lucky people don't know how hard it takes to get these things. You get them too easily, so you can easily lose them. Especially you, Charlie. You had great resources, but you abandoned all your brothers."

Not to mention it, Charlie didn't hate it so much. Speaking of it, he almost wanted to skin and tendon him. Obviously he is the most hateful person, but he wants to put it all on him.

In fact, everything in those years was kolf's plot. He really hated people. In those years, kolf was crazy in order to get everything from him! By all means, he even killed his mother.

He also threatened him with his sister and asked him to leave the organization. What made him even colder was that most of his brothers were plotted by him.

They plotted a turbulence and killed all his loyal brothers. In the end, they planted it on him and said he did it.

And said these brothers were traitors. He deserved it and didn't know how to report to the organization. Since then, the organization has been sending people to hunt him down.

The brothers who surrendered changed their hearts with him. He killed all those who didn't want to surrender, and even had to buckle the pot on him.

"Don't you know better what happened in those years? Why choke me with such words? Won't your conscience hurt? I know you won't, because you don't have it at all! Otherwise, how did you sleep well over the years? So many brothers didn't come to your dream to find you?"

Kolf is very proud of his smile now, because he hates. All the most jealous people in recent years have been caught. No matter Charlie or Tang Qi, they have to die today.

Because the superior gave him orders to destroy Tang Qi anyway, because he was too powerful. If he could not be tamed, he would be destroyed.

It seems that what he could win over has been said, and Tang Qi disagrees. Then don't blame him for being cruel. If such people are really attracted to the organization. There will only be greater people. Will the little power he has had over the years be taken back?

He will never allow such a thing to happen. Thinking so, I was cruel to Charlie. They are all lucky people. It must be so. Just say.

"I have tolerated you for so many years because you have the booklet in your hand. If the booklet had come to my hand, you would have been a corpse. Do you know? Since you have said so now, there is no need to keep you, and I don't want the booklet."

Obviously, this is going to die, but Tang Qi hasn't come up with a better way. I don't know how to resolve this crisis? He didn't want to die, but he didn't want to surrender to the other party. In that case, he wouldn't be Tang Qi.

While Tang Qi was thinking, he looked up and saw a yellow object. A smile suddenly appeared in his eyes. He knew that the two of them would not trust him. Indeed, they had a tacit understanding.

Thinking so, I had more confidence in my heart and looked at kolf. Still very calm, he said to kolf.

"Well, now I decide to give you a chance. Either you let us go now, or things don't look good. Whether you can leave here alive depends on fortune?"