Chapter 2243

Name:Super Pickup King Author:Tianqi
However, they have tried their best to achieve this, so they have met the requirements of people now, but their aesthetics may be slightly different from today. What we think is rough, maybe their delicacy, but the difference in appreciation is different

For example, in ancient times, people appreciated beautiful women, which must be round and jade, at least they are magnificent and outstanding, but now they all have unified small faces and big eyes, and they have no characteristics, so they are boring.

Therefore, Tang Qi will never judge a beauty with such an eye. Of course, it must be beautiful to make people happy.

But this beauty as like as two peas in the United States, can't be exactly the same as the beautiful one. It looks so boring. It's not boring to change a person, like no change.

Just like Mickey and Yang Yiyi, they have their own beauty. Each one is definitely a big beauty, but whether it's a round face, a small face or a tough face, as long as men feel comfortable, temperament and very beautiful, that's enough.

Now the public's aesthetics are more and more unified. All the beauties are almost the same, which really makes Tang Qi feel bored?

Thinking and walking, he went to a restaurant. Gu Liucheng grabbed Tang Qi and said. "Well, don't think about those things that are not. Go to dinner first. I really feel very hungry."

Because I'm in a good mood, I don't care so much! I'm hungry when I see the restaurant. If they lose today, they have nothing, but they won't be in such a good mood.

Tang Qi thought, but shook his head and walked into the restaurant with them. Now it's not time to eat, so there are not many people in the restaurant.

But as soon as Tang Qi entered here, he felt that the whole atmosphere inside was fundamentally wrong. Although I can't say where the problem is. But obviously, there are only a few people here, and their eyes will stick to them at the moment.

They are Chinese, not western Americans. They look almost the same as the Japanese. There is no need to stare because of curiosity! The eyes of these people clearly knew him.

When Tang Qi thought of this, he directly stabbed Gu Liucheng with his elbow. Gu Liucheng reminded Cheng Hantian that they are both smart people. They don't need Tang Qi to say more. They both understand.

After nodding to each other, Tang Qi understood that they had understood his intention. He said in a low voice, "be careful!"

Although the three had reminded each other, they didn't show too much unusual performance. Instead, they went to the counter, ordered and sat down directly.

Now that they know that these people may come for them and there may be danger, they are here for danger.

Because if they escape now, it is not certain that these people will catch up there and make obstacles in the dark. Tang Qi's behavior is dangerous. He rushes up directly. If he is evasive, he will only lose money for small things.

So the three of them didn't want to escape here because of this. Since they came for them, they met God and killed God, Buddha and Buddha.

There's just someone who can know their strength and see who sent them? At present, in Japan, they only offended Da Zang, but Tang Qi felt that no matter how powerful Da Zang was, he would not be so fast. He had already arranged people here.

The hotel is very clever. They are sure to meet on their way back to the hotel. Therefore, this man has clearly understood him since he entered the Japanese country.

So let them escape from the restaurant now. There will also be ambushes at the hotel. Even if he doesn't go back to the hotel, these people will follow him. So bold to monitor them, the strength behind them can be seen.

Gu Liucheng and Cheng Hantian also felt the danger. When they saw Tang Qi, they were calm. Gu Liucheng couldn't help admiring him, sharp and calm.

He analyzed Tang Qi and said, "it seems that it's not the Da Zang who we offended. If you really don't know which group of forces."

Tang Qi smiled coldly, "isn't that why we came to Japan? Since they have taken the initiative to send us, we'll find it again."

The three of them had ideas in their hearts. They stopped talking and waited quietly for the food to come up.

However, they waited for a long time, and the meals they were given didn't come up. Tang Qi asked impatiently. "You don't have many guests here at all. Why don't you serve us?"

But obviously, they don't understand at all. Maybe they understand, but they pretend they don't understand again. As Tang Qi said, they looked at Tang Qi with a blank face.

Although it is very similar, it is too fake for Tang Qi. Tang Qi still saw their vigilance and contempt. It seems that the restaurant has been controlled and no one can cook. Since you don't serve them a meal, you just put it down. Why should you let them wait here? Are they waiting for someone to come.

Thinking about it, Tang Qi wanted to test it. He slapped the table directly and stood up. "Call me your shopkeeper. I don't believe it. There's no place to say the king's law. We've ordered for so long. Since we can't go, if the person in charge doesn't come out, we'll go."

But Tang Qi hasn't reacted yet. Unexpectedly, all the people sitting in the restaurant took out their guns. Gu Liucheng and Cheng Hantian's face changed. "These bastards really don't understand Chinese."

"He's all armed with guns. Bullets are not delicious. Go out first."

At least out is the street, I believe they dare not shoot indiscriminately. I'm thinking! Several people shot at the three of them without mercy.

Fortunately, none of them is a straw bag, otherwise they will become their human targets.

Gu Liucheng, Cheng Hantian has at least a little ability at this age. It goes without saying that Tang Qi has been practicing his ability to avoid bullets since he first encountered a gun attack. It can also be said that he has made little achievements.

Therefore, avoiding bullets and using the cloud of powers are not too difficult for him. But the other side has many people and concentrated firepower, which will inevitably hurt them.

Fortunately, there are not many of them, and they look like seven or eight. If it is really a hail of bullets, even if the three of them have great skills, they may not be able to escape.

After hiding in the pillar, Tang Qi quickly surveyed the terrain. Unexpectedly, Cheng Hantian and Gu Liucheng began to fight back. Two crafty things brought guns.

Although I don't know how they passed the security check, Tang Qi's teeth were still itchy. They were both on guard, but they left him.

But now I don't care much, so I directly externalize the internal force value and take them out of the restaurant first. In short, the three of them must suffer in that narrow space.

Tang Qi saw that they were all right. Gnashing his teeth, he said, "I'm still thinking about your safety and security! You two have prepared weapons for yourself, but you don't think about me."

Gu Liucheng smiled, "this is not the time to worry about this. Let's hurry! Be careful who did it. Everyone is drunk if they dare to take a gun."

Gu Liucheng was talking when he heard the banging of the door closed by them. He knew they were going to catch up. He didn't expect them to catch up directly.

Tang Qi, the three of them, was so frightened that he directly integrated into the crowd.

But I don't know what signs there are on them. There were a lot of people on the street. Tang Qi thought that as long as the three of them integrate into the crowd, they certainly can't find them.

But unexpectedly, the people on the street, after seeing their group, ran away one after another to the two, and simply gave up a broad road.

No one wants to take care of them at all. Let them do whatever they want and run amok in the street. Tang Qi actually doesn't understand. What is it for?

But now I don't have time to give him so much consideration. I'd better try to drill into the crowd.

Gu Liucheng also saw the clue, "I said, we'd better go into the alley. We can only rely on us to get rid of them. In this way, all the people give way to them on the main road, and the three of us can't escape."

Tang Qi agreed very much. Ten was surprised there. Is there no royal law in Japan? They ran about in the street with guns, but no one took care of them.

But now, it's not the time to consider these doubts. At least they are running in the street now. Those people don't dare to rob casually! It seems that these people can do whatever they want as long as they don't hurt other people.

And no one on the street will pay attention to their affairs.

Tang Qi looked back at them as he ran. More and more people were chasing them, getting closer and closer.

If they really run away like this, it's hard for the three of them to escape each other at the same time, so they said to Gu Liucheng and Cheng Hantian. "Separate and hide in the alley. When you can meet someone alone, take it directly and ask who wants to catch us and what do you want to do?"

Gu Liucheng and Cheng Hantian naturally understood Tang Qi's meaning, nodded their heads, and the three ran away. They scattered them first, and then broke them one by one. After all, the gun is still a very dangerous thing.

Tang Qi ran to the left alone and soon got into the alley. The alley here is really very small. It's not easy to run at all. But he is inconvenient, and the other group of people must be even more inconvenient.

In Japan, there are still many such alleys. Most of their rooms are very low, so there is no wide corridor between rooms, but a little narrow alley.