Chapter 2186

Name:Super Pickup King Author:Tianqi
Old Guo heard Tang Qi say this. Don't worry how angry he was, but he still endured his temper, looked at Tang Qi, opened a thick notebook in front of him and said proudly to Tang Qi. "It's too much. I remember this full notebook. I can't count the evidence, and there are a lot of evil deeds."

Tang Qi nodded repeatedly to see how his basket of evidence would be presented.

Guo Laojin then said. "Being unfilial to our elders. Unfilial has always been a taboo for us in China. The reason why I put it first is to prove how important he is, and to tell you and all young people. We must not lose our virtues."

Tang Qi nodded again and again. He is worthy of being a wind vane in the capital. He is a kind man and the heart of Guanyin Bodhisattva in the population. I didn't expect this opening to pull the height so high.

He replied, "as a younger generation, I agree with you very much. I also think there is nothing wrong with putting filial piety first. But can Guo give me an example to listen to? Where am I unfilial?"

Seeing that Tang Qi still goes his own way, the old man Guo hardly knows how to say that he is brazen. Obviously, if he meets such a scoundrel, he has been speechless by Tang Qi.

He slapped his notebook on the table and said. "I won't talk about your parents first. Which parent's heart doesn't grow on his son. Let's say that everyone defaults to the fact that everyone knows about the michimi family who is with you. After Lao Mi's death, you will be with his daughter, and then take all the company assets of the michimi family under your name. Don't you have any objection?"

Tang Qi shook his head and Mickey was sitting behind him! Moreover, he has indeed become the chairman of Mie's company. As long as he is willing, all the assets of Mie's company are his. Even if he loses Mie's company, Mie will never have a complaint.

If he can have any difference, let Mickey explain it to him. It seems that this is about old man Qin. Have you asked the parties for their opinions? Have you asked Mickey for advice? It's ridiculous to talk about it.

Tang Qi thought so, and old Guo said, "besides, the only family member left by Mickey now should be old Qin, but you not only don't treat him well, but also abet Mickey to send the old man away from the capital, go to a distant place, and never allow him to come back. I don't know how the old man is suffering now!"

"Everyone here knows that the capital was originally run by a group of capable old people like Mr. Qin, but it was only after Mr. Qin left that Tang Qi, a rising star, rose rapidly, which has an absolute relationship with his sending away Mr. Qin. In this way, he really has evil intentions and is a hateful person. We shouldn't take him for granted He let it go easily. "

When master Guo said this, other people nodded in succession, which also made Tang Qi speechless.

But when he said this, it really makes people feel very convincing, because after old man Qin left, not only Mickey, but also all his assets were left to Tang Qi.

What else can Tang Qi say at the moment? Even an idiot will not sum up this one, because he will be beaten in the face soon. Everyone who knows old man Qin knows what his means are.

How could he be arbitrarily manipulated by Tang Qi? He has become a human spirit, okay? It's strange that he will suffer. He wants Tang Qi to take care of these, and he retreats all by himself. What a smart choice.

Sitting in the second row, there was no sound from the Su family. At the moment, he smiled imperceptibly. Originally, he was worried about Tang Qi. As soon as old Guo said this, he felt there was nothing to worry about.

Tang Qi was also very wronged. He looked back at Mickey. You should know that old Qin's treasures need his help to keep them. I don't know how tired it is! In particular, the Qin family was left to him and later changed to the Tang family. All the treasures were put in it.

Every time Tang Qi left, he was worried. He was afraid that someone would break in for the baby and hurt Mickey. What can they do?

Those babies are absolutely not as important to Tang Qi as Mickey. When they lived there before, they were afraid of others' ideas. They have to repair their home every day. The safety factor is 100%. People can never understand the structure of the Tang family. What is it? The workers and masters changed batch after batch.

Each batch is very different from the previous batch. The final improvement is made by the brothers in the headquarters. Just afraid that some people understand the structure of the home. Breaking in is dangerous to them.

Because someone had fought in, Tang Qicai became more cautious and difficult to enter. It was like a small castle.

How strict is the defense of Bian Bian? Now it's said that he doesn't treat old man Qin well. Old man Qin doesn't treat him well. He has squeezed his last drop of blood, but he ran outside to have fun. He doesn't worry about anything. Let me help supervise the situation in Japan. I'm still fishing for two days and drying my net for three days.

Who does Tang Qi want to tell about so much suffering? I didn't expect someone here to report injustice to old man Qin! Tang Qizhen wanted to call old man Qin back and let him say in person, who's kidding who?

Thinking so, Tang Qi didn't speak. On the contrary, the smile on his lips grew bigger and bigger, as if he remembered something funny. The more I think about it, the happier I feel, so my smile is bigger and bigger.

Obviously I've forgotten. They're doing a live broadcast right now? Every little expression will certainly be infinitely magnified by the audience. Seeing Tang Qifei but not repenting and laughing here makes people all over the capital angry.

"How could we be in a city with such scum? It's really humiliating. She said she was not filial to the elderly, didn't explain and didn't say anything. Even if she acquiesced, she was still here to laugh shamelessly."

Another echoed: "we all know that he stepped on the shoulder of old Qin, but even if he stepped down and killed the donkey, he couldn't be as cruel as him!"

"That is, I don't see what I am, and I look like a toad. How can I have so much confidence and try to lift so many sisters?"

Bai Liang and Du Yu are the only ones who know the actual situation of master Qin. Naturally, everything in the capital will not be concealed from the peace organization.

Not to mention a big man like Mr. Qin, his whereabouts are naturally of concern to the peace organization. To know his influence on the capital, it must not be underestimated. Wherever he goes, he will certainly become the focus of attention, even if he says he wants to live in seclusion.

The peace organization will definitely protect his safety secretly. So this is one of the reasons why he dared to run away at will, because what he knows is too serious. No one dares to completely give up his news and don't pay attention to it.

Because old man Qin has been able all his life, how can he live idle and run to a small place for real enjoyment? A smart person will understand more and more, so he will stay away from the muddy water of the capital.

Live your own little life in a place no one knows. Rise again and establish their own strength points. Do something you really want to do.

Neither fame nor profit, just to be worthy of your heart. I don't know how comfortable I am! In addition to tracking some lost treasures belonging to China, the life surrounded by beautiful women all day and enjoying it is also beautiful.

Because I don't worry about anything, and I don't have to worry about fooling around. I'm willing to go out and live freely, not to mention how comfortable it is.

Therefore, the point raised by old Guo was ridiculous to hear in their ears. For those people who follow the trend and scold Tang Qi in the square, they almost want to say that they are mentally disabled, but now is not the time to speak. They don't have to refute anything. Wait for Tang Qi to hit them in the face!

When Guo finished breaking a series of evidence, Mickey stood up in no hurry. "I think the best explanation for this should be me! As my grandfather, old Qin is my last and only blood relative in the world. As his granddaughter, I have the right to say a fair word and send him to such a far place. It is really my unfilial duty. I think this one is not aimed at Tang Qi, but at me. I accept it After such a proposal. "

"In the future, I will certainly be filial to the old man, and will take him back to be filial ~" the tone of self reproach and guilt suddenly changed.

"It's a coincidence that Grandpa called me just now. I didn't dare to answer such a formal occasion, but I just received him, so I picked it up. Grandpa heard all the words of old Guo just now. Grandpa also has a lot of opinions about it. He wants to be abnormal himself!"

With that, Mickey took out her mobile phone and put it on the front table. There was wheat on the table. As soon as master Qin spoke, her voice could be heard by the whole capital.

After doing all this, Mickey said wrongfully to old man Qin. "Grandpa, I've blackened your face. You've heard what I said just now. You can speak directly. Let's express your feelings! Let's see if I abused you? To tell you the truth, I feel guilty. I'll send someone to pick you up tomorrow!"

Don't mention how angry old man Qin was when he heard this. He didn't expect that there were so many personnel. He finally established his own harem, where beautiful women surrounded him.

Why go back? He's been worrying all his life. Isn't that enough? Now want to enjoy life, these people are a day idle egg pain?