Chapter 2024

Name:Super Pickup King Author:Tianqi
"They know very little about all the things in their families, especially after being invaded by Japan, they almost killed all the people in their town, so that there is a fault in what they learn."

The elder nodded. Tang Qi knew this. The elder naturally understood it. He didn't have to say much. The elder already understood what he wanted to express? The elder then said to Tang Qi.

"It is said that more than 2000 years ago, in fact, the cloud stone appeared on our land in China, and it was the witch family that appeared. After they owned the cloud stone, everyone could have powers and use them extensively for their people, so that all the cloud stone was wasted on them."

Therefore, after using dolomite, they not only become people with special functions, but also have such power in their blood, which can be passed on to the next generation. However, the more genetic, the more fragile their ability is. So far, their ability seems very weak.

Tang Qi thought so and asked, "so Yunshi can make people have powers, right? Those witch people, after having powers, also inherited them to their offspring, so that they can stand in an immortal place forever, but their thoughts exist in the golden mean, so they will always live a life like a reclusive immortal, right?"

That's about it. The elder nodded and didn't intend to deny Tang Qi's words, but he still said to Tang Qi.

"At present, power is still very important, especially in the current international situation. If we, as power people, don't control and protect all ordinary people and the world order, we don't know what the world will develop into and what kind of people will control it."

Tang Qi naturally knows that the development of a society is an inevitable trend, and there is no too much feeling. After all, from China's more than 2000 years of history, it can be seen that it is common for opening, opening and closing to be difficult, but every peace situation is maintained by a group of people who pay silently behind their backs. At this moment, he is very glad that he can join such an organization, Maintain the stability of the organization.

Because only the organization of peaceful development. Only in this way can we maintain the whole international situation and make people enjoy a comfortable life under a stable situation.

Tang Qi thought so and said to the elder. "I understand the importance of this cloud stone and the deep meaning it contains, so now for us, it is to find out the cloud stone contained in China, right? But has there been the whereabouts of the cloud stone since the witch family found it?"

The elder shook his head reluctantly, felt one from his arms, like the woman with a blue line like a cash detector, and handed it to Tang Qi.

"This can detect whether there is dolomite on a person. No one can get it unless it is someone inside the organization. However, I have showdown with you today. Naturally, I know you are not an outsider, so I tell you so much. After giving you this thing, you will naturally be able to detect it when you encounter dolomite."

Tang Qi nodded repeatedly and took the thing with the blue line. Although he didn't know his luck and whether he could be as good as before, he could directly find the existence of dolomite, but in the end.

As long as that woman is still in China, there is danger. Anyway, he must stop this danger and strangle it in the cradle, otherwise. I don't know what impact it will have on the international situation. The key is that China can't be chaotic and the capital can't be chaotic.

As long as he is there, he will do his best to protect everything inherent now. We can't let some people with abnormal psychology destroy today's peace situation. Tang Qi thought so and solemnly said to the elder.

"So this is the choice of fate. From the beginning, I was not an outsider. I don't hide what the elder said. In fact, I also have powers. It's no secret to believe this. Since you can put all your trust on me and know my details very well, you know that I must also have powers, not to mention me with the witch The family also has a constant relationship. I think about it. It has something to do with me anyway. "

When Tang Qi said this, the elder nodded again and again. Indeed, many things can not be explained by a coincidence. Tang Qi does have some origin, especially his fate with the witch family, which is really surprising.

With the help of Tang Qi, it's like adding wings to the tiger, which makes the elder feel at ease. He has been tracking down the whereabouts of Yunshi in the capital, but there is no news for the time being. Tang Qi met the woman yesterday. The things he brought out were so careful that they should be Yunshi, so Tang Qi's luck will always be much better than him.

"However, this matter is very strict. Please don't mention it to others. Also, you should pretend you don't know about Yunshi. Otherwise, it will be disadvantageous to you. Even if you don't have it, everyone who knows it will be killed. With your current ability, although it's not a problem to protect yourself, it's hard to guarantee that you have to protect so many people You can also save them. "

Tang Qi naturally understood that the elder meant to tell him that he must protect his family, and it would not do him any good if he told him about it. He was not a person who didn't know good or bad, nor a person who loved to show his lobbying when he met something, so he certainly wouldn't tell him about it.

But there was one thing he was still very curious about, so he asked the elder. "No, according to your survey, it was more than 2000 years ago that dolomite first appeared in China, belonging to the witch family. Why did it run to Japan now? Do you think it has any origin with the previous history?"

Hearing Tang Qi's remark, the elder looked helpless. He seemed to have a lot of regrets. He sighed and thought of it. It was a very painful thing for him, but he still explained to Tang Qi.

"This matter really makes people feel angry. I heard that before the Tang Dynasty, Yunshi had always been in China and in the witch family, but somehow the secret was known by the people of Japan."

"When the despicable Japanese people visited the Tang Dynasty during the Tang Dynasty, they learned the secrets of the witch family through various channels, and then cheated a group of girls about the witch family to the Japanese country through young talents."

"So I learned the secret of Yunshi, came to China by any means, destroyed the witch family once, and plundered all Yunshi. After that, it was difficult for the witch family to rise again, and ordered the women of the witch family not to marry outside, because there had been a great crisis in the Tang Dynasty."

"From the Tang Dynasty, the witch family began to decline. Although they established their own soul tripod and worshipped a cloud stone in the soul tripod, there was only one left. They were careful and never used it. Unless the clan leader could inherit the power of the soul tripod, they could get this cloud stone. However, it was said that the soul tripod was difficult to be accepted, and almost no one could accept it To get the marble from the soul tripod? "

When the elder said this, Tang Qi's heart was shaking. He got the soul tripod and didn't tell anyone. Is it because there is a cloud stone in the soul tripod? That's why it can be so powerful! It's not the soul tripod that protects him all the time, but the cloud and stone in the soul tripod that protects him. Tang Qi really feels incredible, so

Although he believes in the elder with all his strength, he doesn't want to contribute this cloud stone. He still wants to study it. What's the magic of this cloud stone?

Thinking so, he gently nodded his head and opened the topic. After understanding here, he almost had a preliminary understanding of dolomite. Next, he needs to investigate other materials himself. Thinking so, Tang Qi said to the elder.

"In this way, I know the relationship. But I want to ask the elder, have you arranged a residence? If not, you might as well have a rest in the headquarters. No one dares to disturb your cleanliness here. It's safer. We're more relieved to live here."

The elder naturally knew that Tang Qi's headquarters was airtight and unbreakable. However, for him, there were still important things to do. It was really inconvenient to live in the headquarters, so he refused. Tang Qi said his kindness.

"I understand your kindness. Naturally, I know you are a good child with good luck, strong ability and kind heart. I won't live in the headquarters and will go to Shenhua club."

"Both Gu and Cheng have arranged a room for me. I'm afraid I won't go there. They think I'm going to be abducted by you. At that time, they'll be with you. You know Cheng. How do you think of you now? They don't like it. They think you won't take the overall situation into account and like to joke about the future of your brothers."

Tang Qi knew that after this study, Cheng Hantian had great opinions on him, and always looked at him with colored glasses. Of course, he had high expectations for him, so he was so disappointed in him. Tang Qi didn't insist, because everyone pursued different things.

He can't say that Cheng Hantian is wrong. He can only say that Cheng Hantian is a career man. Thinking so, he nodded again and again. This is really better for the elder to live in the past. If he lives here, I don't know what bad words Cheng Hantian will say about him at that time?

When the elder saw that Tang Qi had made sense and that Tang Qi had understood the relationship, he stood up and said to Tang Qi again.