Chapter 1910

Name:Super Pickup King Author:Tianqi
I don't know what happened to Zhou Tong this year. Seeing that he was also unhappy, I wanted to stay away from him as soon as I had time. At the moment, he said such strange words, which really made Tang Qi very incomprehensible, so he retorted to Zhou Tong.

"Didn't you say that your cooking skills are good! You just cook it for yourself. How can it make you hungry? I believe the old Chinese medicine is very human and won't make you hungry. Just eat here."

Looking at Zhou Tong's friendly appearance to him, he asked Tang Qixin to play drums. I don't know what idea Zhou Tong is making. It's better not to let him follow easily. He doesn't want to give birth to other moths because of Zhou Tong. At that time, the gain is not worth the loss.

Tang Qi thought so and said so, but this really made Zhou Tong very angry and sad. He didn't think of this man and directly refused him. Anyway, they can be regarded as acquaintances.

"How can you treat me like this? Even if you're not a friend, you have to be responsible for me. I'm here because of you."

Zhou Tong was so angry that he said his purpose. When Tang Qi heard him say this, he felt even more ridiculous. If he really came here because of him, he felt that his purpose was not simple and would not let him follow. Didn't he know the Tao and said this would only make him more and more misunderstood?

Obviously, Zhou Tong also thought of this, so he didn't look as arrogant as he was just now, but he was still as arrogant as he was just now. He suppressed his anger, but put on a pitiful expression and said to Tang Qi.

"Take me with you. Otherwise, I'm really bored here alone, and I'm afraid. You see they all stare at me like wolves. Don't you have any sympathy?"

Tang Qi thought that when he said this, Tang Qi was even more confused. He didn't think Zhou Tong was like this. He would behave like a poor man. This is not like his character at all. If something goes wrong, there must be a demon, so Tang qilai became cautious.

Looking at such a pitiful Zhou Tong, Wei Ming thought of himself. When he was in front of Miao Ying, he was so humble and pathetic, so he couldn't help but say with sympathy.

"Well, one more person is just one more pair of chopsticks. Come with us. I believe my mother still welcomes me to take my friends home."

Tang Qi didn't have time to speak! Wei Ming has blocked Tang Qi's words, and Tang Qi has no way to refute them. After all, he goes to Wei Ming's house. Even though Wei Ming has agreed, he has not refuted. As long as he is careful at that time, he will not speak any more.

Zhou Tong smiled very sweet, so Tang Qi carried Wei Ming on his back. Miao Ying greeted the old Chinese medicine and told them to be careful. Several people went to Wei Ming's house.

At Wei Ming's house, Wei Ming's father saw that Wei Ming had brought his friends back, so he hurried out to hunt. Wei Ming's mother hurried to clean up the dishes. They were not so worried and didn't worry about eating.

Just play with Wei Ming. To be honest, Miao Ying never thought that one day he would play with Wei Ming, but it seems that she is really in a good mood. It seems that he really missed a lot of good things before.

At this time, Zhou Tong volunteered: "the scenery here is really good. I was a little worried before, so I didn't stop to enjoy it. Now I'm so relieved and look at the scenery here carefully! I'm really shocked by the scenery here."

To tell the truth, Zhou Tong today is really a little strange. Tang Qi thought so, so he couldn't help saying.

"From the capital to Jingteng and then here, I never thought you would be a woman enjoying the scenery. What's your purpose? Follow us all the time! What do you want to do?"

Zhou Tong didn't expect Tang Qi to look at him like this. Instead of holding back his bad temper, he directly stood up and said angrily.

"I didn't expect that you treat me like this. It turns out that I'm really so bad in your impression. Forget it, I'd better go in and help. It won't hurt your eyes here."

When Zhou Tong said this, he was about to turn around and go into the house to help mother Wei. He suddenly thought of what he had in his pocket. If he specially put this medicine into Tang Qi's quilt on the way to help, would Tang Qi only listen to him from now on? I'll never treat him like this again.

Zhou Tong thought so. His eyes became brighter and more beautiful. He even had a trace of femininity. He looked back at Tang Qi and was about to go inside the house.

Tang Qishi couldn't believe his ears. Zhou Tong said that he wanted to see mother Wei for help, so he quickly shouted. "You'd better forget it. I'm really afraid of your cooking. We can't eat it."

Tang Qi is actually a little afraid. What if his hands and feet are not clean and he puts something in the meal? Zhou Tong suddenly became so positive that he didn't seem to deal with it so well.

I don't know what the woman is making up her mind, so she doesn't dare to let him cook easily. Zhou Tong turns back and really yells at Tang Qi angrily.

"Tang Qi, you are an out and out bastard. I didn't expect you to treat me like this? Can't you really believe me? I Zhou Tong is no longer bad, and I'm not a bad man. Why do you always treat me like this."

Listening to Zhou Tong's angry voice, Tang Qicai nodded. It seemed that this was the real Zhou Tong. Could it be that he thought too much, but the strange feeling in his heart could not be eliminated anyway.

"I don't mean to say anything about you, but I'm afraid of your craft. Mother Wei's craft is really very good. It's a pity if you spoil all his dishes."

Zhou Tong snorted coldly, but he still felt guilty. When Tang Qigang said that, he thought he suspected him now. Unexpectedly, he was just worried about his cooking, so he told Tang Qi.

"You can rest assured that my cooking is not so bad. I believe it will impress you. Well, I'll cook first."

Zhou Tong said he was going to go inside, and Tang Qi's uneasy feeling became stronger and couldn't help thinking in his heart. "If you don't have anything to pay attention to, you can steal if you don't commit adultery. It's like a yellow mouse and a wolf paying New Year's greetings to a chicken."

Tang Qi still doesn't believe Zhou Tong. It's not that he doesn't want to believe this woman, but that the woman has too many small moves. At that time, he didn't give Yang Yiyi less obstacles. Tang Qi doesn't think that after such a period of time, Zhou Tong will really be good to him.

Zhou Tong walked triumphantly into the house. As if he had accidentally said something, he didn't look at Tang Qi, but whispered. "Can't you believe me and will be good to you?"

Zhou Tong's voice was so low that Miao Ying and Wei Ming didn't hear it. But Tang Qi heard it. He had a good hearing. With the blessing of the soul tripod, he could hear some small and subtle sounds. Therefore, Zhou Tong's whispering could not hide his ears.

Tang Qi frowned and said in his heart. "I really don't believe you will be good to me. Maybe such a good thing is selfish, so what do you want to buy?"

No matter what the sale is, it's better to be careful. Anyway, this woman can't believe it too much.

Tang Qi thought so, so he reluctantly shook his head and turned around. He accompanied Wei Ming and Miao Ying and didn't take care of Zhou Tong.

Zhou Tong, after you entered the house, you watched Wei Ming's mother directing Wei Ming's father to do this and that. Although they are very ordinary, they love each other very much. After all, they are over half a hundred years old. If you can flirt with each other like this, you can see that they live a very happy life.

Zhou Tong was very envious. He looked back and said to Wei Ming's mother, "you really love me. You've come all your life. You really envy me. Many people are poor and may not find a person with the same heart in their life."

Wei Ming's father was a rough man and couldn't say anything about literature and art. When he heard Zhou Tong, he sighed and said. "Hey, little girl, listen to what you say. I'm a rough man and I don't have much ability. It's the luckiest thing in my life to marry my wife."

Wei Ming's mother is also a very cheerful person. If she wasn't in bad health, she must be a particularly pleasant character, and she said in a tone.

"In fact, there are really not many people who can see each other in their life. If there are any, take a good chance to confess. Be honest and sincere. Don't do those miscellaneous things. Only you are happy is the most important. Only you know whether you like it or not, don't you?"

Zhou Tong clenched the medicine in his hand and wanted to put it directly in the cup in front of him. He heard mother Wei say so. Suddenly he let go of his hand again

"If you really like a person, don't do these crooked tricks and directly express your mind. Is that right? But it seems that I really offended him before. I also did a lot of things that I shouldn't do now. I don't know how to resolve them."

Zhou Tong almost did not hesitate to blurt out. After hearing Wei Ming's mother, he laughed and said, "are you talking about my son's friend Tang Qi? He is a good man. He helps my son many times. He can see that he is also very careful and can be a blessing to such a person."

Zhou Tong knows that with more experience, his eyes will be more accurate. He doesn't know why he had so many contradictions with Tang Qi at the beginning. However, considering Yang Yiyi and them, he really envies them now. Even if he needs a lot of women, it's really a blessing to be around him. He is a person who values love and righteousness.