Chapter 1879

Name:Super Pickup King Author:Tianqi
He was not Tang Qi's opponent at all. He swaggered in front of Tang Qi, but he was too blind and confident in himself. He didn't know that there were people in life and there were days outside.

Tang Qi thought he had met a strong hand and felt happy, but when his hand fell, he knew that it was actually an embroidered pillow.

Tang Qi clapped his hands, looked at Li Hanguang lying down, and said with a little worry. "Will you encounter poisonous snakes lying here like this? If you don't encounter poisonous snakes, it's a pity to die when you encounter poisonous insects. After all, you can't make people die. This is the rule."

Then he turned inside his suitcase. He remembered that when he was looking for food in the suitcase, he met a can of sulfur.

Fortunately, Ma Lei remembered that he came into the mountain. It must be good to bring these things, because sulfur can prevent snakes and some insects. Tang Qi found it and sprinkled a circle around Li Hanguang

"That's almost it. See how good I am to you. So you should be kind, so that you can find that the world is really beautiful."

Tang Qi said, thinking again that something similar to a blanket came out of the bag, covered Li Hanguang's body and said to Li Hanguang.

"You can have a good sleep here. After the competition in two days, everything will be fine. This is the best test for you."

Wei Ming saw Tang Qi beat Li Hanguang directly to the ground.

And so carefully sprinkled him with sulfur to put insects, and even covered him with a blanket. Tang Qi is really a kind-hearted person. Such a person deserves his communication. Naturally, he also thanks Tang Qi in his heart. He knows that Tang Qi should get these letters from Li Hanguang.

"I'll live up to your expectations," Wei Ming thought. It's impossible to get so many letters casually.

Even in these identity letters, he found his letters. Needless to say, these letters must be Li Hanguang's. Although he didn't know how Tang Qi got these letters by what means, he knew that Tang Qi had offended Li Hanguang for himself, so in any case, he had to study internally in order to be able to afford Tang Qi's pay.

Thinking so, Wei Ming turned directly. Go quickly to the inside of the organization, because he wants to go back quickly, hand in these letters, and then end this assessment.

Because the longer the delay, the more dangerous it may be, because he doesn't have the strength to protect these letters.

Tang Qi felt that Wei Ming had finally left, which showed a reassuring smile. I hope he can understand his meaning and hand in the letter quickly. This is a better choice for him.

Tang Qize was not in a hurry, but went sightseeing and slowly organized the inside, because Xiaochun also said to him, "if you want to become a special learner, you must go inside first and be assessed by special personnel before you can enter a special department."

However, Tang Qijue said that it is so difficult to become an internal learner. If you want to be a special learner, you must go through heavy assessment!

Thinking like this, "it's more important to increase your internal power first."

In addition, the air in the mountains is really very good. Tang Qi stopped to practice the moves he learned from Jing Teng as he walked. To tell you the truth, this is very good for controlling the internal force value. In addition, his speed is not comparable to that of ordinary people, which is more likely to win for the assessment.

Tang Qi thought so. After slowly stopping, he almost came to the inner side of the organization. It was two days later.

The organization has already received the news that Huaxia will be sent to become a special learner. Huaxia people have been waiting for Tang Qi's word.

When Yuan Hong picked him up at the door, he finally saw Tang Qi's figure, walked over directly and said: "If I guessed correctly, you should be Tang Qi! We had received the news that you were coming, so we were waiting for you two days ago. Why did we arrive now? Was there any trouble? If you weren't Chinese, I would have left without waiting for you. Such a big shelf."

Tang Qi shook his head helplessly. He didn't encounter any trouble, but the air here was good, so he couldn't bear to walk so fast and improve his internal power value, but he still explained to Yuan Hong.

"I accidentally went the wrong way. I entered the training ground for peripheral learners, so I was regarded as the person who participated in the assessment of peripheral learners. I really encountered some trouble, but it was only a little trouble. Then I returned the same way. It was found and wasted some time."

Yuan Hong was tired of hearing that Tang Qi could still get lost here. He said, "didn't you get a map after you were sent to the foot of the mountain? Didn't you get the map? Or how could you get lost because of something else? Now it's the time of assessment and training for peripheral personnel, and you will really encounter some small problems."

Tang Qi nodded in affirmation. He really had a little trouble, but he had a map. However, he lost it unconsciously. In fact, it was because he didn't see the map, not because there was a map. Tang Qi explained:

"There is a map, but the scenery in the mountains is more beautiful, so I was attracted and lost when I walked. No wonder the peripheral learners who are participating in the assessment. They have to feel that I have any identity letter and ask me to take it out, but Xiaochun has told me that he can only give it to the person in charge of me. As a result, it took so long."

There must be some identity letters from Tang Qi. Of course, they are different from those from those who participated in the assessment. He came to study as a special learner. How can he be the same as those from the peripheral learners participating in training!

They are grabbing the opportunity to enter internal learning. Tang qilai is here for special study.

Tang Qi saw that these external learners were fighting so fiercely to become internal learners, so he wrote it down silently. Maybe it's time for the brothers in the headquarters to experience the feeling of breaking through the limit.

Tang Qi asked Yuan Hong. "Are you here to pick me up? Won't Yuanhong be wrong!"

Because Xiaochun also mentioned to him that when he arrived inside the organization, he would meet someone who came to pick him up. It should be called Yuanhong. He remembered about it. Yuanhong nodded at this time. Unexpectedly, Tang Qi had asked for his name, so he had a good impression of Tang Qi.

"I'm really Yuanhong. I came to pick you up, but you can make me wait. I'm a little impatient. If you don't come again, I'll be directly regarded as you've given up this opportunity."

Tang Qi exclaimed in his heart: Fortunately, he arrived one day earlier than planned. Originally, he wanted to arrive tomorrow. If he was really abandoned, it would be more than worth the loss. It seems that his concept of time is indeed a little weak.

Tang Qi said to Yuanhong very sorry. "I'm a playful person for a while. When I play with them, I delay some time. I'm really sorry to make you wait. What do I need to do next?"

Yuanhong looked at Tang Qi's pious attitude. To tell the truth, he really liked Tang Qi. The research didn't care about waiting for two days, but said to Tang Qi.

"I was going to take you directly to the assessment. If you pass the assessment, you can train and study directly. However, because I have waited for two days, I now have to compete with external learners. If I can get the identity letter, I can directly enter the interior, but I also try my best to retain all the powerful talents that can be retained Because this group of internal learners will be sent back. In order to retain the last batch of talents, we will have another one-on-one competition. "

Because Yuan Hong was here, he was ordered to take charge of the competition, so Yuan Hong became one of the judges.

It seems that Tang Qi delayed him and gave him something. No wonder he would blame him so much! Tang Qi thought so and said a little embarrassed.

"So do I have to stay for two days? But it doesn't matter to me. Although I'm in a hurry, I don't think taking part in such a competition will delay too much."

Yuanhong seems to be no different from Tang Qi. He belongs to his peers, so there is not much generation gap between him and Tang Qi. Hearing Tang Qi say so, he can only nod helplessly and say to Tang Qi.

"I won't delay anything, but I will delay your learning time, because for special learners, the learning time is certain. For example, you will arrive the day before yesterday and count down you from the day before yesterday. Even if you don't arrive, the rest of the time is wasted by yourself. If you waste two days, I'm afraid you don't have enough time."

It turned out that Tang Qi couldn't help blaming himself. If he didn't want to strengthen his strength, he wouldn't delay so many things. Hearing Yuan Hong say this, I still have to delay myself for two days. I can't help feeling flesh pain. I should think of this layer early. The routine here is very deep, which I can't predict.

"Anyway, it depends on me. Since I want to participate, let's participate. It's the same when we go back after the competition. It's a waste of time. Of course, I'm not afraid. I just don't know what special training to do to improve my force value. If it's really useful, I can exercise myself in this way, can't I?"

Yuanhong reluctantly shook his head. Unexpectedly, Tang Qi was too open to see it like this. Naturally, he didn't care. Originally, he thought that as long as Tang Qi came, would he refuse his request? Hearing what he said, suddenly he didn't want to refuse, so he said to Tang Qi.

"Well, let's have a rest here for two days. After two days, they will conduct screening and assessment. Then you will join me." Tang Qi nodded.